The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from KETSUYU BYO to KOKYU SURU, these words are used
to expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could
you explain kinniku tsu in English in Japan? So you could find the meanings
of kikanshi en, kincho, kinniku ga tsuru, kinshi, kirikiri itamu, kobu,
ko ketsuatsu and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
ketsuyu byo | 血友病 | haemophilia |
kettan | 血痰 | bloody phlegm |
kibun no warui | 気分の悪い | rough |
kikanshi en | 気管支炎 | bronchitis |
kin kansen sho | 菌感染症 | bacterial infection |
kincho | 緊張 | tension |
kin keiren | 筋痙攣 | muscle cramp |
kinniku ga tsuru | 筋肉がつる | muscle cramp |
kinniku tsu | 筋肉痛 | muscle ache |
kinniku tsu | 筋肉痛 | muscle pain |
kinniku tsu | 筋肉痛 | muscle sore |
kinniku tsu | 筋肉痛 | muscle soreness |
kinniku tsu | 筋肉痛 | muscular pain |
kino fuzen | 機能不全 | malfunction |
kino shogai | 機能障害 | dysfunction |
kino teika | 機能低下 | hypofunction |
kinshi | 近視 | myopia |
kinshi | 近視 | nearsighted |
kinshi no | 近視の | nearsighted |
kiosho | 既往症 | anamnesis |
kirikiri itamu | きりきり痛む | tingle |
kiri kizu | 切り傷 | cut |
kiri kizu | 切り傷 | nick |
kiru | 切る | nick |
kiru | 切る | slash |
kisei chu | 寄生虫 | parasite |
kiso taisha | 基礎代謝 | basal metabolism |
ki wo ushinau | 気を失う | faint |
kizu | 傷 | wound |
kizu ato | 傷痕 | gash |
kizu ato | 傷痕 | scar |
kizu ato ga nokoru | 傷痕が残る | scar |
kizu guchi | 傷口 | wound |
kobansho | 紅板症 | erythroplakia |
kobo kansen sho | 酵母感染症 | yeast infection |
kobu | こぶ | bump |
kobu | こぶ | lump |
kodoku kan | 孤独感 | loneliness |
kogai en | 口蓋炎 | palatitis |
kogai en | 口蓋炎 | uranisconitis |
koisho | 後遺症 | sequela |
kokaku en | 口角炎 | angular cheiltis |
kokaku biran sho | 口角糜爛症 | angular stomatitis |
ko ketsuatsu | 高血圧 | hypertension |
ko ketsuatsu | 高血圧 | high blood pressure |
koku byo | 口腔病 | stomatosis |
koku hatsuiku fuzen | 口腔発育不全 | atelostomia |
koku kanjida sho | 口腔カンジダ症 | thrush |
koku nanka sho | 口腔軟化症 | stomatomalacia |
kokushoku shu | 黒色腫 | melanoma |
kokyu | 呼吸 | breath |
kokyu suru | 呼吸する | breathe |
kokyu suru | 呼吸する | take a breath |