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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from SYMPTOM to UPSET STOMACH, these words are used to expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain tendovaginitis in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of tanning, tartar, thirst, tiredness, tooth decay, underhung bite and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: symptom → upset stomach

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
symptom shojo 症状
syncope shisshin 失神
syncope sotto 卒倒
syphilis baidoku 梅毒
take a false step ashi wo fumi hazusu 足を踏み外す
tan hiyake suru 日焼けする
tanning hiyake 日焼け
tartar shiseki 歯石
tender binkanna 敏感な
tendovaginitis kenshoen 腱鞘炎
tension kincho 緊張
tetanus hashofu 破傷風
thermal burn nessho 熱傷
thirst kawaki 渇き
throb zukizuki itamu ズキズキ痛む
throb dokidoki suru ドキドキする
throw up haku 吐く
throw up oto 嘔吐
thrush koku kanjida sho 口腔カンジダ症
tic chikku チック症
tickle muzumuzu suru ムズムズする
tingle chikuchiku suru チクチクする
tingle biribiri suru ビリビリする
tingle kirikiri itamu きりきり痛む
tinnitus mimi nari 耳鳴り
tiredness hirokan 疲労感
tonsillitis hentoen 扁桃炎
tonsillar hypertrophy hentosen hidai 扁桃腺肥大
tooth cavity mushiba むし歯
tooth decay mushiba むし歯
tooth grinding hagishiri 歯ぎしり
toothache shitsu 歯痛
toothpaste hamigakiko 最高の体調
toxicosis chudoku 中毒
toxin doku
trauma torauma トラウマ
travel sickness norimono yoi 乗り物酔い
trichomoniasis torikomonasu chitsuen トリコモナス膣炎
tumor shuyo 腫瘍
turbid nigotta 濁った
turgid juketsu shita 充血した
twang hanagoe 鼻声
twist nijiru ねじる
twist nenza suru 捻挫する
twist hineru ひねる
twitch pikupiku suru ピクピクする
ulcer kaiyo 潰瘍
ulcerative kaiyoseino 潰瘍性の
ulitis shinikuen 歯肉炎
unconscious ishiki ga nai 意識がない
underhung kagaku tosshutsu no 下顎突出の
underhung ukekuchino 受け口の
underhung bite kagaku tosshutsu 下顎突出
underhung bite ukekuchi 受け口
underslung shitaago no tsukideta 下顎の突き出た
undigested shoka sarenai 消化されない
upset stomach onaka wo kowasu お腹をこわす

Sample Sentences


  • Can you describe your symptom?
  • shojo wo setumei shite kudasai.
  • 症状を説明して下さい。


  • During summer vacation, I worked at beach as a lifeguard, I got tanned too much and my back itched and peeled off, too.
  • natsuyasumi ni umi de raifugado wo yattara sugoku hiyakeshite senaka ga kayui shi kawa mo mukete masu.
  • 夏休みに海でライフガードをやったら、すごく日焼けして、背中がかゆくて、皮もむけました。


  • There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
  • shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
  • 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
  • Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
  • sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
  • そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
  • Let me have a look inside your mouth. Do you smoke? There are a lot of tartar and tabacco stains in your mouth. You have all nicotine-stained teeth in your mouth. You had better give up smoking to cure your bad breath.
  • okuchi no naka wo misede kudasai. tabako wo suimasuka? okuchi no naka ga shiseki to tabako no yani de ippai desu. zenbu nikochin no tsuita ha desu. koshu wo chiryo suru tame ni tabako wo yameta ho ga ii desu.
  • お口の中を見せて下さい。タバコを吸いますか?歯石とタバコのヤニでイッパイです。前部ニコチンのついた歯です。口臭を治療するために、タバコを止めた方がいいです。
  • Please show me inside your mouth, please open your mouth. Ah, there is some tartar on your teeth... Oh, you have cavities behind the tartar between these two teeth. Oh, there is any another decay around your filling on upper right posterior teeth.
  • okuchi no kaka wo misete kudasai. saa, okuchi wo akete kudasai. shiseki ga ha ni tsuite masu... are, kono ha to ha no aida ni tsuita shiseki no ushiro ni mushiba ga ari masu. aa, migi ue no oku ba no tsume mono no mawari nimo mushiba ga ari masu.
  • お口の中を見せて下さい。さあ、お口を開けて下さい。歯石が歯についてます。。。あれ、この歯と歯の間についている歯石の後ろに虫歯があります。ああ、右上の奥歯の詰め物の周りにも虫歯があります。

tic / twitch

  • My eyelids often twitch, is this tic?
  • mabuta ga tokidoki pikupiku shimasu, korette chikku sho?
  • まぶたが時々ピクピクします。これってチック症?


  • When I went to Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto to see its famous rock garden in Japanese style, I kneeled in the formal seiza position for half an hour, so my feet went numb. My feet tingled.
  • Kyoto no Ryoanji ni yumei na sekitei wo mini itta toki, sanju pun kan seiza shitara, ashiga shibireteshimai mashita. ashi ga piripiri shimashita.
  • 京都の竜安寺の有名な石庭を見に行った時、30分間正座したら、足がしびれてしまいました。足がピリピリしました。


  • My ears are ringing. Maybe it is tinnitus. I'll go to bed soon tonight.
  • miminari ga suru, tabun miminari. konya wa hayaku neyo.
  • 耳鳴りがする。たぶん耳鳴り。今夜はすぐに寝よう。
  • There are some expressions of tinnitus, such as singing, ringing, buzzing and drumming in their ears.
  • mimi nari ni tsuite no hyo gen mo iro iro arimasu, utagoe, beru no oto, mushi no haoto, taiko no oto ga mimi de suru nado desu.
  • 耳鳴りについての表現も色々あります、歌声、ベルの音、虫の羽音、太鼓の音が耳でするなどです。

tonsilitis / tonsillar hypertrophy

  • Doctor said in my childhood that I had tonsillar hypertrophy. Do I often have tonsilitis due to that?
  • chiisai toki, isha ni hentosen hidai dato iware mashita. sorede yoku hentosenen ni naruno deshoka?
  • 小さい時、医者に扁桃腺肥大と言われました。それでよく扁桃腺炎になるのでしょうか?

tooth cavity

  • Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.
  • それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。

tooth decay

  • I had told several houndred times for my children to brush their teeth after every meals to prevent tooth decay.
  • kodomo tachi ni mushiba wo yobo suru tame ni shokuji no ato ni ha wo migaku yoni nanbyaku kai mo ii mashita.
  • 子供達に虫歯を予防するために食事の後に歯を磨くように何百回も言いました。


  • Do you have toothache?
  • ha ga itami desuka?
  • 歯が痛いですか?
  • Oh, Yes!!! I have a terrible toothache. The lower right back tooth has acked terribly last night, particularly it hurts when I bite something down, so I have never eaten since this morning.
  • hai! hidoku ha ga hidoku itai desu. migi shita no okuba ga kino no yoru kara itakute, tokuni kamuto hidoku itakute, sorede asa kara nani mo tabete imasen.
  • はい、ひどく歯がいたいです。右下の奥歯が昨日の夜からひどく痛いです。特に噛むとひどく痛むので、朝から何も食べていません。

travel sickness

  • My wife felt nauseous in the airplane soon after taking off, so she had travel sickness and she might get airsick at that time.
  • tsuma wa hikoki ga ririku shita ato suguni hakike wo kanji masita, konojo niha norimonoyoi ga ari, sonotoki ha hikoki yoi data no desho.
  • 妻は飛行機が離陸したあとすぐに吐き気を感じました、彼女には乗り物酔いがあり、その時は飛行機酔いだったのでしょう。


  • What happened with your right leg? Why do you have a cast on your leg? Did you broke your leg?
  • migiashi doshitano? nande gibusu shiteruno? ashi ottano?
  • 右足どうしたの?なんでギブスしてるの?脚おったの?
  • I awfully twisted my foot. I have to immobilize my foot in plaster of paris.
  • hidoku ashi wo kujiitanode, nenzaashi wo koteisuru tameni gibusu wo shinakereba narimasen.
  • ひどく足をくじいたので、捻挫した足を固定するためにギブスをしなければなりません。


  • My eyelids often twitch, is this tic?
  • mabuta ga tokidoki pikupiku shimasu, korette chikku sho?
  • まぶたが時々ピクピクします。これってチック症?


  • Does anyone have cell phones? Please call an ambulance. This is an emergency. Please help me! My friend got hurt in the traffic accident. He is bleeding too much and he may be unconscious right now.
  • dareka keitai denwa motte nai? kyukyusha yonde kudasai. hijyo jitai desu, tasukete kudasai. tomodachi ga kotsujiko de kega wo shite imasu. tairyo ni shukketsusiteite isiki mo nasa so desu.
  • 誰か携帯電話持ってない?救急車を呼んでください。非常事態です。助けて下さい。友達が交通事故で怪我をしています。大量に出血していて、意識もなさそうです。


  • I eat too much mochi in New Years Days every year. Mochi gives me heartburn and remains undigested in my stomach. It means overeating.
  • maitoshi shogatsu niwa mochi wo takusan tabemasu. mochi de muneyako gasite haraga motare masu. tabesugi to iu imi desu.