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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from PERIODONTITIS to PLASTER OF PARIS. Do you know what pharmacy is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of periodontosis, pharynx, phlegm, physical, physician, pigment, pimple and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : periodontitis → plaster

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
periodontitis shishubyo 歯周病
periodontosis shishuen 歯周炎
peripheral nerve masho shinkei 末梢神経
peritonitis fukumakuen 腹膜炎
permanent tooth eikyushi 永久歯
pernicious akuseino 悪性の
peroneus brevis tanhikotsukin 短腓骨筋
peroneus longus chohikotsukin 長腓骨筋
persist jizoku suru 持続する
perspire hakkan suru 発汗する
pertussis hyakunichi zeki 百日咳き
pessary pessari ペッサリー
pessary shikyusen 子宮栓
petella shigaikotsu 膝蓋骨
phalanges shikotsu 指骨
pharmaceutics yakuzaigaku 薬剤学
pharmacist yakuzaishi 薬剤師
pharmacotherapy yakubutsu ryoho 薬物療法
pharmacy yakkyoku 薬局
pharmacy chozai 調剤
pharyngeal canal intokan 咽頭管
pharyngitis intoen 咽頭炎
pharynx into 咽頭
phlegm tan
phlegm neneki 粘液
phlegm hanajiru 鼻汁
phobia kyofusho 恐怖症
phone number denwa bango 電話番号
physical kenko shindan 健康診断
physical checkup ningen dokku 人間ドック
physical examination kenko shindan 健康診断
physical examination kensa 検査
physical examination ningen dokku 人間ドック
physical therapist butsuri ryoho shi 物理療法士
physical therapy butsuri ryoho 物理療法
physician isha 医者
physician ishi 医師
physiology seirigaku 生理学
piercing pain sasuyona itami 刺すような痛み
pigment shikiso 色素
pigmentation shikiso chinchaku 色素沈着
pile ji
pill ganyaku 丸薬
pill piru ピル
pimple nikibi ニキビ
pink eye ketsumakuen 結膜炎
pinky finger koyubi 小指
pinwor gyochu 蟯虫
pitocin jintsu sokushin zai 陣痛促進剤
placenta taiban 胎盤
placenta previa zenchitaiban 前置胎盤
plantaris sokuteiikin 足底筋
plaque shiko 歯垢
plaster gipusu ギプス
plaster cast gipusu ギプス
plaster of paris gipusu ギプス

Sample Sentences

permanent tooth

  • Make sure to brush your teeth before you go to bed, your newly permanent tooth is very weak, and it is easy to be decayed.
  • neru mae ni kanarazu ha wo migaki nasai, atarashi (hae hajime) no eikyushi wa totemo yowaku, soshite mushiba ni nari yasui.
  • 寝る前に必ず歯は磨きなさい。新しい(生え始め)の永久歯はとても弱く、そして虫歯になりやすい。


  • I perspired heavily last night as I saw horrible nightmare.
  • sakuya wa minokemoyodatsu yona akumu wo mita node hidoi nease wo kaki mashita.      
  • 昨夜は身の毛もよだつような悪夢を見たので、ひどく寝汗をかきました。


  • This is your prescription. You will bring this prescription to a pharmacy near your house and hand it in to a pharmacist then you will be able to buy medicines that the doctor prescribed.
  • kochira wa shohosendesu. kochirawo motte yakkyoku ni yuki yakuzaishi san ni watashite kudasai.soshite sensei ga shoho shita okusuri wo kau kotoga dekimasu.
  • こちらは処方箋です。こちらを持って薬局に行き、薬剤師さんに渡して下さい。そして先生が処方したお薬を買うことができます。


  • You said, you coughed up blood phlegm this morning. Now have you ever coughed up it or vomited up blood before? Dose this happen occasionally?
  • kesa, kettan ga deta soudesuga, imamadeni kettan ga deta ri, chi wo haitari shita koto ga arimasu ka? sore wa yoku arimasu ka?
  • 今朝、血痰が出たそうですが、今までに血痰が出たり、血を吐いたりしたことがありますか?それはよくありますか?
  • Could you explain your condition? For example, do you remember what the color of your phlegm was this morning?
  • anata no shojo ni tsuite setsumei dekimasuka? tatoeba, kesa no tan no iro wo oboete imasuka?
  • アナタの症状について説明できますか?例えば、今朝の痰の色を覚えていますか?

physical checkup

  • I haven't gotten far from the bathroom almost two hours after I drunk barium at physical checkup. It gave me terrible diarrhea.
  • ningendokku de bariumu wo nonda ato, ni jikan toirekara deraremasen desita. hidoi geri deshita.
  • 人間ドックでバリウムを飲んだら、トイレから2時間離れられませんでした。ひどい下痢でした。


  • Please prescribe to me for pain killers. I suffer from severe piles.
  • itamidome wo shoho shite kudasai. hidoi ji nandesu.      
  • 痛み止めを処方して下さい。ひどい痔なんです。


  • My daughter worries about her pimples that would scar her face. Then she avoids to eat sweets and washes her face very carefully. Now I plan to buy some salve effective for zits sold on television shopping for her.
  • musume ha nikibi no ato ga nokoranaika to shinpai siteimasu. sorede amai mono wo tabenai yo ni shite, sosite teineini kao wo aratte imasu. sorede watasi ha terebi shoppingu de utteiru nikibi ni kiku nurigusuri wo kau koto ni shimashita.
  • 娘はニキビの痕が残らないか心配しています。それで甘い物を食べないようにして、そして顔を丁寧に洗っています。それで私もテレビショッピングで売っているニキビに効く塗り薬を買うことにしました。
  • Don't squeeze pimples out, you will suffer your acne spot.
  • nikibi wa tsubusanaide, nikibi no ato de nayamu kotoni naruyo.
  • ニキビはつぶさない、ニキビの痕で悩むことになるよ。


  • She has been hospitalized for a month as she got the traffic accident and broke her arm and her ribs were cracked. Today, she talked happily that her plaster will come off tomorrow.
  • kanojo wa kotsujiko ni atte ude wo kossetsu si, rokkotsu ni hibigahairi, ikkagetu kan nyuin shiteimasu. kyo, ureshiso ni asu gipusu ga toreru to hanashite imasita.
  • 彼女は交通事故に遭って腕を骨折し、肋骨にヒビが入り、1ヶ月間入院しています。今日、嬉しそうに、明日ギプスがとれると話していました。