The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from MAMO to NEMUI, these words are used to expressing
your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain
memai in English in Japan? So you could find the meanings of me ga mawaru,
mizu bukure, monomorai, mukatsuku, mukumi, mushiba, muzumuzu suru and so
on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: mame → nemui
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
mame |
まめ |
blister |
mamo |
摩耗 |
abrasion |
mamo |
摩耗 |
detrition |
mamo suru |
摩耗する |
abrade |
manseino |
慢性の |
chronic |
me ga mawaru |
目が回る |
head's in a spin |
memai |
めまい |
dizziness |
memai |
めまい |
vertigo |
memai ga shite |
めまいがして |
dizzy |
memai ga shite |
めまいがして |
giddy |
meneki |
免疫 |
immunity |
meneki fuzen shokogun |
免疫不全症候群 |
aquired immune deficiency syndrome |
meneki ga aru |
免疫がある |
immune |
meranoma |
メラノーマ |
melanoma |
metaborikku shindoromu |
メタボリックシンドローム |
metabolic syndrome |
mikka bashika |
三日ばしか |
German measles |
mikka bashika |
三日ばしか |
rubella |
mimi kabure |
耳かぶれ |
ear infections |
mimi nari |
耳鳴り |
tinnitus |
mizuboso |
水疱瘡 |
chicken pox |
mizu bukure |
水ぶくれ |
blister |
mizu kyofusho |
水恐怖症 |
aquaphobia |
mizumushi |
水虫 |
athelete's foot |
mizumushi |
水虫 |
foot ringworm |
mocho en |
盲腸炎 |
appendicitis |
monomorai |
ものもらい |
sly |
muchiuchi sho |
ムチ打ち症 |
whiplash |
mukatsuki ga suru |
むかつきがする |
queasy |
mukatsuku |
むかつく |
gag |
mukokyu |
無呼吸 |
apnoea |
mukumi |
むくみ |
edema |
mukumi |
むくみ |
swollen |
mune yake |
胸やけ |
heartburn |
mune yake |
胸やけ |
pyrosis |
museru yo na seki |
むせるような咳 |
choking cough |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
cavity |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
decay |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
tooth decay |
mushi sasare |
虫さされ |
bug bite |
mushi sasare |
虫さされ |
insect bite |
muzukaru |
むずかる |
fretful |
muzumuzu suru |
ムズムズする |
tickle |
naiji en |
内耳炎 |
internal otitis |
nai shuketsu |
内出血 |
internal bleeding |
nai shuketsu |
内出血 |
bruise |
nease |
寝汗 |
night sweat |
neba neba shita |
ネバネバした |
sticky |
ne busoku |
寝不足 |
lack of sleep |
necchu sho |
熱中症 |
heatstroke |
nechigaeru |
寝違える |
crick in one's head |
nechigaeru |
寝違える |
crook in one's head |
nechigaeru |
寝違える |
strain in one's head |
nechigaeru |
寝違える |
wrench in one's head |
nejiru |
ねじる |
twist |
nejiru |
ねじる |
wrench |
nemui |
眠い |
sleepy |
Sample Sentences
- nagaku aruita ato tomodachi no ashi niwa mame ga dekite ita.
- 長く歩いたあと、友達の足にはマメができていた。
- My friends had blisters on their feet after their long walk.
- memai ga shitara, suguni denwa wo kudasai, sosite kokoni kite kudasai.
- めまいがしたら、電話して下さい、そしてここに来てください。
- If dizziness occurs, please call me and come here again.
- sando no nagai ishidan wo kake agattara, memai ga shihajime mashita.
- 参道の長い石段を駆け上がったら、めまいがし始めました。
- I started to get dizzy after running up the long stone-steps on the gate way of the temple.
- natsu ni ooku no nihonjin ga nechusho ni nattari necchusho de memai wo kanji tari shisshin suru nowa ondanka ni kankei ga aru so desu.
- 夏に多くの日本人が熱中症になったり、熱中症でめまいを感じたり失神するのは、温暖化に関係があるそうです。
- It is related to the earth warming that many Japanese get heatstroke and feel giddy and fainted by the heatstroke in summer.
- metaborikku shindoromu (taisha shokogun) wo sakeru tamenimo daietto shita hoga iiyo.
- メタボリックシンドローム(代謝症候群)を避けるためにもダイエットした方がいいよ。
- Avoiding metabolic syndrome, you had better go on diet.
- saikin seijinbyo ya seikatsu shukanbyo to iu kotoba wa amari tukaimasen. konnichi dewa metaborikku shindoromu to iu kotobawo yoku tsukai masu.
- 最近、成人病や生活習慣病という言葉はあまり使いません。今日では、メタボリックシンドロームという言葉話をよく使います。
- These days, we seldom use words adult disease and life-related illness. We often use metabolic syndrome instead of them today.
- miminari ga suru, tabun miminari. konya wa hayaku neyo.
- 耳鳴りがする。たぶん耳鳴り。今夜はすぐに寝よう。
- My ears are ringing. Maybe it is tinnitus. I'll go to bed soon tonight.
- mimi nari ni tsuite no hyo gen mo iro iro arimasu, utagoe, beru no oto, mushi no
haoto, taiko no oto ga mimi de suru nado desu.
- 耳鳴りについての表現も色々あります、歌声、ベルの音、虫の羽音、太鼓の音が耳でするなどです。
- There are some expressions of tinnitus, such as singing, ringing, buzzing and drumming in their ears.
- mizumushi ni yarareta, ashi no kawa ga hibiwarete kita. nanka osusume no kusuri shiranai?
- 水虫にやられた、足の皮がひび割れてきた。なんかお勧めの薬知らない?
- I've got athlete's foot, the skin on it is cracking. Do you know any good medicines to recommend?
- maitoshi shogatsu niwa mochi wo takusan tabemasu. mochi de mune yake gasite haraga motare masu. tabesugi to iu imi desu.
- 毎年正月には餅をたくさん食べます。餅で胸焼けがして腹が持たれます。食べ過ぎという意味です。
- I eat too much mochi in New Years Days every year. Mochi gives me heartburn and remains undigested in my stomach. It means overeating.
- migi ue no oku ni ni hon mushiba ga arimasu
- 右上の奥に二本虫歯があります。
- You have two cavities in your upper right rear.
- mushiba wa dokonimo arimasen
- むし歯はありません。
- You have no cavities anywhere in your mouth.
- kodomo tachi ni mushiba wo yobo suru tame ni shokuji no ato ni ha wo migaku yoni nanbyaku kai mo ii mashita.
- 子供達に虫歯を予防するために食事の後に歯を磨くように何百回も言いました。
- I had told several houndred times for my children to brush their teeth after every meals to prevent tooth decay.
- shika eiseishi wa, watashi no ha no shiseki jokyo wo shiteiru aidani, okuba
ni chiisana mushiba no ana wo mitsuke mashita.
- 歯科衛生士は、私の歯の歯石除去をしている間に、奥歯に小さな虫歯の穴を見つけました。
- The dental hygienist found a small cavity hall on my molar while she was scaling my teeth.
- neru mae ni kanarazu ha wo migaki nasai, atarashi (hae hajime) no eikyushi
wa totemo yowaku, soshite mushiba ni nari yasui.
- 寝る前に必ず歯は磨きなさい。新しい(生え始め)の永久歯はとても弱く、そして虫歯になりやすい。
- Make sure to brush your teeth before you go to bed, your newly permanent tooth is very weak, and it is easy to be decayed.
- soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.
- それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。
- Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
- okuchi no naka wo misete kudasai. sai, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
- Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
- haisha san ni watashi wa hanarabi ga warui node teinei ni ha wo migaku yo ni iware mashita. mushiba wa ha to ha no aida ni dekiyasui kara da so desu.
- 歯医者さんに、私は歯並びが悪いので丁寧に歯を磨くように言われました。むし歯は歯と歯の間にできやすいからだそうです。
- My dentist advised me that I should brush my teeth carefully as I have crooked teeth. He said that there would be decay between the teeth very easily.
- korewa hidoi. mushiba ga shinkei ni tasshiteimasu. ha no shinkei ga roshutsu shite imasu. nuku hitsuyo ga aru kamo shiremasen.
- これはひどい。むし歯が神経に達しています。歯の神経が露出していますよ。抜く必要があるかもしれません。
- That's too bad. The cavity has reached the nerve. You have an exposed nerve in the tooth. I may need to extract it.
- shikaishi wa hikari jugo rejin wo mushiba no ana wo tsume masu.
- 歯科医師は光重合レジンでむし歯の穴を詰めます。
- The dentist will put photopolymertization resin into a cavity as a filling.
- kochira no shikaiin de wa mushiba no tsume mono ya gishi ni dono yo na sozai wo tsukatte imasuka? sorekara, sorezore no hiyo ha ikura desuka? kakaku hyo wa arimasuka?
- こちらの歯科医院では虫歯の詰め物や義歯に、どのような素材を使っていますか?それから、それぞれの費用はいくらですか?価格表はありますか?
- What kind of materials is used to fill in cavities and to be a false tooth to replace carious and lost tooth in this clinic? And how much are they? Do you have a price list for them?
- mushi ni sasareta. futon ni dani ga irunokana?
- 虫に刺された。布団にダニがいるのかな?
- I have an insect bite. Are there any ticks in the futon?
- sakuya wa minokemoyodatsu yona akumu wo mita node hidoi nease wo kaki mashita.
- 昨夜は身の毛もよだつような悪夢を見たので、ひどく寝汗をかきました。
- I perspired heavily last night as I saw horrible nightmare.
- natsu ni ooku no nihonjin ga necchu sho ni nattari necchu sho de memai wo kanji tari shisshin suru nowa ondanka ni kankei ga aru so
- 夏に多くの日本人が熱中症になったり、熱中症でめまいを感じたり失神するのは、温暖化に関係があるそうです。
- It is related to the earth warming that many Japanese get heatstroke and feel giddy and fainted by the heatstroke in summer.
- yube nechigae chatte, maega mukenakutte, shigoto ga dekinainda.
- 昨夜寝違えちゃって、前が向けなくって、仕事ができないんだ。
- I got a crick in my neck from sleeping last night so I couldn't work as I can't look straight.