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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from YUGOSHI to ZUTSU. Do you know what zei niku is called in English? You could find the meanings of yu sanso undo, zenpo kaiko, zenritusen gan, zensoku, zetsushotai, zettai ansei and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : yugoshi → zutsu

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
yugoshi 融合歯 fused teeth
yuketsu 輸血 blood transfusion
yunitto ユニット dental unit
yunitto ユニット unit
yurunda ゆるんだ flabby
yu sanso undo 有酸素運動 aerobic exercise
yu sanso undo 有酸素運動 aerobics
yushoku 夕食 supper
yutsuna kibun 憂鬱な気分 blues
zairyo 材料 material
zankon setsujo 残根切除 odontectomy
zansa 残渣 debris
zarazara shita ザラザラした rough
zayaku 坐薬 suppository
zeiniku ぜい肉 extra pounds
zeiniku ぜい肉 spare tire
zekkotsu 舌骨 hyoid
zenchi taiban 前置胎盤 placenta previa
zenkeikotsu kin 前脛骨筋 tibialis anterior
zenno 前方開口 anterior open bite
zenpo kaiko 前方開口 anterior open bite
zenpo no 前方の anterior
zenritsusen 前立腺 prostate gland
zenritusen gan 前立腺がん prostate cancer
zenshin masui 全身麻酔 general anesthesia
zensoku 喘息 asthma
zensoku no hossa 喘息の発作 asthma attack
zentokin 前頭筋 frontal
zenwan 前腕 forearm
zesshoku 絶食 fast
zetsu lingua
zetsu en 舌炎 glossittis
zetsu shotai 舌小帯 lingul frenum
zettai ansei 絶対安静 absolute rest
zoge saikan 象牙細管 dentinal canal
zogeshitsu 象牙質 dentine
zoki 臓器 organ
zugai ganmen 頭蓋顔面 facialis
zugai kotsu 頭蓋骨 cranium
zugai kotsu 頭蓋骨 skull
zukizuki itamu ズキズキ痛む throb
zutsu 頭痛 cephalgia
zutsu 頭痛 cerebralgia
zutsu 頭痛 headache

Sample Sentences

yu sanso undo

  • taisha wo zouka saseru houhou wo manabu koto wa juyo dato shitte imasu, yu sanso undo de isso karori wo nensho suru kotoni yakudachi masu. dansu to uokingu, jogingu, suiei no dore ga yori koukateki de tuzuke yasui desuka?
  • 代謝を増加させる方法を学ぶことは重要です。有酸素運動で一層カロリーを燃焼するのに役立ちます。ダンスとウォーキング、ジョギング、水泳のどれがより効果的で続けやすいですか?
  • I know it is important to learn how to increase my metabolism, it will help me burn more calories from aerobics. Therefore I examine thoroghly which aerobics is more effective and better for me to continue, dancing, walking, jogging and swiming.


  • yuketsu wo uketa koto ga arimasu ka?
  • 輸血を受けたことがありますか?
  • Have you ever received a blood transfusion?

zarazara shita

  • haha no te mainichi no shokkiarai de kanso shiteite zarazara desu, tokuni fuyu wa te ga akagirete imasu.
  • 母の手は毎日の食器洗いで乾燥していてザラザラです。特に冬は手があかぎれています。
  • Mother's hands are dry and rough from washing dishes everyday, especially in winter she got chapped in her hands .
  • musuko no hada wa safin de hiyake siteru kara zarazara desu..
  • 息子の肌はサーフィンで日焼けしてるからザラザラです。
  • My son's skin got sunburn while surfing, and it is rough to touch.

zenpo no

  • kono maeba wa guragura de nuke sodesu.
  • この前歯はグラグラで抜けそうです。
  • This anterior tooth is loose and wobbly.


  • hidoi zutsu ga shimasu.
  • ひどい頭痛がします。
  • I have a terrible headache.
  • monosugoi zutsu ga shimasu.(shinuhodo no zutsu ga shimasu)
  • ものすごい頭痛がします。(死ぬほどの頭痛がします)
  • I have a killer headache.