The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from KYUSI KOGO to OKUBA, these words in the list below
are often used at dental offices. Do you know what maeba is called in English?
So you could find the meanings of mahi, maifuku shi, masui, mizu bukure,
monshi, mushiba, nyushi and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
Japanese At Dental Offices : kyushi kogo → okuba
nihongo/ Japanese |
日本語 |
English |
kyushi kogo |
臼歯咬合 |
prosteroclusion |
kyushi sen |
臼歯腺 |
molar glands |
kyushi sen |
臼歯腺 |
molar lingul |
kyushu |
吸収 |
absorption |
kyushu sei no |
吸収性の |
absorbent |
maeba |
前歯 |
foretooth |
maeba |
前歯 |
front tooth |
maeba |
前歯 |
incisor |
mahi |
麻痺 |
numbness |
mahi |
麻痺 |
palsy |
mahi |
麻痺 |
paralysis |
maifukushi |
埋伏歯 |
impacted tooth |
mamo |
摩耗 |
abrasion |
mamo |
摩耗 |
detrition |
mamo suru |
摩耗する |
abrade |
masui |
麻酔 |
anesthesia |
meian no notan |
明暗の濃淡 |
shade |
mekkin |
滅菌 |
sterilization |
mekkinki |
滅菌器 |
sterilizer |
mesu |
メス |
knife |
mesu |
メス |
scaple |
mizu bukure |
水ぶくれ |
blister |
modosu |
もどす |
vomit |
monshi |
門歯 |
front teeth |
monshi |
門歯 |
incisor |
mukatsuki ga suru |
むかつきがする |
queasy |
mukatsuku |
むかつく |
gag |
mukokyu |
無呼吸 |
apnoea |
mukumi |
むくみ |
edema |
mukumi |
むくみ |
swollen |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
caries |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
cavity |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
decay |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
dental caries |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
tooth cavity |
mushiba |
むし歯 |
tooth decay |
mushibano |
むし歯の |
carious |
muzumuzu suru |
ムズムズする |
tickle |
neba neba shita |
ネバネバした |
sticky |
neneki |
粘液 |
phlegm |
neneki no |
粘液の |
mucous |
nenmaku |
粘膜 |
mucosa |
nenmaku |
粘膜 |
mucous membrane |
nenten |
捻転 |
torsiversion |
netsuppoi |
熱っぽい |
feverish |
niburaseru |
にぶらせる |
blur |
nodo |
喉 |
throat |
nodo ame |
のど飴 |
throat lonzenge |
nodo botoke |
喉仏 |
Adam's apple |
nodo chinko |
喉ちんこ |
uvula |
nodo no itami |
喉の痛み |
sore throat |
nuketa ha |
抜けた歯 |
missing teeth |
nyushi |
乳歯 |
baby tooth |
nyushi |
乳歯 |
milk tooth |
okan |
悪寒 |
chill |
okan |
悪寒 |
nausea |
okuba |
奥歯 |
back tooth |
okuba |
奥歯 |
molar |
okuba |
奥歯 |
posterior tooth |
Sample Sentences
- kino koronda tokini, maeba ga kakete shimaimashita.
- 昨日転んだ時に、前歯が欠けてしまいました。
- My front tooth was chipped when I fell down yesterday.
- maeba ga uita kanji ga shimasu.
- 前歯が浮いた感じがします。
- My incisor teeth are sets on edge.
- oyashirazu wo nuku(basshi suru) tameni, shikaishi wa masui wo chusha shitekuremashita.
- 親知らずを抜く(抜歯する)ために、歯科医師は麻酔を注射してくれました。
- To extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist gave me an injection of anesthesia.
- masui ga samete ishiki ga modottara, byoin no bed ni nete ita.
- 麻酔が覚めて、意識が戻ったら、病院のベッドで寝ていた。
- When I came out of anesthesia and regained consciousness, I lay down on the bed in the hospital.
- migi ue no oku ni ni hon mushiba ga arimasu
- 右上の奥に二本虫歯があります。
- You have two cavities in your upper right rear.
- mushiba wa dokonimo arimasen
- むし歯はありません。
- You have no cavities anywhere in your mouth.
- kodomo tachi ni mushiba wo yobo suru tame ni shokuji no ato ni ha wo migaku yoni nanbyaku kai
mo ii mashita.
- 子供達に虫歯を予防するために食事の後に歯を磨くように何百回も言いました。
- I had told several houndred times for my children to brush their teeth after every meals to prevent tooth decay.
- shika eiseishi wa, watashi no ha no shiseki jokyo wo shiteiru aidani, okuba
ni chiisana mushiba no ana wo mitsuke mashita.
- 歯科衛生士は、私の歯の歯石除去をしている間に、奥歯に小さな虫歯の穴を見つけました。
- The dental hygienist found a small cavity hall on my molar while she was scaling my teeth.
- soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.
- それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。
- Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
- okuchi no naka wo misete kudasai. sai, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki
ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no
ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
- Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
- haisha san ni watashi wa hanarabi ga warui node teinei ni ha wo migaku
yo ni iware mashita. mushiba wa ha to ha no aida ni dekiyasui kara da so desu.
- 歯医者さんに、私は歯並びが悪いので丁寧に歯を磨くように言われました。むし歯は歯と歯の間にできやすいからだそうです。
- My dentist advised me that I should brush my teeth carefully as I have crooked teeth. He said that there would be decay between the teeth very easily.
- korewa hidoi. mushiba ga shinkei ni tasshiteimasu. ha no shinkei ga roshutsu shite imasu. nuku
hitsuyo ga aru kamo shiremasen.
- これはひどい。むし歯が神経に達しています。歯の神経が露出していますよ。抜く必要があるかもしれません。
- That's too bad. The cavity has reached the nerve. You have an exposed nerve in the tooth. I may need to extract it.
- shikaishi wa hikari jugo rejin wo mushiba no ana wo tsume masu.
- 歯科医師は光重合レジンでむし歯の穴を詰めます。
- The dentist will put photopolymertization resin into a cavity as a filling.
- kochira no shikaiin de wa mushiba no tsume mono ya gishi ni dono yo na sozai wo tsukatte imasuka? sorekara, sorezore no hiyo ha ikura desuka? kakaku hyo wa arimasuka?
- こちらの歯科医院では虫歯の詰め物や義歯に、どのような素材を使っていますか?それから、それぞれの費用はいくらですか?価格表はありますか?
- What kind of materials is used to fill in cavities and to be a false tooth to replace carious and lost tooth in this clinic? And how much are they? Do you have a price list for them?
- seki ga tomaranai, nodo ni nanika tukkaeta mitaida.
- 咳が止まらない、喉に何か詰まったみたいだ。
- I can't stop coughing, there is something in my throat.
- nodo ga itai, hentosen ga harete iruyodesu, sorede koko isshukan shokuyoku
ga arimasen.
- 喉が痛い。扁桃腺が腫れているようです。それでここ一週間食欲がありません。
- I have a sore throat, maybe my tonsils are swollen, so I've lost my appetite for a week.
- kaigishitsu ga totemo kanso shite itanode, nodo ga igarappoku kanji, sorede hanashi hajimeru tameni seki barai wo shimashita.
- 会議室がとても乾燥していたので、喉がイガラッポク感じ、それで話し始めるために咳払いをしました。
- The meeting room was very dry, so I felt scratchy in my throat, and then I cleared it to start talking.
- shita no migi oku ni ha no nuketa tokoro ga arimasu. inpuranto to burijji no dochira ga watashi(shorei)ni
- 下の右奥に歯の抜けたところがあります。インプラントとブリッジのどちらが私(症例)に合いますか?
- I have a missing tooth in my lower right posterior teeth. Which is better for my case, to put implant there or bridge?
- musuko no kodomo no ha (nyushi) ga ni san nichi guragura shite imashita. kyo, nyushi ga nukete otona no ha (eikyushi) ga hae hajime mashita.
- 息子の子供のは(乳歯)が2・3日グラグラしていました。今日、その乳歯(子供の歯)が抜けて大人の歯(永久歯)が生え始めました。
- My son's baby tooth had been loose for a few days. Today, he is losing the milk tooth and is getting his adult tooth.
- ha ga itami desuka?
- 歯が痛いですか?
- Do you have toothache?
- hai! hidoku ha ga hidoku itai desu. migi shita no okuba ga kino no yoru kara itakute, tokuni kamuto hidoku itakute, sorede asa kara nani mo tabete imasen.
- はい、ひどく歯がいたいです。右下の奥歯が昨日の夜からひどく痛いです。特に噛むとひどく痛むので、朝から何も食べていません。
- Oh, Yes!!! I have a terrible toothache. The lower right back tooth has acked terribly last night, particularly it hurts when I bite something down, so I have never eaten since this morning.
- shika eiseishi wa, watashi no ha no shiseki jokyo wo shiteiru aidani, okuba ni chiisana mushiba no ana wo mitsuke mashita.
- 歯科衛生士は、私の歯の歯石除去をしている間に、奥歯に小さな虫歯の穴を見つけました。
- The dental hygienist found a small cavity hall on my molar while she was scaling my teeth.
- ha wo migaku nowa tokui dewa arimasen, tokuni migi ue no okuba wo migaku no wa muzukashii desu. nanika tsukai yasui osusume no koukatekina
haburashi to hamigakiko wa arimasenka?
- 歯を磨くのは得意ではありません。特に右上の奥歯を磨くのは難しいです。何かお勧めの効果的な歯ブラシと歯磨き粉はありませんか?
- I'm not good at brush my teeth, especially brushing upper right posterior teeth is very difficult. Do you recommend me any toothbrushes and toothpaste to use very effectively?
- yoi haburashi ya hamigakiko wa shirimasen. demo itoyoji de migaite, ugaigusuri de ugai sureba kuchiwa seiketsu ni tamoteruto omoimasu.
- 良い歯ブラシや歯磨き粉は知りません。でも糸ようじで磨いて、うがい薬でうがいをすれば口は清潔に保とると思います。
- I don't know any good brushes and pastes. But I think that flossing your teeth and gargling with mouthwash helps keeping your mouth clean.
- totsuzen okuba no kabusemono ga toremashita. mite morae masuka? kyo no yoyaku shitain
desu kedo.
- 突然、奥歯の被せ物がとれました。診てもらえますか?今日、予約したいのですけど?
- Suddenly a crown on my back tooth came off. Can your dentist see me? I'd like to make an appointment at the dentist for today.
- okuchi no naka wo misete kudasai. sai, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki
ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no
ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
- お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。
- Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
- okuba ni nanika tsumateiru kedo, torenai.
- 奥歯に何か詰まっているけど、取れない。
- Something is getting stuck between my back teeth but I can't remove it.