The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from KOTSIBAN to KYO KOTSU. Do you know what kuruma isu is called
in English? You could find the meanings of kotsunikushu, kotsusosho sho,
kuchi kokyu, kumomakka shukketsu, kushami, kyohaku kannen and so on in
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
General Words in madical institutions : kotsuban →kyo kotsu
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
kotsuban |
骨盤 |
pelvic girdle |
kotsuban |
骨盤 |
pelvis |
kotsu en |
骨炎 |
osteitis |
kotsujiko |
交通事故 |
traffic accident |
kotsuka |
骨化 |
ossification |
kotsunikushu |
骨肉腫 |
osteosarcoma |
kotsu sekka sho |
骨石化症 |
osteopetrosis |
kotsu shitsu kyushu |
骨質吸収 |
deossification |
kotsu sosho sho |
骨粗鬆症 |
osteoporosis |
kotsuzui |
骨髄 |
bone marrow |
kotsuzui en |
骨髄炎 |
osteomyelitis |
koutsu zai |
抗うつ剤 |
antidepressant |
kowabatte kataku naru |
強張って硬くなる |
stiff |
koyubi |
小指 |
little finger |
koyubi |
小指 |
pinky finger |
kubi |
首 |
neck |
kuchi |
口 |
mouth |
kuchibiru |
唇 |
labium |
kuchibiru |
唇 |
lip |
kuchi hige |
口ひげ |
mustache |
kuchi hige |
口ひげ |
moustache |
kuchi kokyu |
口呼吸 |
mouth-breathing |
kufuku |
空腹 |
starve |
kugatsu |
9月 |
September |
kui shibaru |
くいしばる |
clench |
kujiku |
挫く |
sprain |
kumomakka shukketsu |
くも膜下出血 |
subarachnoid hemorhage |
kurakura suru |
クラクラする |
dizzy |
kuramijia |
クラミジア |
chlamydia |
kurejitto cado |
クレジットカード |
credit card |
kurime |
クリーム |
cream |
kurome |
黒目 |
iris |
kuruma yoi |
車酔い |
car sickness |
kuruma isu |
車椅子 |
wheel chair |
kururoide |
くつろいで~する |
feel free to |
kuse |
癖 |
habit |
kushami |
くしゃみ |
sneeze |
kushami wo suru |
くしゃみをする |
sneeze |
kushi |
櫛 |
comb |
kusuri |
薬 |
drag |
kusuri |
薬 |
medicine |
kusuri techo |
薬手帳 |
medicine pocket notebook |
kusuriya |
薬屋 |
drug store |
kusuri yubi |
薬指 |
ring finger |
kyanseru |
キャンセル |
cancellation |
kyanseru suru |
キャンセルする |
cancel |
kyo |
今日 |
today |
kyobu rentogen |
胸部レントゲン |
chest X-ray |
kyodaishi |
巨大歯 |
macrotooth |
kyofu sho |
恐怖症 |
phobia |
kyohaku kannen |
強迫観念 |
obsession |
kyohi |
拒否 |
denial |
kyojaku |
虚弱 |
infirmity |
kyojoshi |
鋸状歯 |
serration |
kyokai |
境界 |
margin |
kyo kotsu |
胸骨 |
sternum |
kyo kotsu |
距骨 |
talus |
Sample Sentences
- dareka keitai denwa motte nai? kyukyusha yonde kudasai. hijyo jitai desu,
tasukete kudasai. tomodachi ga kotsujiko de kega wo shite imasu. tairyo ni shukketsusiteite isiki mo nasa so desu.
- 誰か携帯電話持ってない?救急車を呼んでください。非常事態です。助けて下さい。友達が交通事故で怪我をしています。大量に出血していて、意識もなさそうです。
- Does anyone have cell phones? Please call an ambulance. This is an emergency. Please help me! My friend got hurt in the traffic accident. He is bleeding too much and he may be unconscious right now.
- kare wa nagaikyori wo aruitanode, ashi ga kowabatte shimatta.(ashi ga kataku natta)
- 彼は長い距離を歩いたので、脚が強張ってしまった。(脚がかたくなった)
- He walked a very long distance then his legs were stiff.
- konogoro atama ga omoku kanji masu, kata ya kubi ga kotteru sei kan? soreni, mono ga boyakete mieru kotomo arimsu. kanai
wa toshi no sei da te iimasu ga doryo wa hatarakisugiruno wo saketa ho
ga ii to susumete kuremasu.
- この頃頭が重く感じます。肩や首のコリのせいかな?家内は「年のせい(老化)」だって言いますが、同僚は、「働き過ぎる」のを避けた方がいいといいます。
- I feel heavy in my head these days, it must be caused by the stiffness of neck and shoulders. And also things sometimes look blurred. My wife told me, it is because of growing old, but my co-workers advise me that I should avoid overworking myself?
- ookina kuchi wo akete akubi wo suru toki niwa kuchi wo tede kakushite kudasai.
- 大きな口を開けてあくびをする時には、口を手で隠して下さい。
- Please put your hands on when you yawn with your mouth wide open.
- kuchi de kokyu shinaide, hana de iki wo shinasai. haisha san wa itsumo kuchi
kokyu wa kenko ni yoku nai to iimasu.
- 口で呼吸しないで、鼻で息をしなさい。歯医者さんはいつも口呼吸は健康によくないといいます。
- Don't breathe through your mouth, breathe through your nose. My dentist always tells that mouth-breathing is not good for our health.
- ha wo migaku nowa tokui dewa arimasen, tokuni migi ue no okuba wo migaku no wa muzukashii desu. nanika tsukai yasui osusume no koukatekina haburashi to hamigakiko wa arimasenka?
- 歯を磨くのは得意ではありません。特に右上の奥歯を磨くのは難しいです。何かお勧めの効果的な歯ブラシと歯磨き粉はありませんか?
- I'm not good at brush my teeth, especially brushing upper right posterior teeth is very difficult. Do you recommend me any toothbrushes and toothpaste to use very effectively?
- yoi haburashi ya hamigakiko wa shirimasen. demo itoyoji de migaite, ugaigusuri
de ugai sureba kuchi wa seiketsu ni tamoteruto omoimasu.
- 良い歯ブラシや歯磨き粉は知りません。でも糸ようじで磨いて、うがい薬でうがいをすれば口は清潔に保とると思います。
- I don't know any good brushes and pastes. But I think that flossing your teeth and gargling with mouthwash helps keeping your mouth clean.
- haha wa itsumo ireba wo kireini shite imasu. soshite maishokugo kuchi wo susugi masu.
- 母はいつも入れ歯をきれいにしています。そして毎食後口を漱ぎます。
- My mother always clean her plates, and she rinses her mouth after every meals.
- saigo ni itsu haisha san ni iki mashitaka? saikin, ha no kensa wo uketa
koto ga arimasuka? okuchi ni mondai ga ari masuka?
- 最後にいつ歯医者さんに行きましたか?最近、歯の検査を受けたことがありますか?お口に問題がありますか?
- When did you visit dentists last? And have your teeth examined lately? And do you have any oral problems?
- okuchi no souji wo hajime masu. okuchi wo ookiku akete kudasai. itakattara, hidarite wo agete shirasete kudasai.
- お口の掃除を始めます。お口を大きく開けて下さい。痛かったら、左手をあげてしらせて下さい。
- I will start cleaning your mouth. Please open your mouth wider. Please raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
- okuchi no naka wo misede kudasai. tabako wo suimasuka? okuchi no naka ga shiseki to tabako no yani de ippai desu. zenbu nikochin no tsuita ha desu. koshu wo chiryo suru tame ni tabako wo yameta ho ga ii desu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。タバコを吸いますか?歯石とタバコのヤニでイッパイです。全部ニコチンのついた歯です。口臭を治療するために、タバコを止めた方がいいです。
- Let me have a look inside your mouth. Do you smoke? There are a lot of tartar and tabacco stains in your mouth. You have all nicotine-stained teeth in your mouth. You had better give up smoking to cure your bad breath.
- okuchi no kaka wo misete kudasai. saa, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
- Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
- tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, soshite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime
masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
- 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
- I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast?
- kuchibiru no hibiwareta tokoro ni kono nanko wo nurinasai.
- 唇のひび割れた部分にこの軟膏を塗りなさい。
- Apply this ointment on your lips cracked.
- watashi niwa neteiru tokini kuishibari to hagishiri no kuse ga arimasu. sorede haisha san wa hagishiri kara ha wo mamoru tame ni mausupisu no shiyo wo susume mashita.
- 私には寝ている時にくいしばりと歯ぎしりの癖があります。そこで歯医者さんは、歯ぎしりから歯を守るためにマウスピースの使用を勧めました。
- I have a bad habit of clenching and grinding of my teeth in my sleep. Then my dentist suggested me to use a mouthpiece to protect my teeth from bruxism.
- wakai josei wa kaidan wo haihiru de kakeorite ita tokini ashi wo fumihazushi
kujiite (nenza) shimaimashita. sorede ahi wo hikizutte imasu.
- 若い女性は階段をハイヒールで駆け下りていた時に、足を踏み外し、挫いて(捻挫して)しまいました。それで脚を引きずっています。
- The young lady lost her footing on the stairs and sprained her leg when she ran down with her high heels. Then she is dragging her leg.
- migiashi doshitano? nande gipusu shiteruno? ashi ottano?
- 右足どうしたの?なんでギプスしてるの?脚おったの?
- What happened with your right leg? Why do you have a cast on your leg? Did you broke your leg?
- hidoku ashi wo kujiita node, nenzaashi wo koteisuru tameni gipusu wo shinakereba narimasen.
- ひどく足をくじいたので、捻挫した足を固定するためにギぷスをしなければなりません。
- I awfully twisted my foot. I have to immobilize my foot in plaster of paris.
- kurejitto kado wa tsukae masuka? dono kurejitto kado ga tsukae masuka?
- クレジットカードは使えますか?どのクレジットカードが使えますか?
- Can I use a credit card? Which credit cards can I use?
- moshiwake arimasen, otoriatsukai shiteorimasen. genkin nomi to natteorimasu.
- 申し訳ありません。お取扱いしておりません。現金のみとなっております。
- I'm sorry, you can't. We accept cash payments only.
- hiyakeshita hada ni kono kurimu wo nurinasai.
- 日焼けした肌にこのクリームを塗りなさい。
- Rub this cream on your sunburned skin.
- kushami wo nankaimo shitemasu ne, soreni hanagoe. hana tumatteru hazu. kaze hiiteru desho. sugu ni byoin
ni itta isha ni mite moratta hoga iiyo.
- くしゃみを何回もしてるね、それに鼻声だし。鼻も詰ってるはず。風邪をひいてるでしょう。すぐに病院に行って医者に診てもらった方がいいよ。
- You've sneezed several times and you are speaking in a sniffle, you must have a stuffy nose. You may catch a cold. You had better go to hospital and see doctors soon.
- okosan ga seki to kushami wo shite imasu. kanojo wa kaze wo hiiteiru hazu desu. Isha ni tsureteitta hoga iiyo.
- お子さんが咳とクシャミをしています。彼女は風邪をひいているはずです。医者に連れていった方がいいよ。
- Your child has a cough and sneeze. She must catch a cold. You had better take her doctor.
- mizumushi ni yarareta, ashi no kawa ga hibiwarete kita. nanka osusume no
kusuri shiranai?
- 水虫にやられた、足の皮がひび割れてきた。なんかお勧めの薬知らない?
- I've got athlete's foot, the skin on it is cracking. Do you know any good medicines to recommend?
- okusuri wa nonde imasuka? iesu to okotaeno kata, kuwashiku oosie kudasaru ka, okusuri techo wo goteishutsu kudasai.
- お薬は飲んでいますか?イエスとお答えの方、詳しくお教え下さるか、お薬手帳をご提出ください。
- Do you take any medications? If yes, tell us specifically or hand your medicine pocket notebook in to us.
- kochira wa shoho sen desu. kochirawo motte yakkyoku ni yuki yakuzaishi san ni watashite kudasai.soshite sensei ga shoho shita okusuri wo kau kotoga dekimasu.
- こちらは処方箋です。こちらを持って薬局に行き、薬剤師さんに渡して下さい。そして先生が処方したお薬を買うことができます。
- This is your prescription. You will bring this prescription to a pharmacy near your house and hand it in to a pharmacist then you will be able to buy medicines that the doctor prescribed.
- goyoyaku wo kyanseru suru tokini wa gorenraku kudasai.
- ご予約をキャンセルする時にはご連絡下さい。
- Please call us if you cancel this appointment.