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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from KYO KOTSU to MAGUNESHIUMU. Do you know what  kyosei shika is called in English? You could find the meanings of kyokusho masui, kyoshin sho, kyoshoku sho, kyukaku, kyukyushai, kyushi kogo and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : kyo kotsu → maguneshiumu

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
kyo kotsu 頬骨 zygomatic bone
kyo kotsu no 頬骨 zygomatic
kyo kotsu tokki 頬骨突起 zygoma
kyokotsu kojo kin 胸骨甲状筋 sternothyroid
kyokotsu zekkotsu kin 胸骨舌骨筋 sternohyoid
kyokusho masui 局所麻酔 block anaesthesia
kyokusho masui 局所麻酔 local anesthesia
kotsu sosho sho 骨粗鬆症 osteoporosis
kyomen no 頬面の buccal
kyosei shika 矯正歯科 orthodontics
kyosei shika chiryo 矯正歯科治療 orthodontic therapy
kyosei shika chiryo 矯正歯科治療 orthodontic treatment
kyosei sochi 矯正装置 orthodontic appliance
kyosei suru 矯正する straighten
kyoshin sho 狭心症 angina
kyoshin sho 狭心症 angina pectoris
kyoshin sho no hossa 狭心症の発作 anginal attack
kyoshin sho no 狭心症の anginalnl
kyoshoku sho 拒食症 anorexia
kyoshoku sho 拒食症 anorexia nerbosa
kyo tan zai 去痰剤 expectorant
kyousei suru 矯正する straighten
kyuchaku 吸着 adhesion
kyuin 吸引 aspiration
kyuin bunben 吸引分娩 vacuum extraction
kyuinki 吸引器 aspirator
kyuinki 吸引器 evacuator
kyujitsu 休日 holiday
kyujo bakuteria 球状バクテリア coccus
kyukaku 嗅覚 osphresis
kyukaku no 嗅覚の olfactory
kyukaku no 嗅覚の osphretic
kyukan 急患 emergency
kyukin 球菌 coccus
kyukin no 球菌の coccal
kyukyu iryo 救急医療 acute care
kyukyu iryo 救急医療 first aid
kyukyu iryo 救急医療 emergency medical service
kyukyuno 救急の emergency
kyukyu gairai 救急外来 emergency department
kyukyusha 救急車 ambulance
kyusei arukoru chudoku 急性アルコール中毒 acute alcoholism
kyusei no 急性の acute
kyushi 臼歯 back tooth
kyushi 臼歯 molar
kyushi kogo 臼歯咬合 prosteroclusion
kyushi sen 臼歯腺 molar glands
kyushi sen 臼歯腺 molar lingul
kyushu 吸収 absorption
kyushu sei no 吸収性の absorbent
kyuyo 休養 rest
mabuta eyelid
machiai shitsu 待合室 waiting room
madani マダニ tick
maeba 前歯 foretooth
maeba 前歯 front tooth
maeba 前歯 incisor
maegami 前髪 bangs
maegami 前髪 forelock
mageru 曲げる bend
maguneshiumu マグネシウム magnesium

Sample Sentences

kyosei shika chiryo / kyosei suru

  • chisaikoro hanarabi ga warukatta node, haha wa watashi ni shika kyousei wo ukesasetakatta no desu. ima, watashi no ha ga kireide hanarabi ga ii nowa, kyousei shika chiryo wo uketa kara desu.
  • 小さい頃歯並びが悪かったので、母が私に歯科矯正を受けさせたがったのです。今、私の歯が綺麗で歯並びが好いのは、矯正歯科治療を受けたからです。
  • My mother would like me to have my teeth straightened because I had crooked teeth in my childhood. Now my teeth are nice and even as I had the orthodontic treatment.


  • shinryojikan wa owari mashta. kono karute wo bekkan no ikkai ni aru kyukyu gairai no uketsuke madoguchi ni motte itte kudasai.
  • 診療時間は終わりました。このカルテを別館の1階にある救急外来の受付窓口まで持って行って下さい。      
  • Now office hour is over. Please take this chart to the reception counter of emergency department on the 1st floor of the annex.


  • takusan no osake wo nomu koto wa naizo ni warui desu, tokuni kanzo ni judai na dameji wo atae masu. soshite, kyusei arukoru chudoku no wakamono ga kyukyusha de byoin ni hakobareru kotomo arimasu, sosite mata nanzen to iu hitoga arukoru chudoku sho ni natte imasu.
  • たくさんのお酒を飲むことは内臓に悪いです。特に肝臓に重大なダメージを与えます。そして、急性アルコール中毒で救急車で病院に運ばれる若者もいます。また、何千という人がアルコール中毒症になっています。
  • Drinking too much alcohol injures our internal organs, especially liver seriously gets damaged. Moreover, sometimes young people who suffer from acute alcoholism are carried to hospitals by ambulance, and thousands people would be an alcoholics from alcohol poisoning.
  • dareka keitai denwa motte nai? kyukyusha yonde kudasai. hijyo jitai desu, tasukete kudasai. tomodachi ga kotsujiko de kega wo shite imasu. tairyo ni shukketsu siteite isiki mo nasa so desu.
  • 誰か携帯電話持ってない?救急車を呼んでください。非常事態です。助けて下さい。友達が交通事故で怪我をしています。大量に出血していて、意識もなさそうです。
  • Does anyone have cell phones? Please call an ambulance. This is an emergency. Please help me! My friend got hurt in the traffic accident. He is bleeding too much and he may be unconscious right now.


  • mabuta ga tokidoki pikupiku shimasu, korette chikku sho?
  • まぶたが時々ピクピクします。これってチック症?
  • My eyelids often twitch, is this tic?


  • kino koronda tokini, maeba ga kakete shimaimashita.
  • 昨日転んだ時に、前歯が欠けてしまいました。
  • My front tooth was chipped when I fell down yesterday.
  • maeba ga uita kanji ga shimasu.
  • 前歯が浮いた感じがします。
  • My incisor teeth are sets on edge.