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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from RYOHO to SANZEN NO. Do you know what  ryokunai sho is called in English? You could find the meanings of ryosei no, ryudo shoku, ryuko byo, saikin, sakotsu, sanshu kongo wakuchin and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : ryoho → sanzen no

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
ryoho 療法 cure
ryoho 療法 therapy
ryoho 療法 treatment
ryokunai sho 緑内障 glaucoma
ryosei no 良性の benign
ryosei no 良性の innocent
ryosei no 良性の non-malignant
ryoshu sho 領収書 receipt
ryudo shoku 流動食 liquid food
ryukan 流感 flu
ryukan 流感 influenza
ryuki seibyo hen 隆起性病変 polyp
ryuko byo 流行病 epidemic disease
ryuko sei no 流行性の epidemic
ryuzan 流産 miscarriage
saibo 細胞 cell
saiketsu 採血 blood sample
saiketsu suru (kenketsu) 採血する(献血) collect blood
saiketsu suru 採血する draw blood
saiketsu suru 採血する take blood
saikin 細菌 bacillus
saikin 細菌 bacterium
saikin jo no 細菌状の bacilliform
saikin no 細菌の bacterial
saikin sei chitsuen 細菌性膣炎 vaginal infection
saikin sei kansensho 細菌性感染症 bacterial infection
saiko no jotai 最高の体調 top condition
sakago 逆子 breech
sakana fish
sakka sho 擦過傷 excoriation
sakkin zai 殺菌剤 bactericide
sakotsu 鎖骨 clavicle
samugari 寒がりな sensitive to the cold
samui 寒い cold
samuke 寒気 chill
samuke 寒気 shiver
samusa 寒さ cold
san acid
sanban 三番 third
sanban me 三番目 third
sanfujinka 産婦人科 Ob-Gyn
sanfujinka 産婦人科 obsterics and gynecology
sangatsu 3月 March
sango 産後 postpartum
sanin 産院 birth center
sanka 産科 obsterics
sankai 産科医 obsterician
sankaku kin 三角筋 deltoid
sansa shinkei 三叉神経 trigeminal nerve
san shitsu 産室 birth room
sanshoku 酸蝕 erosion
sanshu kongo wakuchin 三種混合ワクチン DTP shot
sanso 酸素 oxygen
sanso bonbe 酸素ボンベ air bottle
sanso bonbe 酸素ボンベ oxygen tank
sanso ketsubo sho 酸素欠乏症 anoxia
sanzen no 産前の prenatal

Sample Sentences

ryoshu sho

  • hokengaisha ni okuru shindansho to ryoshu sho ga hitsuyo desu.どこでもらえますか?
  • 保険会社に送る診断書と領収書が必要です。どこでもらえますか??
  • I need my diagnosis and receipt of my hospitalization to send it my insurance company. Where can I order them?


  • kangoshi ga saiketsu shimasu. sositara uketsuke made itte, nyuin no hinichi wo kakunin shite kudasai.
  • 看護師が採血をします。そしたら受付まで行って、入院の日にちを確認してください。      
  • Now the nurse will take your blood sample. Then please go to the reception counter, the receptionist will reconfirm the day of hospitalization with you.

saikin sei kansensho

  • isha ga watashi wa saikin sei kansensho ni kakatte iru yo nanode, netsu ga sagarumade gakko ni iku no wa yameru youni to iimashita.
  • 医者が、私は細菌性感染症にかかっているようなので、熱が下がるまで学校に行くのはやめるようにと言いました。      
  • Doctor told me that I seemed to have picked up a bacterial infection, then he stopped me to go to school until the fever would subside.


  • kanojo wa totemo samugari de kare wa totemo atsugari desu, watashi wa itsumo eakon no ondo settei ni nayami masu.
  • 彼女はとっても寒がりで彼はとっても暑がりです。私はいつもエアコンの温度設定に悩みます。
  • She is very sensitive to the cold but he is very sensitive to the heat, I am always worried about setting the tempreture of the air conditioner.

samuke (samuku)

  • kaidan banashiwo kiiteiru toki niwa, watashitachi wa shinkeishitsu ni natteite, chiisana mono oto demo sesuji ga samuku narimasu.
  • 怪談話を聞いている時には、私達は神経質になり、小さな物音でも背筋が寒くなります。
  • While we are hearing some horror stories, we become sensitive, so small sounds often sent a chill on our backs.
  • sono shirase wo kiite, kanojo wa sesuji ga samuku natta.
  • その知らせを聞いて、彼女は背筋が寒くなった。
  • When she heard the news, a shiver ran down her spine.


  • seki ga tomaranai, nodo ni nanika tukkaeta mitaida.
  • 咳が止まらない、喉に何か詰まったみたいだ。
  • I can't stop coughing, there is something in my throat.