The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from OSU to RUPE. Do you know what otafuku kazei is called in English?
You could find the meanings of oyashirazu, oya yubi, pocchari shita, raishu,
ranshi, rensakyukin intoen and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
osu | 押す | push |
otafuku kaze | おたふく風邪 | mumps |
otan | 黄胆 | jaundice |
oto | 嘔吐 | emesis |
oto | 嘔吐 | vomiting |
oto suru | 嘔吐する | throw up |
oto suru | 嘔吐する | throw up |
otoko | 男 | man |
otona | 大人 | adult |
otsuri | おつり | change |
oyashirazu | 親知らず | wisdom teeth |
oya yubi | 親指 | thumb |
pacchi | パッチ | patch |
panikku shogai | パニック障害 | panic syndrome |
panorama ekkususen shashin | パノラマエックス線写真 | panoramic radiograph |
papu tesuto | パップテスト | pap smear |
papu tesuto | パップテスト | papanicolaou smear |
papu tesuto | パップテスト | papanicolaou test |
penishirin | ペニシリン | penicillin |
pessari | ペッサリー | diaphragm |
pessari | ペッサリー | pessary |
pikupiku suru | ピクピクする | twitch |
piripiri suru | ピリピリする | tingle |
piru | ピル | pill |
pocchari shita | ぽっちゃりした | chubby |
poripu | ポリープ | polyp |
poseren | ポーセレン | porcelain |
poseren benia | ポーセレンべニア | porcelain veneer |
raishu | 来週 | next week |
ramazu ho | ラマーズ法 | Lamaze method |
ramineto benia | ラミネートベニア | laminate veneer |
rankan | 卵管 | falloplan tube |
rankan | 卵管 | uterin tube |
ranshi | 乱視 | astigmatism |
ranshi | 卵子 | egg |
ranso | 卵巣 | ovary |
ransonoshu | 卵巣嚢腫 | ovarian cyst |
reishippu | 冷湿布 | cold packs |
rejin | レジン | resin |
rensakyukin into en | レンサ球菌咽頭炎 | strep throat |
rentogen | レントゲン | X-ray |
reza chiryo | レーザー治療 | laser therapy |
rihabiriteishon | リハビリテーション | rehabilitation |
rikan | 罹患 | affection |
rinbyo | 淋病 | gonorrhea |
rinpa | リンパ | lymph |
rinyo yaku | 利尿薬 | diuretic |
rinyu shoku | 離乳食 | baby-food |
riyu | 理由 | reason |
rokkan shinkei tsu | 肋間神経痛 | intercostal neuralgia |
rokkotsu | 肋骨 | ribs |
rokugatsu | 6月 | June |
rupe | ルーペ | roupe |