The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from ABIRRITANT to APHTHOUS STOMATITIS, these words
in the list below are used at dental offices. Do you know what adult tooth
is called in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of Adam's apple,
adenoid, aglutition, alginate, amygdala, anaraxia, anterior open bite and
so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
English | nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 |
abirritant | chinseizai | 鎮静剤 |
abluent | senjozai | 洗浄剤 |
abnormal | ijo | 異常 |
abrade | mamosuru | 摩耗する |
abrasion | mamo | 摩耗 |
absolute rest | zettaiansei | 絶対安静 |
absorbent | kyushuseino | 吸収性の |
absorbent cotton | dasshimen | 脱脂綿 |
absorption | kyushu | 吸収 |
abutment | abattomento | アバットメント |
abutment crown | abattomento kuraun | アバットメントクラウン |
acid | san | 酸 |
acute pain | surudoi itami | 鋭い痛み |
Adam's apple | nodobotoke | 喉仏 |
adaptation | chosetsu | 調整 |
adenoid | intohento | 咽頭扁桃 |
adenoid | adenoido | アデノイド |
adenoiditis | intohentoen | 咽頭扁桃炎 |
adenoiditis | adenoidoen | アデノイド炎 |
adhesive | secchakuzai | 接着剤 |
adhesive | secchaku | 接着性 |
adjustment | chosei | 調整 |
adjust | choseisuru | 調整する |
adult tooth | eikyushi | 永久歯 |
agar | kanten | 寒天 |
aglutition | enge konnan | 嚥下困難 |
aglutition | engefunosho | 嚥下不能症 |
alginate | aruginsanen | アルギン酸塩 |
alleviate | yawarageru | 和らげる |
alloy | gokin | 合金 |
amalgam | amarugamu | アマルガム |
amalgam alloy | amarugamu gokin | アマルガム合金 |
amalgam pigmentation | amarugamu shikiso chinchaku | アマルガム色素沈着 |
amygdala | hento | 扁桃 |
analgesic | chintsuzai | 鎮痛剤 |
anamnesis | kiosho | 既往症 |
anaraxia | fuseikogo | 不正咬合 |
anesthesia | masui | 麻酔 |
angular cheiltis | kokakuen | 口角炎 |
angular stomatitis | kokakku biransho | 口角糜爛症 |
angulis oris | kokaku | 口角 |
anodyne | chintsuzai | 鎮痛剤 |
antagonist | taigoshi | 対合歯 |
anterior | zenpono | 前方の |
anterior open bite | zenpokaiko | 前方開口 |
anti-infection | kanodome | 化膿止め |
anti-inflammatory | shoenzai | 消炎剤 |
anti-inflammatory agent | ko enshozai | 抗炎症剤 |
antiodontalgic | shitsudome | 歯痛止め |
aphtha | afuta | アフタ |
aphthoid | afutano | アフタの |
aphthosis | afutasho | アフタ症 |
aphthous stomatitis | afutasei konaien | アフタ性口内炎 |