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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. It is very difficult to explain your wants and conditions at the medical institutions, especially words expressing body parts are difficult. In this page, we specially provide the words expressing body parts, so there are 50 words from DAINO to HESO NO O in the list below. Do you know what domyaku is called in English? So you could find the meanings of daisan kyushi, doko, eikyushi, enameru shitsu, enameru shitsu, fukurahagi, ha and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : daino → heso no o

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
daino 大脳 cerebrum
daisan kyushi 第三臼歯 cranter
daitai choku kin 大腿直筋 straight muscle of thigh
daitai kotsu 大腿骨 fermur
daitai nito kin 大腿二頭筋 biceps of thigh
daitai shito kin 大腿四頭筋 quadriceps femoris
doko 瞳孔 pupil
doku 大円筋 teres major
domyaku 動脈 artery
dotai 胴体 trunk
eikyushi 永久歯 adult tooth
eikyushi 永久歯 permanent tooth
ein 会陰 perineum
enameru shitsu エナメル質 enamel
eriashi 襟足 neckline
fujibitai 富士額 window's peak
fukubiku 副鼻腔 paranasal sinus
fukubu 腹部 abdomen
fukubu 腹部 venter
fuku choku kin 腹直筋 abdominal rectus
fuku choku kin 腹直筋 rectus abdominis
fuku kokan shinkei 副交感神経 parasympathetic nerve
fukurahagi 脹脛 calf
futo momo 太もも thigh
gai fukusha kin 外腹斜筋 external oblique
gankin 眼筋 eye muscles
gankyu 眼球 eyeball
ha fang
ha teeth
ha tooth
hada skin
haegiwa 生え際 hair line
haegiwa 生え際 hair margin
haguki 歯ぐき gum
hai lung
hakua shitsu 白亜質 cementum
hana nose
hanage 鼻毛 nose hair
han kenyo kin 半腱様筋 semitendinosus
han makuyo kin 半膜様筋 semimembranosus
hara belly
hara stomach
henpei soku 偏平足 fallen arch
henpei soku 偏平足 flat foot
henpei soku 偏平足 splayfoot
hento 扁桃 amygdala
hento 扁桃 tonsil
heso へそ belly button
heso へそ navel
heso へそ umbilicus
heso no o へその緒 unbilical cord

Sample Sentences


  • musuko no kodomo no ha (nyushi) ga ni san nichi guragura shite imashita. kyo, nyushi ga nukete otona no ha (eikyushi) ga hae hajime mashita.
  • 息子の子供のは(乳歯)が2・3日グラグラしていました。今日、その乳歯(子供の歯)が抜けて大人の歯(永久歯)が生え始めました。
  • My son's baby tooth had been loose for a few days. Today, he is losing the milk tooth and is getting his adult tooth.
  • neru mae ni kanarazu ha wo migaki nasai, atarashi (hae hajime) no eikyushi wa totemo yowaku, soshite mushiba ni nari yasui.
  • 寝る前に必ず歯は磨きなさい。新しい(生え始め)の永久歯はとても弱く、そして虫歯になりやすい。
  • Make sure to brush your teeth before you go to bed, your newly permanent tooth is very weak, and it is easy to be decayed.


  • ippantekini, roka wa ashikara to iunode, watashi no chichi oya wa sore wo kiite supotsu jimu de undo wo hajime, shonichi no undo de fukurahagi wo tsutte kinniku tsu wo okoshi mashita.
  • 一般的kに老化は足からというので、私の父親はそれを聞いて、スポーツジムで運動をはじめ、初日の運動で脹脛を攣って、筋肉痛を起こしました。
  • General speaking, old people grow weak in the legs first, so my father heard that then he started exercising at gym, but he got a cramp in his calf and sore muscle from the first day of the exercise.


  • saigo ni itsu haisha san ni iki mashitaka? saikin, ha no kensa wo uketa koto ga arimasuka? okuchi ni mondai ga ari masuka?
  • 最後にいつ歯医者さんに行きましたか?最近、歯の検査を受けたことがありますか?お口に問題がありますか?      
  • When did you visit dentists last? And have your teeth examined lately? And do you have any oral problems?
  • okuchi no naka wo misete kudasai. sai, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
  • お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
  • Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.


  • kanojo wa kanpekina suhada shiteimasu, kanojo wa shirokute yawaraka de berubetto no yona hada wo shiteimasu.
  • 彼女は完璧な素肌をしています。彼女は白くてやわらかなベルベットのような肌をしています。
  • She had perfect complexion, so she had beautiful white soft velvety skin.
  • aburasho no hada dakara, natsu wa betabeta de, mainichi ofuro ni hairimasu.
  • 脂性の肌だから、夏はベトベトで、毎日お風呂に入ります。      
  • Becouse of my oily skin, I feel sticky in summer, so I take a bath everyday.
  • fuyu no kanso hada de komattemasu, totemo kayui.
  • 冬の乾燥肌で困ってます。とってもカユイ。      
  • Dry skin in winter is my trouble, it is very itchy.
  • musuko no hada wa safin de hiyake siteru kara zarazara desu.
  • 息子の肌はサーフィンで日焼けしてるからザラザラです。
  • My son's skin got sunburn while surfing, and it is rough to touch.
  • kono hiyakedome tukattara, tsuyoi hizashi kara hada wo mamorukara.
  • この日焼け止め使ったら、強い日差しから肌を守れるから。
  • Try this sunscreen, you will protect your skin from strong sunlight.
  • hiyakeshita hada ni kono kurimu wo nurinasai.
  • 日焼けした肌にこのクリームを塗りなさい。
  • Rub this cream on your sunburned skin.


  • haguki kara chi ga demasu ka? soretomo haguki kara chi ga deta koto ga arimasuka?
  • 歯ぐきから血がでますか?それとも、歯ぐきから血が出たことがありますか?
  • Do you have bleeding gums? Or ave you ever had bleeding gums?
  • shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
  • 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
  • There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
  • sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
  • そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
  • Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
  • haguki ga hareteru. shisonoro kana?
  • 歯茎が腫れてる。歯槽膿漏かな?
  • My gum is swollen. Is it pyorrhea?


  • kuchi de kokyu shinaide, hana de iki wo shinasai. haisha san wa itsumo kuchi kokyu wa kenko ni yoku nai to iimasu.
  • 口で呼吸しないで、鼻で息をしなさい。歯医者さんはいつも口呼吸は健康によくないといいます。
  • Don't breathe through your mouth, breathe through your nose. My dentist always tells that mouth-breathing is not good for our health.


  • maitoshi shogatsu niwa mochi wo takusan tabemasu. mochi de muneyako gasite hara ga motare masu. tabesugi to iu imi desu.
  • 毎年正月には餅をたくさん食べます。餅で胸焼けがして腹が持たれます。食べ過ぎという意味です。
  • I eat too much mochi in New Years Days every year. Mochi gives me heartburn and remains undigested in my stomach. It means overeating.


  • nodo ga itai, hentosen ga harete iruyodesu, sorede koko isshukan shokuyoku ga arimasen.
  • 喉が痛い。扁桃腺が腫れているようです。それでここ一週間食欲がありません。
  • I have a sore throat, maybe my tonsils are swollen, so I've lost my appetite for a week.