The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from UMI to ZUTSU, these words are used to expressing
your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain
uonome in English in Japan? So you could find the meanings of unadareta,
wasureppoi, yakeru yoni itai, yoromeku, zeiniku, zukizuki itamu and so
on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: umi → zutsu
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
umi |
膿 |
pus |
umi no deru |
膿の出る |
purulent |
umi no deru |
膿の出る |
pyogenic |
umu |
膿む |
purulence |
umu |
膿む |
pyosis |
umu |
膿む |
suppuration |
unadareta |
うなだれた |
droopy |
uonome |
魚の目 |
corn |
utsu jotai |
うつ状態 |
depressed |
utsu jotai |
うつ状態 |
depression |
wasureppoi |
忘れっぽい |
forgetful |
yakedo |
火傷 |
burn |
yakedo no ato |
火傷の痕 |
scar |
yakedo suru |
火傷する |
burn |
yakedo suru |
火傷する |
get burnt |
yakedo suru |
火傷する |
scald |
yakeru yoni itai |
焼けるように痛い |
burn |
yakeru yona itami |
焼けるような痛み |
burning pain |
yamai |
病 |
disease |
yamai |
病 |
illness |
yamai |
病 |
sickness |
yaseru |
痩せる |
lose weight |
yaseru |
痩せる |
slim down |
yogo |
予後 |
prognosis |
yogore |
汚れ |
stain |
yoku mienai |
よく見えない |
dim |
yoromeku |
よろめく |
stumble |
yotsu |
腰痛 |
backache |
yotsu |
腰痛 |
lower back pain |
yudokuna |
有毒な |
discount |
yudokuno |
有毒の |
noxious |
yugaina |
有害な |
deleterious |
yugaino |
有害の |
noxious |
yuganda |
ゆがんだ |
distorted |
yuketsu |
輸血 |
blood transfusion |
yu sanso undo |
有酸素運動 |
aerobic exercise |
yu sanso undo |
有酸素運動 |
aerobics |
yutsuna kibun |
憂鬱な気分 |
blues |
zarazara shita |
ザラザラした |
rough |
zeiniku |
ぜい肉 |
extra pounds |
zeiniku |
ぜい肉 |
spare tire |
zenno |
前方開口 |
anterior open bite |
zenpo kaiko |
前方開口 |
anterior open bite |
zenpono |
前方の |
anterior |
zenritusen gan |
前立腺がん |
prostate cancer |
zensoku |
喘息 |
asthma |
zensoku no hossa |
喘息の発作 |
asthma attack |
zesshoku |
絶食 |
fast |
zetsu en |
舌炎 |
glossittis |
zettai ansei |
絶対安静 |
absolute rest |
zukizuki itamu |
ズキズキ痛む |
throb |
zutsu |
頭痛 |
cephalgia |
zutsu |
頭痛 |
cerebralgia |
zutsu |
頭痛 |
headache |
Sample Sentences
- atsui mono wo taberu toki wa kiwotukenasai, shita wo yakedo suru kara ne.
- 熱い物を食べる時は気をつけなさい、舌を火傷するからね。
- Be careful to eat hot meals, or you will scald your tongue.
- tenpura tsukuttete te ni yakedo shita.
- 天ぷらを作ってて、手に火傷をした。
- I got burnt on my hand while cooking tenpura.
- yakedo wo shitara dekirudake hayaku tsumetai mizu de kanbu wo hiyashi nasai.
- 火傷をしたら、できるだけ早く冷たい水で患部を冷やしなさい。
- When you get burnt, you should cool the affected part of burn with cold water as soon as possible.
- hirugohan no hara gonashi ni sukoshi undo wo shimasho. saikin kanari futocchatene, nijuago ni natte shimaimashita. yaseru tame ni undo wo hajime mashita.
- 昼ごはんの腹ごなしに少し運動をしましょう。最近かなり太っちゃってね、二重顎になってしまいました。痩せるために運動をはじめました。
- Let's take some exercise to help to lunch settled out. Recently I am gaining much weight, so I've got a double chin, I began work out to lose my weight.
- onnanoko wa yaseta garimasu, soshite ooku no onnnanoko wa shokuji seigen (daietto) shite migotoni yasemasu.
- 女の子はやせたがります、そして多くの女の子は食事制限(ダイエット)してみごとにやせます。
- Girls desire to lose weight, and many of them go on diet and success to slim down.
- howaitoningu no ato wa, kohi, kocha, wain nado yogore to naru iro no aru nomimono wa sakete kudasai.
- ホワイトニングの後は、コーヒーや紅茶、ワインなど汚れとなるような色のある飲み物は避けて下さい。
- Avoid coffee, tea, wine and some drinks with color to be stain after dental bleaching.
- hidoi yotsu to katakori ga arunnda, massaji wo shite kuremasenka?
- ひどい腰痛と肩凝りがあるんだ、マッサージをしてくれませんか?
- meisha san ni iku made, me ga shoboshobo shi, mono ga yugandari, kasunde mie mashita.meisha san wa tsukareme desu, hataraki sugi wa yamemasho,
tsukare ga meni deteimasu to ii, yasumi wo totta hoga ii to iu node, isshukan
yasumi wo kureru yo ni joshi ni ii mashita.
- 目医者さんに行くまで、目がショボショボし、物が歪んだりかすんで見えたました。眼医者さんは疲れ目です、働き過ぎはやめましょう、疲れが目にでていますと言いした。休みを取った方がいいというので、一週間休暇をくれるように上司に言いました。
- My eyes were bleary, and things had looked distorted and dimmed to my eyes until I went to the oculist. The eye doctor said it's eyestrain, I had to stop overworking, fatigue shows up in your eyes. He added that I had better take a vacation. So I talked to my boss to take a week off.
- I have a terrible backache and stiff shoulders, could you give me a massage?
- taisha wo zouka saseru houhou wo manabu koto wa juyo dato shitte imasu,
yu sanso undo de isso karori wo nensho suru kotoni yakudachi masu. dansu to uokingu,
jogingu, suiei no dore ga yori koukateki de tuzuke yasui desuka?
- 代謝を増加させる方法を学ぶことは重要です。有酸素運動で一層カロリーを燃焼するのに役立ちます。ダンスとウォーキング、ジョギング、水泳のどれがより効果的で続けやすいですか?
- I know it is important to learn how to increase my metabolism, it will help me burn more calories from aerobics. Therefore I examine thoroghly which aerobics is more effective and better for me to continue, dancing, walking, jogging and swiming.
- haha no te mainichi no shokkiarai de kanso shiteite zarazara desu, tokuni fuyu wa te ga akagirete imasu.
- 母の手は毎日の食器洗いで乾燥していてザラザラです。特に冬は手があかぎれています。
- Mother's hands are dry and rough from washing dishes everyday, especially in winter she got chapped in her hands .
- musuko no hada wa safin de hiyake siteru kara zarazara desu..
- 息子の肌はサーフィンで日焼けしてるからザラザラです。
- My son's skin got sunburn while surfing, and it is rough to touch.