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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from TOKKO YAKU to TSUMEKIRI. Do you know what torochi is called in English? You could find the meanings of toko zure, tonyo byo, toseki, tsufu,tsuki yubi suru, tsumayoji and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : tokko yaku → tsume kiri

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
tokko yaku 特効薬 effetive medicine
tokko yaku 特効薬 specific
tokotsu 橈骨 radius
toko zure 床ずれ decubitus
tokui taishitsu 特異体質 idiosyncrasy
tomeina 透明な transparent
tonyo byo 糖尿病 diabetes
tonyo byo 糖尿病 glucosuria
torauma トラウマ trauma
tore トレー tray
torikomonasu chitsu en トリコモナス膣炎 trichomoniasis
torochi トローチ lozenge
toseki 透析 dialysis
toshi age
toshi wo heta 年をへた aged
tosho 凍傷 frostbite
tosho 凍傷 ice burn
tosshutsu shita 突出した protruding
toyaku 投薬 medication
tozai 陶材 porcelain
tozai zensokan 陶材前装冠 porcelain veneer crown
tsuba sputum
tsuberukurin ツベルクリン tuberculin
tsubo ツボ accupoint
tsubo ツボ acupressure
tsubo ツボ tsubo
tsuchi fumazu 土踏まず arch
tsufu 通風 gout
tsuikanban 椎間板 intervertebral disc
tsuikanban herunia 椎間板ヘルニア herniated disk
tsuikotsu 椎骨 vertebra
tsukaisute kamisori 使い捨て剃刀 disposable razor blade
tsukare 疲れ fatigue
tsukare 疲れ tiredness
tsukare 疲れ weariness
tsukare 疲れ exhaustion
tsukareru 疲れる be tired
tsukare hateru 疲れ果てる be exhausted
tsukare kiru 疲れ切る be exhausted
tsukare kitta 疲れ切った bleary
tsukare kitta 疲れ切った rough
tsukare me 疲れ目 eyestrain
tsukaku 痛覚 algesthesia
tsukeru 着ける put
tsuki month
tsukiyubi suru 突き指する jam
tsukiyubi suru 突き指する sprain
tsukiyubi suru 突き指する stub
tsumayoji 爪楊枝 tooth pic
tsume nail
tsume kami guse 爪噛み癖 onychophagia
tsume kiri 爪切り nail clipper
tsume kiri 爪切り nail scissors
tsume kiri 爪切り nail trimmer

Sample Sentences

tokko yaku

  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, soshite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast?

tonyo byo

  • tonyo byo wo wazuratteiru tomodachi wa kibishiku shokuji seigen sarete imasu.
  • 糖尿病を患っている友達は、厳しく食事制限されています。
  • My friend who suffers diabetes severely restricted diets.


  • kinba (kinkan) wo tozai ni kaetai desu.
  • 金歯(金冠)を陶材に変えたいです。
  • I would like to change my gold crowns on my teeth to porcelaine crowns.


  • meisha san ni iku made, me ga shoboshobo shi, mono ga yugandari, kasunde mie mashita.meisha san wa tsukare me desu, hataraki sugi wa yamemasho, tsukare ga meni deteimasu to ii, yasumi wo totta hoga ii to iu node, isshukan yasumi wo kureru yo ni joshi ni ii mashita.
  • 目医者さんに行くまで、目がショボショボし、物が歪んだりかすんで見えたました。眼医者さんは疲れ目です、働き過ぎはやめましょう、疲れが目にでていますと言いした。休みを取った方がいいというので、一週間休暇をくれるように上司に言いました。      
  • My eyes were bleary, and things had looked distorted and dimmed to my eyes until I went to the oculist. The eye doctor said it's eyestrain, I had to stop overworking, fatigue shows up in your eyes. He added that I had better take a vacation. So I talked to my boss to take a week off.


  • hamabe de bare boru wo shiteitatokini, hitosashiyubi wo tsukiyubi shimashita.
  • 海岸でバレーボールをしていた時に、人差し指を突き指しました。
  • While playing volley ball at beach, my index finger jammed.


  • iryokikan ya resutoran de hataraiteiru hito wa te wo seiketsuni tamotsu tameni itsumo tsume wo kirimasu.
  • 医療機関やレストランで働く人は、手を清潔に保つためにいつも爪をきります。
  • People working at medical institutions and restaurants always trim their nail to keep clean their hands.