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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from MUSHI MEGANE to NENMAKU. Do you know what  nechigae is called in English? You could find the meanings of myakuhaku, mizoochi, naishikyo, nai shukketsu, naka yubi, necchu sho and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : mushi megane → nenmaku

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
mushi megane 虫めがね roupe
mushi sasare 虫さされ bug bite
mushi sasare 虫さされ insect bite
muzukaru むずかる fretful
muzumuzu suru ムズムズする tickle
myakuhaku 脈拍 pulse
nai fukusha kin 内腹斜筋 internal oblique
naifuku yaku 内服薬 medicine
naifuku yaku 内服薬 oral medicine
naiji 内耳 labyrinth
naiji en 内耳炎 internal otitis
naika 内科 internal medical
naika i 内科医 internal medical
naishikyo 内視鏡 endoscope
nai shuketsu 内出血 internal bleeding
nai shuketsu 内出血 bruise
naisoku ko kin 内側広筋 nedial great
naizo 内臓 internal organs
naizo 内臓 viscera
naizo 内臓 viscus
naka yubi 中指 long finger
naka yubi 中指 middle finger
namae 名前 name
namari lead
nanben 軟便 soft stool
nancho 難聴 auditory disturbance
nancho 難聴 hearing loss
nani what
nanji 何時 what time
nanko 軟膏 cream
nanko 軟膏 ointment
nanko 軟膏 salve
nan kotsu 軟骨 cartilage
naoru 治る heal
naosu 治す cure
naosu 治す heal
nasu sutashon ナースステーション nurse station
natoriumu ナトリウム sodium
naze 何故 why
nease 寝汗 night sweat
neba neba shita ネバネバした sticky
ne busoku 寝不足 lack of sleep
necchu sho 熱中症 heatstroke
nechigaeru 寝違える crick in one's head
nechigaeru 寝違える crook in one's head
nechigaeru 寝違える strain in one's head
nechigaeru 寝違える wrench in one's head
nedan 値段 price
nedan hyo 値段表 price list
nejiru ねじる twist
nejiru ねじる wrench
nemui 眠い sleepy
nemuke 眠気 sleepiness
neneki 粘液 mucus
neneki 粘液 phlegm
neneki no 粘液の mucous
nenmaku 粘膜 mucosa
nenmaku 粘膜 mucous membrane

Sample Sentences

mushi sasare

  • mushi ni sasareta. futon ni dani ga irunokana?
  • 虫に刺された。布団にダニがいるのかな?
  • I have an insect bite. Are there any ticks in the futon?
  • kodomo no koro hachi ni sasareta koto ga arimasu.
  • 虫に刺された。布団にダニがいるのかな?
  • I have been stung by a bee in my childhood.


  • takusan no osake wo nomu koto wa naizo ni warui desu, tokuni kanzo ni judai na dameji wo atae masu. soshite, kyusei arukoru chudoku no wakamono ga kyukyusha de byoin ni hakobareru kotomo arimasu, sosite mata nanzen to iu hitoga arukoru chudoku sho ni natte imasu.
  • たくさんのお酒を飲むことは内臓に悪いです。特に肝臓に重大なダメージを与えます。そして、急性アルコール中毒で救急車で病院に運ばれる若者もいます。また、何千という人がアルコール中毒症になっています。
  • Drinking too much alcohol injures our internal organs, especially liver seriously gets damaged. Moreover, sometimes young people who suffer from acute alcoholism are carried to hospitals by ambulance, and thousands people would be an alcoholics from alcohol poisoning.

naka yubi

  • jitennsha de koronda tokini naka yubi wo otte zemmshin daboku wo otte shitmashita.
  • 自転車で転んだ時に、中指を折って、全身打撲を負ってしまいました。
  • I got many bruises all over my body and broke my middle finger when I had fallen down from my bicycle.


  • kuchibiru no hibiwareta tokoro ni kono nanko wo nurinasai.
  • 唇のひび割れた部分にこの軟膏を塗りなさい。
  • Apply this ointment on your lips cracked.


  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, soshite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast?


  • sakuya wa minokemoyodatsu yona akumu wo mita node hidoi nease wo kaki mashita.
  • 昨夜は身の毛もよだつような悪夢を見たので、ひどく寝汗をかきました。      
  • I perspired heavily last night as I saw horrible nightmare.

necchu sho

  • natsu ni ooku no nihonjin ga nechusho ni nattari necchu sho de memai wo kanji tari shisshin suru nowa ondanka ni kankei ga aru so desu.
  • 夏に多くの日本人が熱中症になったり、熱中症でめまいを感じたり失神するのは、温暖化に関係があるそうです。
  • It is related to the earth warming that many Japanese get heatstroke and feel giddy and fainted by the heatstroke in summer.


  • yube nechigae chatte, maega mukenakutte, shigoto ga dekinainda.
  • 昨夜寝違えちゃって、前が向けなくって、仕事ができないんだ。
  • I got a crick in my neck from sleeping last night so I couldn't work as I can't look straight.