The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from SHOKOTSU to SOBOKIN. Do you know what shoku chudoku is called in English?
You could find the meanings of shokuji ryoho, shokuyoku fushin, shoni shika,
shoshi tai, shotai setsujo jutsu, sikan geki and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
General Words in madical institutions : shokotsu →sobokin
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
shokotsu |
踵骨 |
calcaneus |
shoku chudoku |
食中毒 |
food poisoning |
shokudo |
食堂 |
cafeteria |
shokudo |
食道 |
oesophagus |
shokudo en |
食道炎 |
oesophagitis |
shokuen sui |
食塩水 |
saltwater |
shokugyo byo |
職業病 |
occupational disease |
shokuji |
食事 |
meal |
shokuji ryoho |
食事療法 |
regimen |
shokuji ryoho |
食餌療法 |
diet |
shokuji seigen |
食事制限 |
diet |
shokumo suru |
植毛する |
transplant hair |
shokumotsu |
食物 |
food |
shokumotsu arerugi |
食物アレルギー |
food allergy |
shokushin |
触診 |
palpation |
shokuyoku |
食欲 |
appetite |
shokuyoku fushin |
食欲不振 |
anorexia |
shonika |
小児科 |
Kid-Simple |
shonika |
小児科 |
pediatrics |
shonika i |
小児科医 |
pediatrician |
shonika no |
小児科の |
pediatric |
shoni mahi |
小児マヒ |
polio |
shoni shika |
小児歯科 |
paediadontics |
shono |
小脳 |
cerebellum |
shoshitai |
硝子体 |
vitreous body |
shoshin |
初診 |
first medical examination |
shoshin |
初診 |
first visit |
shosui |
小水 |
urine |
shotai |
小帯 |
frenum |
shotai setsujo jutsu |
小帯切除術 |
frenectomy |
shototsu jiko |
衝突事故 |
car wreck |
shu |
週 |
week |
shuchu chiryo shitsu |
集中治療室 |
shuchu chiryo shitsu |
集中治療室 |
intensive care unit |
shuheki |
習癖 |
habit |
shujutsu |
手術 |
operation |
shujutsu |
手術 |
surgery |
shujutsu no |
手術の |
surgical |
shujutsu reki |
手術歴 |
prior surgical operation |
shujutsu shitsu |
手術室 |
operation room |
shukan |
習慣 |
habit |
shukketsu |
出血 |
bleeding |
shukketsu |
出血 |
bloody discharge |
shukketsu |
出血 |
hemorrhage |
shukketsu suru |
出血する |
bleed |
shukketsu taryo |
出血多量 |
excessive bleeding |
shukketsu taryo |
出血多量 |
massive bleeding |
shukon kotsu |
手根骨 |
carpals |
shukon kukkin |
手根屈筋 |
flexor carpi radialis |
shussan |
出産 |
childbirth |
shussan |
出産 |
delivery |
shuyo |
腫瘍 |
tumor |
sikan geki |
歯間隙 |
diastema |
siko |
歯垢 |
debris |
siranto |
シーラント |
sealant |
sobakasu |
そばかす |
freckles |
sobo kin |
僧帽筋 |
trapezius |
Sample Sentences
- kodomo tachi ni mushiba wo yobo suru tame ni shokuji no ato ni ha wo migaku yoni nanbyaku kai mo ii mashita.
- 子供達に虫歯を予防するために食事の後に歯を磨くように何百回も言いました。
- I had told several houndred times for my children to brush their teeth after every meals to prevent tooth decay.
- tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, soshite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
- 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
- I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast?
- onnanoko wa yaseta garimasu, soshite ooku no onnnanoko wa shokuji seigen (daietto) shite migotoni yasemasu.
- 女の子はやせたがります、そして多くの女の子は食事制限(ダイエット)してみごとにやせます。
- Girls desire to lose weight, and many of them go on diet and success to slim down.
- tonyobyo wo wazuratteiru tomodachi wa kibishiku shokuji seigen sarete imasu.
- 糖尿病を患っている友達は、厳しく食事制限されています。
- My friend who suffers diabetes severely restricted diets.
- otokonoko wa mudage wo nukitagari, chichioya wa shokumo shiteiru.
- 男の子は無駄毛を抜きたがり、父親は植毛する。
- Boys wants to remove their unwanted hair while their fathers get transplants.
- nodo ga itai, hentosen ga harete iruyodesu, sorede koko isshukan shokuyoku ga arimasen.
- 喉が痛い。扁桃腺が腫れているようです。それでここ一週間食欲がありません。
- I have a sore throat, maybe my tonsils are swollen, so I've lost my appetite for a week.
- koko ichi ni shukan shoku yoku ga naidesu. hitokuchi tabeta dakede hakike ga shimasu. shoka ni mondai
ga aruno deshoka?
- ここ1、2週間、食欲がないです。一口食べただけで吐き気がします?消化に問題があるのでしょうか?
- For a week or so, I have had no appetite for food. I get nauseous only having a bite of food. Do I have any problems with my digestion?
- sono shika ishi wa shoshin no sai kanja san no ha no rentogen shashin wo torimasu.
- その歯科医師は初診の際に患者さんの歯のレントゲン写真をとります。
- The dentist takes some X-rays of patients' teeth at the first medical examination.
- goyoyaku desuka? soretomo, shoshin desuka? kenko hoken sho wa arimasuka? omochi deshitara misete kudasai.
soshite kochira no yoshi ni gokinyu kudasai.
- ご予約ですか?それとも初診ですか?健康保険証はありますか?お持ちでしたら、見せて下さい。そして、こちらの用紙にご記入ください。
- Do you have an appointment? Or is this your first visit to this hospital? Do you have your Health Insurance Card. If you have, please show me it. And please fill in this form.
- shshoshin desuka? kenko hoken sho wa omochi desuka? kochira ni kinyu shite kudasai, sosite owattara goteishutsu kudasai.
- 初診ですか?健康保険証はお持ちですか?こちらにご記入して下さい。そして、終ったらご提出下さい。
- Is this your first visit here? Do you have your health insurance card? Please fill in this form and hand it in when you have completed.
- shoshin matawa yoyaku no nai yakan no jushin no baai, kakaritsuke no oisha sama kara sho kaijo wo kaite moratte u koto wo osusume shimasu. shokaijo ga nai baai, sentei ryoyohi toshite 5,400 yen wo betto chodai itashimasu.
- 初診、又は予約の無い夜間の受信の場合、かかりつけのお医者様に紹介状を書いていただくことをお勧めします。紹介状がない場合、選定療養費として5,400円を別途頂戴致します。
- If it is your first visit or your visit at night without any appointment, we recommend that you have your family doctor write a referral to us. If you do not have it, you have to pay 5400 yen as an extra charge of the selected medical care expense.
- geka shujutsu wo uketa koto ga arimasuka?
- 外科手術を受けたことがありますか?
- Have you ever got any surgical operations?
- shujutsu no aida, kichohin wo oiteoku basho wa ari masu ka?
- 手術の間、貴重品を置いておく場所はありますか?
- Do you have any places to leave my valuables during the operation?
- shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
- 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
- There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
- sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
- そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
- Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
- haguki kara chi ga demasu ka? soretomo haguki kara chi ga deta koto ga arimasuka?
- 歯ぐきから血がでますか?それとも、歯ぐきから血が出たことがありますか?
- Do you have bleeding gums? Or have you ever had bleeding gums?
- dareka keitai denwa motte nai? kyukyusha yonde kudasai. hijyo jitai desu,
tasukete kudasai. tomodachi ga kotsujiko de kega wo shite imasu. tairyo
ni shukketsu siteite isiki mo nasa so desu.
- 誰か携帯電話持ってない?救急車を呼んでください。非常事態です。助けて下さい。友達が交通事故で怪我をしています。大量に出血していて、意識もなさそうです。
- Does anyone have cell phones? Please call an ambulance. This is an emergency. Please help me! My friend got hurt in the traffic accident. He is bleeding too much and he may be unconscious right now.