The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from RYOHO to SANZEN NO. Do you know what ryokunai sho is called
in English? You could find the meanings of ryosei no, ryudo shoku, ryuko
byo, saikin, sakotsu, sanshu kongo wakuchin and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
ryoho | 療法 | cure |
ryoho | 療法 | therapy |
ryoho | 療法 | treatment |
ryokunai sho | 緑内障 | glaucoma |
ryosei no | 良性の | benign |
ryosei no | 良性の | innocent |
ryosei no | 良性の | non-malignant |
ryoshu sho | 領収書 | receipt |
ryudo shoku | 流動食 | liquid food |
ryukan | 流感 | flu |
ryukan | 流感 | influenza |
ryuki seibyo hen | 隆起性病変 | polyp |
ryuko byo | 流行病 | epidemic disease |
ryuko sei no | 流行性の | epidemic |
ryuzan | 流産 | miscarriage |
saibo | 細胞 | cell |
saiketsu | 採血 | blood sample |
saiketsu suru (kenketsu) | 採血する(献血) | collect blood |
saiketsu suru | 採血する | draw blood |
saiketsu suru | 採血する | take blood |
saikin | 細菌 | bacillus |
saikin | 細菌 | bacterium |
saikin jo no | 細菌状の | bacilliform |
saikin no | 細菌の | bacterial |
saikin sei chitsuen | 細菌性膣炎 | vaginal infection |
saikin sei kansensho | 細菌性感染症 | bacterial infection |
saiko no jotai | 最高の体調 | top condition |
sakago | 逆子 | breech |
sakana | 魚 | fish |
sakka sho | 擦過傷 | excoriation |
sakkin zai | 殺菌剤 | bactericide |
sakotsu | 鎖骨 | clavicle |
samugari | 寒がりな | sensitive to the cold |
samui | 寒い | cold |
samuke | 寒気 | chill |
samuke | 寒気 | shiver |
samusa | 寒さ | cold |
san | 酸 | acid |
sanban | 三番 | third |
sanban me | 三番目 | third |
sanfujinka | 産婦人科 | Ob-Gyn |
sanfujinka | 産婦人科 | obsterics and gynecology |
sangatsu | 3月 | March |
sango | 産後 | postpartum |
sanin | 産院 | birth center |
sanka | 産科 | obsterics |
sankai | 産科医 | obsterician |
sankaku kin | 三角筋 | deltoid |
sansa shinkei | 三叉神経 | trigeminal nerve |
san shitsu | 産室 | birth room |
sanshoku | 酸蝕 | erosion |
sanshu kongo wakuchin | 三種混合ワクチン | DTP shot |
sanso | 酸素 | oxygen |
sanso bonbe | 酸素ボンベ | air bottle |
sanso bonbe | 酸素ボンベ | oxygen tank |
sanso ketsubo sho | 酸素欠乏症 | anoxia |
sanzen no | 産前の | prenatal |