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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from KAFUKUBU to KANCHO. Do you know what  kafun sho is called in English? You could find the meanings of kagakutosshutsu, kagyu, kaigyoi, kaiko, kakaritsuke i, kakokyu shokogun and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : kafukubu → kancho

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
kafukubu 下腹部 lower abdomen
kafun sho 花粉症 hay fever
kafun sho 花粉症 pollen allergy
kagaku 化学 chemistry
kagaku 下顎 lower jaw
kagaku 下顎 mandiible
kagaku 科学 science
kagaku kasho 化学火傷 chemical burn
kagaku kotsu 下顎骨 lower jawbone
kagaku kotsu 下顎骨 mandiible
kagaku no 化学の chemical
kagaku no 下顎の mandibular
kagaku no 科学の scientific
kagaku ryoho 化学療法 chemotherapy
kagaku tosshutsu 下顎突出 jaw protrusion
kagaku tosshutsu 下顎突出 underhung bite
kagaku tosshutsu no 下顎突出の hypognathous
kagaku tosshutsu no 下顎突出の underhung
kagaku tosshutsu sho 下顎突出症 progenia
kagaku yakuhin 化学薬品 chemical
kagami mirror
kago butsu 化合物 compound
kagyu 蝸牛 cochlea
ka hanshin 下半身 lower body
kaibo 解剖 anatomy
kaibo no 解剖の anatomical
kaifuku 回復 recovery
kaifuku shitsu 回復室 recovery room
kaifuku suru 回復する recover
kaigyo i 開業医 hospist
kaikei 会計 cashier
kaiko 開咬 open bite
kainto 下咽頭 hypopharynx
kairopractikku カイロプラクティック chiropractic
kaiyo 潰瘍 ulcer
kaiyosei no 潰瘍性の ulcerative
kajikami かじかみ numbness
kajikamu かじかむ numb
kakaku 価格 price
kakaku hyo 価格表 price list
kakaritsuke i かかりつけ医 family doctor
kakaritsuke i かかりつけ医 primary physician
kakaritsuke i かかりつけ医 regular doctor
kakato かかと heel
kakeru 欠ける chip
ka kokyu shokogun 過呼吸症候群 hyperventilation
kakudaikyo 拡大鏡 roupe
kakumaku 角膜 cornea
kakushitsu no 角質の keratinous
kami awase 噛み合わせ occlusion
kami no ke 髪の毛 hair
kamisori 剃刀 razor
kamisori kizu 剃刀傷 razor nick
kamu 噛む bite
kamu 噛む chew
kanbu 患部 affected part
kancho 浣腸 enema

Sample Sentences

kafun / kafun sho

  • sutoresu ga arerugi no genin dato iu hito mo imasu. watashi wa kafun arerugi dakedo, anataha nanika arerugi ga arimasuka? arerugi ga genin de tabetari nondari dekinai mono wa arimasuka?
  • ストレスがアレルギーの原因だと言う人もいます。私は花粉アレルギーだけど、アナタは何かアレルギーがありますか?アレルギーが原因で食べたり飲んだりできない物はありますか?
  • Some say, stresses can cause allergies. I have an allergy to pollen. Do you have any allergies? Is there anything you could not eat and drink bacause of allergies?
  • kafun sho de me ga kasundemo me wo kosutte wa ikemasen.
  • 花粉症で目がかすんでも、目をこすってはいけません。
  • Don't rub your eyes even if you have bleary eyes from pollen allergy.


  • kagakubushitsu ya sono hokano kikenna busshitsu no naka de hataraita keiken wa arimasu ka? hai to okotae no kata, kuwashiku setsumei shite kudasai.
  • 化学物質やその他の危険な物質の中で働いたことがありますか?ハイとお答えの方、詳しっく説明して下さい。
  • Have you ever worked under chemicals and other hazardous materials? If yes, please describe that specifically.


  • yubi no kankaku ga nakunatte mashita, demo atatakai nomimono de kaifuku shimashita.
  • 指の感覚がなくなっていました。でも温かい飲み物で回復しました。
  • I lost sensation in my frozen fingers, but I have recovered it with a hot drink.


  • kotomotachi to niwa de yukidaruma wo tsukutte ita node shishi ga kajikande shimatte imasu.
  • 子供達と庭で雪だるまを作っていたら、四肢がカジカンデしまいました。      
  • Now my limbs are numb with cold as I have made snowman with my children in the yard.

kakaku hyo

  • kochira no shikaiin de wa mushiba no tsume mono ya gishi ni dono yo na sozai wo tsukatte imasuka? sorekara, sorezore no hiyo ha ikura desuka? kakaku hyo wa arimasuka?
  • こちらの歯科医院では虫歯の詰め物や義歯に、どのような素材を使っていますか?それから、それぞれの費用はいくらですか?価格表はありますか?
  • What kind of materials is used to fill in cavities and to be a false tooth to replace carious and lost tooth in this clinic? And how much are they? Do you have a price list for them?

kakaritsuke i

  • shoshin matawa yoyaku no nai yakan no jushin no baai, kakaritsuke no oisha sama kara sho kaijo wo kaite moratte u koto wo osusume shimasu. shokaijo ga nai baai, sentei ryoyohi toshite 5,400 yen wo betto chodai itashimasu.
  • 初診、又は予約の無い夜間の受信の場合、かかりつけのお医者様に紹介状を書いていただくことをお勧めします。紹介状がない場合、選定療養費として5,400円を別途頂戴致します。
  • If it is your first visit or your visit at night without any appointment, we recommend that you have your family doctor write a referral to us. If you do not have it, you have to pay 5400 yen as an extra charge of the selected medical care expense.


  • kino koronda tokini, maeba ga kakete shimaimashita.
  • 昨日転んだ時に、前歯が欠けてしまいました。
  • My front tooth was chipped when I fell down yesterday.

kami no ke

  • kami no ke ga itande imasu.
  • 髪の毛が痛んでいます。
  • My hair is damaged.
  • kami no ke ga itande imasu.
  • 髪の毛が痛んでいます。
  • I have damaged hair.
  • otto wa kaminoke ga takusan nuketa tokini kao iro ga aoku narimashita.
  • 夫は、髪の毛がたくさん抜けた時、顔色が青くなりました。
  • My husband's face turned pale when he lost a lot of hair.


  • hoho ni hukai kizu ga attakedo imadewa kanpekini kiete hotondo medachimasen, so kamisori kizu teido ni miemasu.
  • 頬に深い傷があったけど、今では完璧に消えていて、ほとんど目立ちません。そう、剃刀傷程度に見えます。
  • I had a gash on my cheek, but the scar healed up perfectly and hardly show anymore, so it looks like as similar to razor nicks.


  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kami masu, soshite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast?


  • yakedo wo shitara dekirudake hayaku tsumetai mizu de kanbu wo hiyashi nasai.
  • 火傷をしたら、できるだけ早く冷たい水で患部を冷やしなさい。      
  • When you get burnt, you should cool the affected part of burn with cold water as soon as possible.