The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. It is very
difficult to explain your wants and conditions at the medical institutions,
especially words expressing body parts are difficult. In this page, we
specially provide the words expressing body parts, so there are 50 words
from HIFU to JOWAN NITO KIN in the list below. Do you know what itokiriba
is called in English? So you could find the meanings of hokuro, hoppeta,
icho, jintai, jinzo, jogaku kotsu, jomyaku and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
hifu | 皮膚 | cutis |
hifu | 皮膚 | integument |
hifu | 皮膚 | skin |
hi fuku kin | 腓腹筋 | gastrocnemius |
hiji | 肘 | elbow |
hika soshiki | 皮下組織 | subcutis |
hi kotsu | 腓骨 | carpus |
hirame kin | ヒラメ筋 | solieus |
hitai | 額 | brow |
hitai | 額 | forehead |
hitomi | 瞳 | pupil |
hito sashi yubi | 人差し指 | forefinger |
hito sashi yubi | 人差し指 | index finger |
hito sashi yubi | 人差し指 | pointer finger |
hiza | 膝 | knee |
hizo | 脾臓 | spleen |
hobone | 頬骨 | cheekbone |
hohi | 包皮 | prepuce |
hoho | 頬 | bucca |
hoho | 頬 | cheek |
hoho hige | 頬ひげ | whisker |
hoko kin | 縫工筋 | sartorius |
hokuro | 黒子 | mole |
hone | 骨 | bone |
hoppeta | ほっぺた | cheek |
hyohi | 表皮 | epidermis |
i | 胃 | stomach |
icho | 胃腸 | gastrointestinal tract |
icho | 胃腸 | stomach and intestines |
inbu | 陰部 | pubis |
inkaku | 陰核 | clitoris |
inkei | 陰茎 | penis |
inmo | 陰毛 | public hair |
inno | 陰嚢 | scrotum |
into | 咽頭 | pharynx |
into | 咽頭 | throat |
intogai | 咽頭蓋 | epiglottis |
into hento | 咽頭扁桃 | adenoid |
into kan | 咽頭管 | pharyngeal canal |
itokiriba | 糸切り歯 | canine tooth |
jintai | 靭帯 | ligament |
jintai | 靭帯 | vinculum |
jinzo | 腎臓 | kidney |
jo fukubu | 上腹部 | upper abdomen |
jogaku | 上顎 | upper jaw |
jogaku kotsu | 上顎骨 | maxilla |
jogaku kotsu | 上顎骨 | upper jawbone |
jomyaku | 静脈 | venous |
josei horumon | 女性ホルモン | female hormone |
jowan kin | 上腕筋 | brachialis |
jowan kotsu | 上腕骨 | humerus |
jowan nito kin | 上腕二頭筋 | biceps brachii |
jowan nito kin | 上腕二頭筋 | biceps of arm |