
Visit A Dental Office Japan has some information of your finest dentist in Japan


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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from ICHIGATSU to IRAIRA SURU. Do you know what iki gire is called in English? You could find the meanings of ichokai, iden, ido bedo, ikaiyo, iki shochin shita, insho zai and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : ichigatsu → iraira suru

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
ichigatsu 1月 January
icho 胃腸 gastrointestinal tract
icho 胃腸 stomach and intestines
ichoka 胃腸科 gastroenterology
ichokai 胃腸科医 gastroenterologist
iden 遺伝 heredity
iden sei no 遺伝性の hereditary
iden teki na 遺伝的な genetic
ido bedo 移動ベッド gurney
ien 胃炎 gastritis
igaiga suru イガイガする scratchy
igan 胃癌 stomach cancer
igarappoi イガラッポイ scratchy
igusuri 胃薬 stomach medicine
ijo 異常 abnormal
ikaiyo 胃潰瘍 stomach ulcer
ikasui 胃下垂 gastroscopy
iki breath
iki ga tsumaru 息がつまる choking
iki gire 息切れ out of breath
iki gire 息切れ short of breath
ikimu いきむ push
iki shochin shita 意気消沈した droopy
iki wo haku 息をはく breathe out
iki wo haku 息をはく exhale
iki wo suru 息をする breathe
iki wo suu 息をすう breathe in
iki wo suu 息をすう inhale
iku 行く go
iku 行く visit
ikura いくら how much
ikutsu いくつ how many
inbu 陰部 pubis
infuruenza インフルエンザ flu
infuruenza インフルエンザ influenza
inkaku 陰核 clitoris
inkei 陰茎 penis
inmo 陰毛 public hair
inno 陰嚢 scrotum
inpuranto インプラント implant
inpuranto abattoment インプラントアバットメント implant abutment
inpuranto shidai インプラント支台 implant abutment
inpuranto shishu en インプラント歯周炎 peri-implantitis
inrei インレー inlay
insho 印象 impression
inshoku 飲食 eat and drink
inshoku 飲食 food and drink
insho zai 印象剤 compound
into 咽頭 pharynx
into 咽頭 throat
into en 咽頭炎 pharyngitis
intogai 咽頭蓋 epiglottis
into hento 咽頭扁桃 adenoid
into hento en 咽頭扁桃炎 adenoiditis
into kan 咽頭管 pharyngeal canal
iou 硫黄 sulfur
ippan shika 一般歯科 general dentistry
iraira suru イライラする fretful
iraira suru イライラする irritable

Sample Sentences


  • Kami no ke ga usuku nattekita. chichioya ga wakai koro kara hagete itanode kami ga nuke naika sinpai desu. hage ha iden desuyone?
  • 髪の毛が薄くなってきた。父親が若いころからはげていたので、髪が薄くならないか心配です。はげって遺伝ですよね?
  • My hair is getting thin. I'm afraid of losing my hair because my father has been bald since he was young. Is baldness hereditary, isn't it?


  • kaigishitsu ga totemo kanso shite itanode, nodo ga igarappoku kanji, sorede hanashi hajimeru tameni seki barai wo shimashita.
  • 会議室がとても乾燥していたので、喉がイガラッポク感じ、それで話し始めるために咳払いをしました。
  • The meeting room was very dry, so I felt scratchy in my throat, and then I cleared it to start talking.


  • saikin, jubun na undo wo shiteinai tame sukoshi no undo demo iki ga kire masu. undo busoku no kaisho wo hakari masu.
  • 最近、十分な運動をしていないために少しの運動で息が切れます。運動不足の解消を図ります。
  • Lately I get short of breath after a bit of exercise because I haven't had enough exercise. I try to compensate for a lack of exercise.

iki wo suru

  • kuchi de kokyu shinaide, hana de iki wo shinasai. haisha san wa itsumo kuchi kokyu wa kenko ni yoku nai to iimasu.
  • 口で呼吸しないで、鼻で息をしなさい。歯医者さんはいつも口呼吸は健康によくないといいます。
  • Don't breathe through your mouth, breathe through your nose. My dentist always tells that mouth-breathing is not good for our health.
  • soredewa mune no rentogen shashin wo torimasu. ookiku iki wo sutte, tomete.
  • それではレントゲン写真を撮ります。大きく息を吸って、とめて。      
  • Now, I'll take some X-rays of your breast. Take a deep breath and hold it.


  • kochira no shikaiin de wa mushiba no tsume mono ya gishi ni dono yo na sozai wo tsukatte imasuka? sorekara, sorezore no hiyo ha ikura desuka? kakaku hyo wa arimasuka?
  • こちらの歯科医院では虫歯の詰め物や義歯に、どのような素材を使っていますか?それから、それぞれの費用はいくらですか?価格表はありますか?
  • What kind of materials is used to fill in cavities and to be a false tooth to replace carious and lost tooth in this clinic? And how much are they? Do you have a price list for them?


  • shita no migi oku ni ha no nuketa tokoro ga arimasu. inpuranto to burijji no dochira ga watashi(shorei)ni aimasuka?
  • 下の右奥に歯の抜けたところがあります。インプラントとブリッジのどちらが私(症例)に合いますか?
  • I have a missing tooth in my lower right posterior teeth. Which is better for my case, to put implant there or bridge?


  • kenkoshindan no zenjitsu wa yoru ku ji iko ni inshoku shinai de kudasai
  • 健康診断の前日は、夜9時以降に飲食しないで下さい。
  • Please don't eat or drink after 9:00 p.m. the night before the checkup.