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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from DANRYOKU NO ARU HADA to FUSEI KOGO, these words are used to expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain dassui shojo in English? So you could find the meanings of datsumo, densen byo, doki ga suru, domyaku koka sho, enge funo sho, fukutsu, fumin sho and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: danryoku no aru hada → fusei kogo

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
danryoku no aru hada 弾力のある肌 resilent skin
dassui jotai 脱水状態 dehydration
dassui sho 脱水症 dehydration
dassui shojo 脱水症状 dyhydrated
datsumo 脱毛 hair loss
daun sho ダウン症 Down Syndrome
denki nesho 電気熱傷 electrical burn
densenbyo 伝染病 contagious disease
densenbyo 伝染病 epidemic disease
densen sei no 伝染性の epidemic
denwa outai sabisu 唾液過多 answering service
dokidoki suru ドキドキする throb
doki 動悸 palpitation
doki ga suru 動悸がする palpitate
doku poison
daikyokin toxin
domyaku koka sho 動脈硬化症 arteriosclerosis
domyaku ryu 動脈瘤 aneurysm
dontsu 鈍痛 dull pain
eiyo shicho 栄養失調 malnutrition
eizu エイズ AIDS
enge funo sho 嚥下不能症 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 dysphagia
enge tsu 嚥下痛 odynophagia
enshi 遠視 farsighted
enshino 遠視の farsighted
ensho 炎症 inflammation
eshi 壊死 necrosis
fuan 不安 anxiety
fuanna 不安な anxious
fudobyo 風土病 endemic disease
fudobyo 風土病 vernacular disease
fuhai 腐敗 decay
fuhai 腐敗 putrefaction
fukade 深手 gash
fukade 深手 slash
fuke フケ dandruff
fukubiku en 副鼻腔炎 sinusitis
fukumakuen 腹膜炎 peritonitis
fukutsu 腹痛 abdominal pain
fukutsu 腹痛 stomachache
fukuzatsu kossetsu 複雑骨折 complex fracture
fukuzatsu kossetsu 複雑骨折 complicated fracture
fumin 不眠 sleeplessness
fumin sho 不眠症 insomnia
funa yoi 船酔い sea sickness
funin sho 不妊症 infertility
funsai kossetsu 粉砕骨折 comminuted fracture
furue 震え shake
fusagikonda ふさぎ込んだ gloomy
fusei kogo 不正咬合 anaraxia
fusei kogo 不正咬合 malocclusion

Sample Sentences

dassui shojo

  • suiei chu ni tokidoki dassui shojo ninarimasu.
  • 水泳中に時々脱水症状になります。
  • I am sometimes dehydrated while swimming in the pool.


  • watashi wa musume ga piano konkuru de piano wo hiite iru toki watashi wa doki shi hajime soshite hiya ase wo kaki hajime mashita.
  • 私は娘がピアノコンクールでピアノを弾き始めた時、動悸しはじめ、そして冷や汗をかき始めました。
  • I started palpitating and breaking into a cold sweat when my daughter was playing the piano at her competition.


  • gankai ni me wo aratte morattara hirihirishita itami ga tore, isshukan de ensho mo osamaru daro to iimashita.
  • 眼科医に目を洗ってもらったらヒリヒリした痛みがとれ、一週間で炎症も治まるだろうと言いました。      
  • The smarting disappeared when the ophthalmologist washed my eyes out with water, and he said the inflammation would subside in a week.