The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from KYO KOTSU to MAGUNESHIUMU. Do you know what kyosei shika is
called in English? You could find the meanings of kyokusho masui, kyoshin
sho, kyoshoku sho, kyukaku, kyukyushai, kyushi kogo and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
kyo kotsu | 頬骨 | zygomatic bone |
kyo kotsu no | 頬骨 | zygomatic |
kyo kotsu tokki | 頬骨突起 | zygoma |
kyokotsu kojo kin | 胸骨甲状筋 | sternothyroid |
kyokotsu zekkotsu kin | 胸骨舌骨筋 | sternohyoid |
kyokusho masui | 局所麻酔 | block anaesthesia |
kyokusho masui | 局所麻酔 | local anesthesia |
kotsu sosho sho | 骨粗鬆症 | osteoporosis |
kyomen no | 頬面の | buccal |
kyosei shika | 矯正歯科 | orthodontics |
kyosei shika chiryo | 矯正歯科治療 | orthodontic therapy |
kyosei shika chiryo | 矯正歯科治療 | orthodontic treatment |
kyosei sochi | 矯正装置 | orthodontic appliance |
kyosei suru | 矯正する | straighten |
kyoshin sho | 狭心症 | angina |
kyoshin sho | 狭心症 | angina pectoris |
kyoshin sho no hossa | 狭心症の発作 | anginal attack |
kyoshin sho no | 狭心症の | anginalnl |
kyoshoku sho | 拒食症 | anorexia |
kyoshoku sho | 拒食症 | anorexia nerbosa |
kyo tan zai | 去痰剤 | expectorant |
kyousei suru | 矯正する | straighten |
kyuchaku | 吸着 | adhesion |
kyuin | 吸引 | aspiration |
kyuin bunben | 吸引分娩 | vacuum extraction |
kyuinki | 吸引器 | aspirator |
kyuinki | 吸引器 | evacuator |
kyujitsu | 休日 | holiday |
kyujo bakuteria | 球状バクテリア | coccus |
kyukaku | 嗅覚 | osphresis |
kyukaku no | 嗅覚の | olfactory |
kyukaku no | 嗅覚の | osphretic |
kyukan | 急患 | emergency |
kyukin | 球菌 | coccus |
kyukin no | 球菌の | coccal |
kyukyu iryo | 救急医療 | acute care |
kyukyu iryo | 救急医療 | first aid |
kyukyu iryo | 救急医療 | emergency medical service |
kyukyuno | 救急の | emergency |
kyukyu gairai | 救急外来 | emergency department |
kyukyusha | 救急車 | ambulance |
kyusei arukoru chudoku | 急性アルコール中毒 | acute alcoholism |
kyusei no | 急性の | acute |
kyushi | 臼歯 | back tooth |
kyushi | 臼歯 | molar |
kyushi kogo | 臼歯咬合 | prosteroclusion |
kyushi sen | 臼歯腺 | molar glands |
kyushi sen | 臼歯腺 | molar lingul |
kyushu | 吸収 | absorption |
kyushu sei no | 吸収性の | absorbent |
kyuyo | 休養 | rest |
mabuta | 瞼 | eyelid |
machiai shitsu | 待合室 | waiting room |
madani | マダニ | tick |
maeba | 前歯 | foretooth |
maeba | 前歯 | front tooth |
maeba | 前歯 | incisor |
maegami | 前髪 | bangs |
maegami | 前髪 | forelock |
mageru | 曲げる | bend |
maguneshiumu | マグネシウム | magnesium |