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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from LIQUID to MARGIN. Do you know what lozenge is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of liver, Low Carb, lump, lung, magrim malocclusion and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : liquid → margin

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
liquid ekitai 液体
liquid ekitaino 液体の
liquid ekijono 液状の
liquid food ryudo shoku 流動食
liquids suibun 水分
little finger koyubi 小指
liver kanzo 肝臓
liver cancer kanzo gan 肝臓ガン
liver cirrhosis kankohen 肝硬変
local anesthesia kyokusho masui 局所麻酔
loneliness kodokukan 孤独感
long adductor chonaitenkin 長内転筋
long finger nakayubi 中指
look after shinryo suru 診療する
loose ha ga guragura suru 歯がグラグラする
lose one's footing ashi wo fumihazusu 足を踏み外す
lose weight yaseru 痩せる
low blood pressure teiketsuatsu 低血圧
Low Carb tei tansuikabutsu daiet 低炭水化物ダイエット
lower shitano 下の
lower abdomen kafukubu 下腹部
lower back koshi
lower back pain yotsu 腰痛
lower body kahanshin 下半身
lower jaw kagaku 下顎
lower lid shita mabuta 下瞼
lower lip shita kuchibiru 下唇
lozenge torochi トローチ
lues baidoku 梅毒
lumbar vertebra yotsui 腰椎
lump kobu こぶ
lump shikori しこり
lunch chushoku 昼食
lung hai
luxation dakkyu 脱臼
lymph rinpa リンパ
macrotooth kyodaishi 巨大歯
macula lutea moten 盲点
magnesium maguneshiumu マグネシウム
magrim hen zutsu 偏頭痛
make an appointment yoyaku wo toru 予約を取る
male dansei no 男性の
malfunction kino fuzen 機能不全
malignant akuseino 悪性の
malnutrition eiyo shicho 栄養失調
malocclusion fusei kogo 不正咬合
lingul frenum zetsushotai 舌小帯
mammogram nyugan rentogen kensa 乳がんレントゲン検査
mammogram manmoguraphi マンモグラフィー
mandiible kagakukotsu 下顎骨
manic-depressive psychosis so utsu byo そううつ病
March sangatsu 3月
margin kyokai 境界

Sample Sentences


  • Drinking too much alcohol injures our organs, especially liver seriously gets damaged. Moreover, sometimes young people who suffer from acute alcoholism are carried to hospitals by ambulance, and thousands people would be an alcoholics from alcohol poisoning.
  • takusan no osake wo nomu koto wa naizo ni warui desu, tokuni kanzo ni judai na dameji wo atae masu. soshite, kyusei arukoru chudoku no wakamono ga kyukyusha de byoin ni hakobareru kotomo arimasu, sosite mata nanzen to iu hitoga arukoru chudoku sho ni natte imasu.
  • たくさんのお酒を飲むことは内臓に悪いです。特に肝臓に重大なダメージを与えます。そして、急性アルコール中毒で救急車で病院に運ばれる若者もいます。また、何千という人がアルコール中毒症になっています。


  • This anterior tooth is loose and wobbly.
  • kono maeba wa guragura de nuke sodesu.
  • この前歯はグラグラで抜けそうです。
  • My son's baby tooth had been loose for a few days. Today, he is losing the milk tooth and is getting his adult tooth.
  • musuko no kodomo no ha (nyushi) ga ni san nichi guragura shite imashita. kyo, nyushi ga nukete otona no ha (eikyushi) ga hae hajime mashita.
  • 息子の子供のは(乳歯)が2・3日グラグラしていました。今日、その乳歯(子供の歯)が抜けて大人の歯(永久歯)が生え始めました。

lose her footing

  • The young lady lost her footing on the stairs and sprained her leg when she ran down with her high heels. Then she is dragging her leg.
  • wakai josei wa kaidan wo haihiru de kakeorite ita tokini ashi wo fumihazushi kujiite (nenza) shimaimashita. sorede ahi wo hikizutte imasu.
  • 若い女性は階段をハイヒールで駆け下りていた時に、足を踏み外し、挫いて(捻挫して)しまいました。それで脚を引きずっています。

lose weight

  • Let's take some exercise to help to lunch settled out. Recently I am gaining much weight, so I've got a double chin, I began work out to lose my weight.
  • hirugohan no hara gonashi ni sukoshi undo wo shimasho. saikin kanari futocchatene, nijuago ni natte shimaimashita. yaseru tame ni undo wo hajime mashita.
  • 昼ごはんの腹ごなしに少し運動をしましょう。最近かなり太っちゃってね、二重顎になってしまいました。痩せるために運動をはじめました。
  • You are look healthy after you lost your weight, a friend of mine who lost 30kg was not like you. Though she lost her flabby double chin, her skin sagged down.
  • genryo shita atonanoni kenko so desune. sanju kiro genryo shita tomodachi wa anata no yo de nakatta. shimarinonai nijuago wa nakunatta kedo, hifu wa hari ga nakunari mashita.
  • 減量した後なのに健康そうですね。30キロ減量した友達はあなたの様ではなかった。締まりのない二重顎はなくなったけれど、皮膚はハリがなりました。
  • Girls desire to lose weight, and many of them go on diet and success to slim down.
  • onnanoko wa yaseta garimasu, soshite ooku no onnnanoko wa shokuji seigen (daietto) shite migotoni yasemasu.
  • 女の子はやせたがります、そして多くの女の子は食事制限(ダイエット)してみごとにやせます。


  • My left lower canine tooth is so sensitive that I cannot eat sweet and cold foods like ice cream, maybe I have hyperesthesia on the tooth.
  • watasi no hidari sita no kenshi (itokiriba) wa binkan sugite, watasi wa amakute tsumetai aisukurimu no yona tabemono ga taberare masen, tabun tikaku kabin sho no yo desu.
  • 私の左下の犬歯(糸切り歯)は敏感すぎて、甘くて冷たいアイスクリームのような食べ物が食べられません、たぶん知覚過敏症なのでしょう。
  • The lower left canine tooth you had cured last week suddenly began to hurt. When can I take an appointment that you have the earliest one? Please tell me that the earliest opening you have.
  • senshu chiryo site itadaita hidari shita no kenshi ga totsuzen itami hajime mashita, itiban hayai yoyaku wa itsu nara tore masuka? ichiban hayai aiteiru jikan wo osiete kudasai.
  • 先週治療して頂いた左下の犬歯が突然痛み始めました。一番早い予約は、いつならとれますか? 一番早い空いている時間を教えて下さい。


  • While sleeping last night, I hit my head on the pillar and I got a lump on my forehead.
  • yube neteiru aida ni hashira ni atama butsukete odeko ni kobu ga dekita.
  • 昨夜、寝ている間に柱に頭ぶつけておでこにコブができた。


  • Is the dentist male or female?
  • sono haisha san wa dansei desuka soretomo josei desuka?
  • その歯医者さんは男性ですか?それとも女性ですか?