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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from ABIRRITANT to APHTHOUS STOMATITIS, these words in the list below are used at dental offices. Do you know what adult tooth is called in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of Adam's apple, adenoid, aglutition, alginate, amygdala, anaraxia, anterior open bite and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : abirritant → aphthous stomatitis

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
abirritant chinseizai 鎮静剤
abluent senjozai 洗浄剤
abnormal ijo 異常
abrade mamosuru 摩耗する
abrasion mamo 摩耗
absolute rest zettaiansei 絶対安静
absorbent kyushuseino 吸収性の
absorbent cotton dasshimen 脱脂綿
absorption kyushu 吸収
abutment abattomento アバットメント
abutment crown abattomento kuraun アバットメントクラウン
acid san
acute pain surudoi itami 鋭い痛み
Adam's apple nodobotoke 喉仏
adaptation chosetsu 調整
adenoid intohento 咽頭扁桃
adenoid adenoido アデノイド
adenoiditis intohentoen 咽頭扁桃炎
adenoiditis adenoidoen アデノイド炎
adhesive secchakuzai 接着剤
adhesive secchaku 接着性
adjustment chosei 調整
adjust choseisuru 調整する 
adult tooth eikyushi 永久歯
agar kanten 寒天
aglutition enge konnan 嚥下困難
aglutition engefunosho 嚥下不能症
alginate aruginsanen アルギン酸塩
alleviate yawarageru 和らげる
alloy gokin 合金
amalgam amarugamu アマルガム
amalgam alloy amarugamu gokin アマルガム合金
amalgam pigmentation amarugamu shikiso chinchaku アマルガム色素沈着
amygdala hento 扁桃
analgesic chintsuzai 鎮痛剤
anamnesis kiosho 既往症
anaraxia fuseikogo 不正咬合
anesthesia masui 麻酔
angular cheiltis kokakuen 口角炎
angular stomatitis kokakku biransho 口角糜爛症
angulis oris kokaku 口角
anodyne chintsuzai 鎮痛剤
antagonist taigoshi 対合歯
anterior zenpono 前方の
anterior open bite zenpokaiko 前方開口
anti-infection kanodome 化膿止め
anti-inflammatory shoenzai 消炎剤
anti-inflammatory agent ko enshozai 抗炎症剤
antiodontalgic shitsudome 歯痛止め
aphtha afuta アフタ
aphthoid afutano アフタの
aphthosis afutasho アフタ症
aphthous stomatitis afutasei konaien アフタ性口内炎

Sample Sentences


  • My set of false teeth doesn't fix me well. Could you adjust my artificial teeth?
  • ireba ga awanai desu. ireba no chosei wa dekimasuka?
  • 入れ歯が合わないです。入れ歯の調整はできますか?
  • My denture doesn't fit well, it is often dislodged. I have to take it to the dentist to adjust.
  • ireba ga awanai, shochu hazurete shimai masu. chosei suru tameni haisha san ni motteitte ikimasu.
  • 入れ歯が合わない、しょっちゅう外れてしまいます。調整しに歯医者さんに持っていきます。

adult tooth

  • My son's baby tooth had been loose for a few days. Today, he is losing the milk tooth and is getting his adult tooth.
  • musuko no kodomo no ha (nyushi) ga ni san nichi guragura shite imashita. kyo, nyushi ga nukete otona no ha (eikyushi) ga hae hajime mashita.
  • 息子の子供のは(乳歯)が2・3日グラグラしていました。今日、その乳歯(子供の歯)が抜けて大人の歯(永久歯)が生え始めました。


  • To extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist gave me an injection of anesthesia.
  • oyashirazu wo nuku(basshi suru) tameni, shikaishi wa masui wo chusha shitekuremashita.
  • 親知らずを抜く(抜歯する)ために、歯科医師は麻酔を注射してくれました。
  • When I came out of anesthesia and regained consciousness, I lay down on the bed in the hospital.
  • masui ga samete ishiki ga modottara, byoin no bed ni nete ita.
  • 麻酔が覚めて、意識が戻ったら、病院のベッドで寝ていた。


  • This anterior tooth is loose and wobbly.
  • kono maeba wa guragura de nuke sodesu.
  • この前歯はグラグラで抜けそうです。