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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. It is very difficult to explain your wants and conditions at the medical institutions, especially words expressing body parts are difficult. In this page, we specially provide the words expressing body parts, so there are 50 words from OSHIRI to SHI SHINKEI in the list below. Do you know what shimon is called in English? So you could find the meanings of oyashirazu, shibo saibo, shikiso, shikon, shiniku, shinkei saibo, shinzo and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : oshiri → shi shinkei

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
oshiri お尻 buttock
oyashirazu 親知らず wisdom tooth
oya yubi 親指 thumb
rankan 卵管 falloplan tube
rankan 卵管 uterin tube
ranso 卵巣 ovary
rinpa リンパ lymph
rokkotsu 肋骨 ribs
sakotsu 鎖骨 clavicle
sankaku kin 三角筋 deltoid
sansa shinkei 三叉神経 trigeminal nerve
seichu 正中 median
seichu 正中 mesal
seichushi 正中歯 mesiodens
seiki 性器 genitalia
seiki 性器 private area
seino 精嚢 seminal vesicle
seitai 声帯 vocal
seitai kin 声帯筋 vocal muscle
sekichu 脊柱 spine
sekitsui 脊椎 vertebrae
sekizui 脊髄 spinal cord
sekizui 脊髄 vertebral column
senaka 背中 back
sen kotsu 仙骨 sacrum
sesshi 切歯 front teeth
sesshi 切歯 incisor
sesuji 背筋 spine
shakkotsu 尺骨 ulna
shi limb
shibo 脂肪 fats
shibo saibo 脂肪細胞 lipocyte
shigaikotsu 膝蓋骨 petella
shikiso 色素 pigment
shikon 歯根 fang
shikon 歯根 root
shikon 歯根 root canal
shikotsu 指骨 phalanges
shikyu 子宮 uterus
shikyu keibu 子宮頚部 cervix
shikyuko 子宮口 cervix
shikyuko 子宮口 endometriosis
shimon 指紋 fingerprint
shiniku 歯肉 gum
shiniku 歯肉 ula
shinkei 神経 nerve
shinkei saibo 神経細胞 nueron
shinpi 真皮 dermis
shinzo 心臓 heart
shiri butt
shishi 四肢 limbs
shi shinkei 歯神経 dental nerve
shi shinkei 視神経 optic nerve
shi shinkei 視神経 orbital nerve

Sample Sentences


  • oyashirazu wo nuku(basshi suru) tameni, shikaishi wa masui wo chusha shitekuremashita.
  • 親知らずを抜く(抜歯する)ために、歯科医師は麻酔を注射してくれました。
  • To extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist gave me an injection of anesthesia.


  • bandoeido aru? chokoku hottetara, oyayubi kicchatta. hontoni bukiyo datte wakatta yo.
  • バンドエイドある?彫刻彫ってたら、親指切っちゃった。本当に不器用だってわかったよ。
  • Do you have a Band-Aid? I slashed my thumb while curving a sculpture. Now I understand I am very clumsy.


  • kanojo wa kotsujika ni atte ude wo kossetsu si, rokkotsu ni hibigahairi, ikkagetu kan nyuin shiteimasu. kyo, ureshiso ni asu gipusu ga toreru to hanashite imasita.
  • 彼女は交通事故に遭って腕を骨折し、肋骨にヒビが入り、1ヶ月間入院しています。今日、嬉しそうに、明日ギプスがとれると話していました。
  • She has been hospitalized for a month as she got the traffic accident and broke her arm and her ribs were cracked. Today, she talked happily that her plaster will come off tomorrow.


  • natsuyasumi ni umi de raifugado wo yattara sugoku hiyakeshite senaka ga kayui shi kawa mo mukete masu.
  • 夏休みに海でライフガードをやったら、すごく日焼けして、背中がかゆくて、皮もむけました。
  • During summer vacation, I worked at beach as a lifeguard, I got tanned too much and my back itched and peeled off, too.
  • itami wo yawarageru koto ga dekimasuka?onaka no ue no hokara senaka ni kakete sasu yona itami ga ari masu. itami wa imamo tuzuite imasu.
  • 痛みを和らげることがてきませんか?お腹の上の方から背中にかけて、刺すような痛みがあります。痛みは今も続いています。      
  • Could you alleviate the pain? I have stabbing pains from my upper abdomen to my back. It is persisting right now.

sesuji (senaka)

  • kaidan banashiwo kiiteiru toki niwa, watashitachi wa shinkeishitsu ni natteite, chiisana mono oto demo sesuji ga samuku narimasu.
  • 怪談話を聞いている時には、私達は神経質になり、小さな物音でも背筋が寒くなります。
  • While we are hearing some horror stories, we become sensitive, so small sounds often sent a chill on our backs.
  • sono shirase wo kiite, kanojo wa sesuji ga sakumu natta.
  • その知らせを聞いて、彼女は背筋が寒くなった。
  • When she heard the news, a shiver ran down her spine.


  • shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
  • 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
  • There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
  • sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
  • そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
  • Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?


  • korewa hidoi. mushiba ga shinkei ni tasshiteimasu. ha no shinkei ga roshutsu shite imasu. nuku hitsuyo ga aru kamo shiremasen.
  • これはひどい。むし歯が神経に達しています。歯の神経が露出していますよ。抜く必要があるかもしれません。
  • That's too bad. The cavity has reached the nerve. You have an exposed nerve in the tooth. I may need to extract it.


  • kotomotachi to niwa de yukidaruma wo tsukutte ita node shishi ga kajikande shimatte imasu.
  • 子供達と庭で雪だるまを作っていたら、四肢がカジカンデしまいました。
  • Now my limbs are numb with cold as I have made snowman with my children in the yard.