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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from PROSTATE CANCER to QUEASY. Do you know what protein is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of prothesis, ptysma, pulpitis, pulse, pus, pyorrhea, pyrosis and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : prostate cancer → queasy

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
prostate cancer zenritusen gan 前立腺がん
prostate gland zenritsusen 前立腺
prosteroclusion kyushi kogo 臼歯咬合
prosthodonticsa shika hotetsu gaku 歯科補綴学
protein tanpaku shitsu タンパク質
prothesis gishi 義歯
protruding tosshutsu sita 突出した
protruding lower jaw ukekuchino 受け口の
psychiatrist seishinkai 精神科医
psychiatry seishinka 精神科
psychoanalyst seishin bunseki shi 精神分析士
psychologist shinrigakusha 心理学者
psychosomatic disease shinshinsho 心身症
psychotherapist seishin ryoho shi 精神療法士
ptyalism daeki kata sho 唾液過多症
ptysma daeki 唾液
puberty shishunki 思春期
pubis inbu 陰部
pubis chikotsu 恥骨
public hair inmo 陰毛
pull a muscle niku banare wo okosu 肉離れを起こす
pull out a tooth ha wo nuku 歯を抜く
pulp canal konkan 根管
pulpitis shizuien 歯髄炎
pulsation kodo 鼓動
pulse myakuhaku 脈拍
pulse ninshin site iru 鼓動
pupil doko 瞳孔
pupil hitomi
purulence kano 化膿
purulence umu 膿む
purulent kanoseino 化膿性の
purulent umi no deru 膿の出る
pus umi
push ikimu いきむ
push osu 押す
push-up ude tate fuse 腕立て伏せ
put tukeru 着ける
put oku 置く
putrefaction fuhai 腐敗
pyelitis jinuen 腎盂炎
pyogenic umi no deru 膿の出る
pyogenic kanoseino 化膿性の
pyorrhea shiso noro 歯槽膿漏
pyorrheic shiso noro no 歯槽膿漏の
pyorrheal shiso noro no 歯槽膿漏の
pyosis kano 化膿
pyosis umu 膿む
pyrexia hatsunetsu 発熱
pyrosis muneyake 胸やけ
quadriceps femoris daitai shitokin 大腿四頭筋
queasy hakike ga suru 吐き気がする
queasy mukatsuki ga suru むかつきがする

Sample Sentences

pull a muscle

  • When he jogged for a first time in a long time, he pulled his muscle.
  • hisashiburi de jogingu shitara, niku banare wo okoshimashita.
  • 久しぶりでジョギングをしたら、肉離れを起こしました。


  • He is worried about his terrible halitosis because he knows he has severe pyorrhea.
  • kare wa hidoi shisonoro dato shitteiru node jibun no koshu ga hidoi koto wo shinpai shiteimasu.
  • 彼はひどい歯槽膿漏だと知っているので、自分の口臭をきにしています。
  • My gum is swollen. Is it pyorrhea?
  • haguki ga hareteru. shisonoro kana?
  • 歯茎が腫れてる。歯槽膿漏かな?