The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from YUGOSHI to ZUTSU. Do you know what zei niku is called in English?
You could find the meanings of yu sanso undo, zenpo kaiko, zenritusen gan,
zensoku, zetsushotai, zettai ansei and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
yugoshi | 融合歯 | fused teeth |
yuketsu | 輸血 | blood transfusion |
yunitto | ユニット | dental unit |
yunitto | ユニット | unit |
yurunda | ゆるんだ | flabby |
yu sanso undo | 有酸素運動 | aerobic exercise |
yu sanso undo | 有酸素運動 | aerobics |
yushoku | 夕食 | supper |
yutsuna kibun | 憂鬱な気分 | blues |
zairyo | 材料 | material |
zankon setsujo | 残根切除 | odontectomy |
zansa | 残渣 | debris |
zarazara shita | ザラザラした | rough |
zayaku | 坐薬 | suppository |
zeiniku | ぜい肉 | extra pounds |
zeiniku | ぜい肉 | spare tire |
zekkotsu | 舌骨 | hyoid |
zenchi taiban | 前置胎盤 | placenta previa |
zenkeikotsu kin | 前脛骨筋 | tibialis anterior |
zenno | 前方開口 | anterior open bite |
zenpo kaiko | 前方開口 | anterior open bite |
zenpo no | 前方の | anterior |
zenritsusen | 前立腺 | prostate gland |
zenritusen gan | 前立腺がん | prostate cancer |
zenshin masui | 全身麻酔 | general anesthesia |
zensoku | 喘息 | asthma |
zensoku no hossa | 喘息の発作 | asthma attack |
zentokin | 前頭筋 | frontal |
zenwan | 前腕 | forearm |
zesshoku | 絶食 | fast |
zetsu | 舌 | lingua |
zetsu en | 舌炎 | glossittis |
zetsu shotai | 舌小帯 | lingul frenum |
zettai ansei | 絶対安静 | absolute rest |
zoge saikan | 象牙細管 | dentinal canal |
zogeshitsu | 象牙質 | dentine |
zoki | 臓器 | organ |
zugai ganmen | 頭蓋顔面 | facialis |
zugai kotsu | 頭蓋骨 | cranium |
zugai kotsu | 頭蓋骨 | skull |
zukizuki itamu | ズキズキ痛む | throb |
zutsu | 頭痛 | cephalgia |
zutsu | 頭痛 | cerebralgia |
zutsu | 頭痛 | headache |