The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from SHINKEI SHITSU NA to SHISHU EN. Do you know what shishu byo is called
in English? You could find the meanings of shinri gakusha, shinryo kamoku,
shintai sokutei, shinzo hossa, shiretsu kyosei, shiseki jokyo and so on
in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
General Words in madical institutions : shinkei shitsun na →shishu en
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
shinkei shitsu na |
神経質な |
sensitive |
shinkei tsu |
神経痛 |
neuralgia |
shinkin kosoku |
心筋梗塞 |
myocardial infarction |
shinkokyu |
深呼吸 |
deep breath |
shinkokyu suru |
深呼吸する |
take a deep breath |
shinpi |
真皮 |
dermis |
shinri gakusha |
心理学者 |
psychologist |
shinryo |
診療 |
diagnosis and treatment |
shinryo |
診療 |
medical care |
shinryo |
診療 |
medical examination and treatment |
shinryo bi |
診療日 |
business day |
shinryo jikan |
診療時間 |
consultation hours |
shinryo jikan |
診療時間 |
office hours |
shinryojo |
診療所 |
clinic |
shinryojo |
診療所 |
doctor's office |
shinryojo |
診療所 |
medical office |
shinryo kamoku |
診療科目 |
clinical depertment |
shinryo kamoku |
診療科目 |
hospital depertment |
shinryo roku |
診療録 |
chart |
shinryo shitsu |
診療室 |
examination room |
shinryo shitsu |
診療室 |
treatment room |
shinryo suru |
診療する |
look after |
shinryo suru |
診療する |
see |
shinryo suru |
診療する |
treat |
shinsatsu |
診察 |
consultation |
shinsatsu |
診察 |
medical examination |
shinsatsu ryo |
診察料 |
doctore's fee |
shinsatu ken |
診察券 |
clinic ID card |
shinsatu ken |
診察券 |
hospital ID card |
shinsatu ken |
診察券 |
patient ID card |
shinsatsu suru |
診察する |
examine |
shinsatsu suru |
診察する |
have a look at |
shinsatsu suru |
診察する |
see |
shinseiji |
新生児 |
neonate |
shinseiji |
新生児 |
new born baby |
shniseiji shitsu |
新生児室 |
nursery |
shinshin sho |
心身症 |
psychosomatic disease |
shintai sokutei |
身体測定 |
body measurement |
shinzo |
心臓 |
heart |
shinzo geka |
心臓外科 |
cardiosurgery |
shinzo geka |
心臓外科 |
heart surgery |
shinzo hossa |
心臓発作 |
heart attack |
shinzo mahi |
心臓マヒ |
heart attack |
shinzo naika |
心臓内科 |
cardiac internal medicine |
salt |
塩 |
salt |
shio mizu |
塩水 |
saltwater |
shiretsu |
歯列 |
dentition |
shiretsu kyosei |
歯列矯正 |
orthodontics |
shiri |
尻 |
butt |
shiro sho |
脂漏症 |
soborrhea |
shiryoku |
視力 |
eye sight |
shiryoku |
視力 |
sight |
shiryoku |
視力 |
vision |
shiseki |
歯石 |
calculus |
shiseki |
歯石 |
tartar |
shiseki jokyo |
歯石除去 |
scaling |
siseki wo toru |
歯石をとる |
scale |
shishi |
四肢 |
limbs |
shi shinkei |
歯神経 |
dental nerve |
shi shinkei |
視神経 |
optic nerve |
shi shinkei |
視神経 |
orbital nerve |
shishitsu |
脂質 |
fat |
shishitsu |
脂質 |
lipid |
shishitsu |
脂質 |
lipin |
shishu byo |
歯周病 |
gum disease |
shishu byo |
歯周病 |
periodontal disease |
shishu byo |
歯周病 |
periodontitis |
shishu en |
歯周炎 |
periodontosis |
Sample Sentences
- kaidan banashiwo kiiteiru toki niwa, watashitachi wa shinkeishitsu ni natteite, chiisana mono oto demo sesuji ga samuku narimasu.
- 怪談話を聞いている時には、私達は神経質になり、小さな物音でも背筋が寒くなります。
- While we are hearing some horror stories, we become sensitive, so small sounds often sent a chill on our backs.
- shinkokyu wo shimasho. ochitsuite kudasai.
- 深呼吸をしましょう。落ち着いて下さい。
- Let't take a deep breath. Please calm down.
- honjitu yoyaku wa ippai desu. asu no juichiji nara aite imasu. matawa, nagaku omachi itadakereba, sensei ga shinryo no aida ni jikan wo tukuru kotomo dekimasu.
- 本日の予約はいっぱいです。明日の11時なら空いています。または、長くお待ち頂ければ、診療の間に先生が時間をつくることもできます。
- Today's schedule is full right now. We have an opening at 11:00 tomorrow. Or you could come soon if wait for hours at our office, the doctor will make a short time between consultations to see you.
- shinryo bi wa getsuyo kara kinyo desu. doyo to nichiyo wa oyasumi desu.
- 診療日は月曜から金曜です。土曜と日曜はお休みです。
- Our office opens from Monday to Friday, it closes on Saturday and Sunday.
- shinryo jikan wo oshiete kudasai.
- 診療時間を教えて下さい。
- Please tell me your office hour.
- gozen no shinryo jikan wa ku ji kara juni ji sanju pun, gogo wa jugo ji kara juku ji desu.
- 午前の診療時間は9時から12時30分です。午後は15時から19時です。
- Our office hour is from 9:00 to 12:30 in the morning, and from 15:00 to 19:00 in the afternoon.
- shinryojikan wa owari mashta. kono karute wo bekkan no ikkai ni aru kyukyu gairai no
uketsuke madoguchi ni motte itte kudasai.
- 診療時間は終わりました。このカルテを別館の1階にある救急外来の受付窓口まで持って行って下さい。
- Now office hour is over. Please take this chart to the reception counter of emergency department on the 1st floor of the annex.
- shinsatsu ken wo kochira ni irete kudasai. sosite onamae wo yobareru made, okakeni natte omachi kudasai.
- 診察券をこちらに入れて下さい。そして、お名前を呼ばれるまでおかけになってお待ち下さい。
- Please put your patient ID card in this box. Then take a seat and wait until you are called.
- shinsatsu ken wa omochi desuka? shinsatsu niwa, shinsatsu ken ga hituyo desu. owasure deshitara, saihakko itashimasu. saihakko ni wa tesuryo ga kakarimasu. yoroshi desuka?
- 診察券はお持ちですか?診察には診察券が必要です。お忘れでしたら、再発行いたします。再発行には手数料がかかります。よろしいですか?
- Do you have your patient ID card? We need the ID to treat you. If you don't, we have to reissue it. To reissue it, we need an extra fee. Can you pay for that?
- kanojo ni au to, mune ga kurushiku naru. shinzo hossa de taore soda.
- 彼女に会うと胸が苦しくなる。心臓発作で倒れそうだ。
- When I see her, my chest feels tight. I think I'm going to collapse from a heart attack.
- shiryoku ga warui desu.
- 視力が悪いです。
- I have poor eye sight.
- anata wa me wo hosomete shinbun wo yonde masu. shiryoku ni nanika mondai ga arimasu ka?
- アナタは目を細めて新聞を読んでいます。視力に何か問題がありますか?
- You are reading newspaper with your eyes slightly open. Do you have any vision problem?
- shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
- 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
- There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
- sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu.
soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
- そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
- Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
- okuchi no naka wo misede kudasai. tabako wo suimasuka? okuchi no naka ga shiseki to tabako no yani de ippai desu. zenbu nikochin no tsuita ha desu. koshu wo chiryo suru tame ni tabako wo yameta ho ga ii desu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。タバコを吸いますか?歯石とタバコのヤニでイッパイです。全部ニコチンのついた歯です。口臭を治療するために、タバコを止めた方がいいです。
- Let me have a look inside your mouth. Do you smoke? There are a lot of tartar and tabacco stains in your mouth. You have all nicotine-stained teeth in your mouth. You had better give up smoking to cure your bad breath.
- okuchi no naka wo misete kudasai. sai, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
- Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
- shika eiseishi wa, watashi no ha no shiseki jokyo wo shiteiru aidani, okuba ni chiisana mushiba no ana wo mitsuke mashita.
- 歯科衛生士は、私の歯の歯石除去をしている間に、奥歯に小さな虫歯の穴を見つけました。
- The dental hygienist found a small cavity hall on my molar while she was scaling my teeth.
- kotomotachi to niwa de yukidaruma wo tsukutte ita node shishi ga kajikande shimatte imasu.
- 子供達と庭で雪だるまを作っていたら、四肢がカジカンデしまいました。
- Now my limbs are numb with cold as I have made snowman with my children in the yard.