The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from KAN EN to KETSUMAKU EN, these words are used to
expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could
you explain kankohen in English? So you could find the meanings of kansen
sho, kansetsu en, karo, kasabuta, kashoku sho, kensho en, ketsueki gata
and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: kan en → ketsumaku en
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
kan en |
肝炎 |
hepatitis |
kankohen |
肝硬変 |
liver cirrhosis |
kano |
化膿 |
infection |
kano |
化膿 |
purulence |
kano |
化膿 |
pyosis |
kano |
化膿 |
suppuration |
kansen |
感染 |
infection |
kansen sei no |
感染性の |
infectious |
kansen sho |
感染症 |
infectious disease |
kansetsu en |
関節炎 |
arthritis |
kansetsu en |
関節炎 |
joint pain |
kansetsu tsu |
関節痛 |
arthralgia |
kanso hada |
乾燥肌 |
dry skin |
kanzo gan |
肝臓ガン |
liver cancer |
karai |
からい |
hot |
kara seki |
空咳 |
hacking cough |
karo |
過労 |
extrem fatigue |
karo |
過労 |
overwork |
kasabuta |
かさぶた |
scab |
kasakasa suru |
カサカサする |
chapped |
kashi |
仮死 |
apnoea |
kashi |
仮死 |
asphyxia |
kashi |
仮死 |
Fahrenheit |
kashoku sho |
過食症 |
bulimia |
kasumi me |
かすみ目 |
bleary eyes |
kasumu |
かすむ |
bleary |
kasunda |
かすんだ |
dim |
kasuri kizu |
かすり傷 |
graze |
katakori |
肩こり |
stiff shoulder |
kawaga mukeru |
皮が剥ける |
peel |
kawaki |
渇き |
thirst |
kayui |
かゆい |
itch |
kayui |
かゆい |
itchy |
kayumi |
かゆみ |
itchiness |
kaze |
風邪 |
cold |
kaze wo hiku |
風邪をひく |
catch a cold |
keana no kurozumi |
毛穴の黒ずみ |
blackhead |
keana no yogore |
毛穴の汚れ |
pore-clogging dirt |
kecchin |
血沈 |
erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
kecchin |
血沈 |
keikoku |
警告 |
warnings |
keiren |
けいれん |
spasm |
kekkaku |
結核 |
tuberculosis |
kenmakuryu |
腱膜瘤 |
bunion |
kensho en |
腱鞘炎 |
tendovaginitis |
kesseki |
結石 |
calculus |
kesseki |
結石 |
stone |
ketsatsu |
血圧 |
blood pressure |
ketsatsu |
血圧 |
BP |
ketsubo sho |
欠乏症 |
deficiency disease |
ketsueki gata |
血液型 |
blood group |
ketsueki gata |
血液型 |
blood type |
ketsumaku en |
結膜炎 |
conjunctivitis |
ketsumaku en |
結膜炎 |
pink eye |
Sample Sentences
- isha ga watashi wa saikin sei kansensho ni kakatte iru yo nanode, netsu ga sagarumade gakko ni iku no wa yameru
youni to iimashita.
- 医者が、私は細菌性感染症にかかっているようなので、熱が下がるまで学校に行くのはやめるようにと言いました。
- Doctor told me that I seemed to have picked up a bacterial infection, then he stopped me to go to school until the fever would subside.
- fuyu no kanso hada de komattemasu, totemo kayui.
- 冬の乾燥肌で困ってます。とってもカユイ。
- Dry skin in winter is my trouble, it is very itchy.
- shinbun ni yoruto, maitoshi takusan no nihonjin ga kajyuroudou ni yori byokininaru ka shinde iru to iu kotodesu.
- 新聞によると、毎年たくさんの日本人が過重労働により、病気になるか死んでいるということです。
- According to news paper, many Japanese are ill or died from overwork every year.
- kafun sho de me ga kasundemo me wo kosutte wa ikemasen.
- 花粉症で目がかすんでも、目をこすってはいけません。
- Don't rub your eyes even if you have bleary eyes from pollen allergy.
- meisha san ni iku made, me ga shoboshobo shi, mono ga yugandari, kasunde mie mashita.meisha san wa tsukareme desu, hataraki sugi wa yamemasho, tsukare ga meni deteimasu to ii, yasumi wo totta hoga ii to iu node, isshukan yasumi wo kureru yo ni joshi ni ii mashita.
- 目医者さんに行くまで、目がショボショボし、物が歪んだりかすんで見えたました。眼医者さんは疲れ目です、働き過ぎはやめましょう、疲れが目にでていますと言いした。休みを取った方がいいというので、一週間休暇をくれるように上司に言いました。
- My eyes were bleary, and things had looked distorted and dimmed to my eyes until I went to the oculist. The eye doctor said it's eyestrain, I had to stop overworking, fatigue shows up in your eyes. He added that I had better take a vacation. So I talked to my boss to take a week off.
- hidoi yotsu to katakori ga arunnda, massaji wo shite kuremasenka?
- ひどい腰痛と肩凝りがあるんだ、マッサージをしてくれませんか?
- I have a terrible backache and stiff shoulders, could you give me a massage?
- natsuyasumi ni umi de raifugado wo yattara sugoku hiyakeshite senaka ga
kayui shi kawa mo mukete masu.
- 夏休みに海でライフガードをやったら、すごく日焼けして、背中がかゆくて、皮もむけました。
- During summer vacation, I worked at beach as a lifeguard, I got tanned too much and my back itched and peeled off, too.
- fuyu no kansohada de komattemasu, totemo kayui.
- 冬の乾燥肌で困ってます。とってもカユイ。
- Dry skin in winter is my trouble, it is very itchy.
- natsuyasumi ni umi de raifugado wo yattara sugoku hiyakeshite senaka ga
kayui shi kawa mo mukete masu.
- 夏休みに海でライフガードをやったら、すごく日焼けして、背中がかゆくて、皮もむけました。
- During summer vacation, I worked at beach as a lifeguard, I got tanned too much and my back itched and peeled off, too.
- kushami wo nankaimo shitemasu ne, soreni hanagoe. hana tumatteru hazu.
kaze hiiteru desho. sugu ni byoin ni itta isha ni mite moratta hoga iiyo.
- くしゃみを何回もしてるね、それに鼻声だし。鼻も詰ってるはず。風邪をひいてるでしょう。すぐに病院に行って医者に診てもらった方がいいよ。
- You've sneezed several times and you are speaking in a sniffle, you must have a stuffy nose. You may catch a cold. You had better go to hospital and see doctors soon.
- okosan ga seki to kushami wo shite imasu. kanojo wa kaze wo hiiteiru hazu desu. Isha ni tsureteitta hoga iiyo.
- お子さんが咳とクシャミをしています。彼女は風邪をひいているはずです。医者に連れていった方がいいよ。
- Your child has a cough and sneeze. She must catch a cold. You had better take her doctor.
- keana no yogore wo toru houhou wo shiritai desu.
- 毛穴の汚れを取る方法を知りたいです。
- I want to know how to remove remove the pore-clogging dirt of my face.