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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from BROW to CARCINOGEN. Do you know what brow is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of bruise, bruxism, calcaneus, calf, canine, capillary and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : brow → carcinogen

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
brow hitai
brow mayu no ryukibu 眉の隆起部
bruise uchimi 打ち身
bruise daboku 打撲
bruise naishukketsu 内出血
bruise aza あざ
brush burashi ブラシ
brush burashi de migaku ブラシで磨く
brush teeth ha wo migaku 歯を磨く
bruxism hagishiri 歯ぎしり
bucca hoho
buccal kyomenno 頬面の
bug bite mushi sasare 虫さされ
bugget yosan 予算
bulimia kashokusho 過食症
bump kobu こぶ
bunion kenmakuryu 腱膜瘤
burn yakedo suru 火傷する
burn yakedo 火傷
burn yakeru yo ni itai 焼けるように痛い
burning pain yakeru yona itami 焼けるような痛み
burp geppu ゲップ
butt shiri
buttock shiri
C section teiosekkai 帝王切開
caecum mocho 盲腸
cafeteria shokudo 食堂
calcaneus shokotsu 踵骨
calcium karushiumu カルシウム
calcium supplement karushiumu hojozai カルシウム補助剤
calculus kesseki 結石
calculus shiseki 歯石
calf fukurahagi 脹脛
callus tako たこ
calorie karori カロリー
calory karori カロリー
cancel chushi suru 中止める
cancel kyanseru suru キャンセルする
cancellation chushi 中止
cancellation kyanseru キャンセル
cancer gan ガン
Candida kanjitakin カンジタ菌
canine kenshi 犬歯
canine itokiriba 糸切り歯
canine tooth kenshi 犬歯
canine tooth itokiriba 糸切り歯
canker sores konaien 口内炎
capillary mosaikekkan 毛細血管
caplet kapuseru カプセル
car sickness kuruma yoi 車酔い
car wreck shototsu jiko 衝突事故
carbohydrate tansuikabutsu 炭水化物
carcinogen hatsugan busshitsu 発癌物質
carcinogen hatsugansei busshitsu 発癌性物質

Sample Sentences


  • I got many bruises all over my body and broke my middle finger when I had fallen down from my bicycle.
  • jitennsha de koronda tokini naka yubi wo otte zemmshin daboku wo otte shitmashita.
  • 自転車で転んだ時に、中指を折って、全身打撲を負ってしまいました。

brush teeth

  • My dentist advised me that I should brush my teeth carefully as I have crooked teeth. He said that there would be decay between the teeth very easily.
  • haisha san ni watashi wa hanarabi ga warui node teinei ni ha wo migaku yo ni iware mashita. mushiba wa ha to ha no aida ni dekiyasui kara da so desu.      
  • 歯医者さんに、私は歯並びが悪いので丁寧に歯を磨くように言われました。むし歯は歯と歯の間にできやすいからだそうです。


  • I have a bad habit of clenching and grinding of my teeth in my sleep. Then my dentist suggested me to use a mouthpiece to protect my teeth from bruxism.
  • watashi niwa neteiru tokini kuishibari to hagishiri no kuse ga arimasu. sorede haisha san wa hagishiri kara ha wo mamoru tame ni mausupisu no shiyo wo susume mashita.
  • 私には寝ている時にくいしばりと歯ぎしりの癖があります。そこで歯医者さんは、歯ぎしりから歯を守るためにマウスピースの使用を勧めました。


  • I got burnt on my hand while cooking tenpura.
  • tenpura tsukuttete te ni yakedo shita.
  • 天ぷらを作ってて、手に火傷をした。
  • When you get burnt, you should cool the affected part of burn with cold water as soon as possible.
  • yakedo wo shitara dekirudake hayaku tsumetai mizu de kanbu wo hiyashi nasai.      
  • 火傷をしたら、できるだけ早く冷たい水で患部を冷やしなさい。


  • General speaking, old people grow weak in the legs first, so my father heard that then he started exercising at gym, but he got a cramp in his calf and sore muscle from the first day of the exercise.
  • ippantekini, roka wa ashikara to iunode, watashi no chichi oya wa sore wo kiite supotsu jimu de undo wo hajime, shonichi no undo de hukurahagi wo tsutte kinniku tsu wo okoshi mashita.
  • 一般的kに老化は足からというので、私の父親はそれを聞いて、スポーツジムで運動をはじめ、初日の運動で脹脛を攣って、筋肉痛を起こしました。


  • I know it is important to learn how to increase my metabolism, it will help me burn more calories from aerobics. Therefore I examine thoroghly which aerobics is more effective and better for me to continue, dancing, walking, jogging and swiming.
  • taisha wo zouka saseru houhou wo manabu koto wa juyo dato shitte imasu, yusanso undo de isso karori wo nensho suru kotoni yakudachi masu. dansu to uokingu, jogingu, suiei no dore ga yori koukateki de tuzuke yasui desuka?
  • 代謝を増加させる方法を学ぶことは重要です。有酸素運動で一層カロリーを燃焼するのに役立ちます。ダンスとウォーキング、ジョギング、水泳のどれがより効果的で続けやすいですか?


  • Please call us if you cancel this appointment.
  • goyoyaku wo kyanseru suru tokini wa gorenraku kudasai.
  • ご予約をキャンセルする時にはご連絡下さい。

canine / canine tooth

  • My left lower canine tooth is so sensitive that I cannot eat sweet and cold foods like ice cream, maybe I have hyperesthesia on the tooth.
  • watasi no hidari sita no kenshi (itokiriba) wa binkan sugite, watasi wa amakute tsumetai aisukurimu no yona tabemono ga taberare masen, tabun tikaku kabin sho no yo desu.
  • 私の左下の犬歯(糸切り歯)は敏感すぎて、甘くて冷たいアイスクリームのような食べ物が食べられません、たぶん知覚過敏症なのでしょう。
  • The lower left canine tooth you had cured last week suddenly began to hurt. When can I take an appointment that you have the earliest one? Please tell me that the earliest opening you have.
  • senshu chiryo site itadaita hidari shita no kenshi ga totsuzen itami hajime mashita, itiban hayai yoyaku wa itsu nara tore masuka? ichiban hayai aiteiru jikan wo osiete kudasai.
  • 先週治療して頂いた左下の犬歯が突然痛み始めました。一番早い予約は、いつならとれますか? 一番早い空いている時間を教えて下さい。

canker sores

  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast.
  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, sosite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?