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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. It is very difficult to explain your wants and conditions at the medical institutions, especially words expressing body parts are difficult. In this page, we specially provide the words expressing body parts, so there are 50 words from INDEX FINGER to MAXILLA below in the list. Do you know what instep is called in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of integument, intestine, iris, jaw, labium, leukocyte, lingul frenum and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : index finger → maxilla

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
index finger hitosashi yubi 人差し指
inside leg mata shita 股した
instep ashi no ko 足の甲
integument hifu 皮膚
internal bleeding naishuketsu 内腹斜筋
internal organs naizo 内臓
intervertebral disc tsuikanban 椎間板
intestine cho
iris kurome 黒目
ischium zakotsu 座骨
jaw ago
joint kansetsu 関節
keratinous kakushitsuno 角質の
kidney jinzo 腎臓
knee hiza
knuckle kobushi no kado 拳の角
knuckle yubi no kansetsu 指の関節
labium koshin 口唇
labium kuchibiru
labium major daiinshin 大陰唇
labium minor shoinshin 小陰唇
labyrinth naiji 内耳
large intestine daicho 大腸
lateral great gaisokukokin 外側広筋
leg ashi
lens suishotai 水晶体
leukocyte hakkekkyu 白血球
ligament jintai 靭帯
limb shishi 四肢
limb shitai 肢体
limb teashi 手足
lingua zetsu
lingul frenum zetsushotai 舌小帯
lip koshin 口唇
lip kuchibiru
little finger koyubi 小指
liver kanzo 肝臓
long adductor chonaitenkin 長内転筋
long finger nakayubi 中指
lower abdomen kafukubu 下腹部
lower back koshi
lower body kahanshin 下半身
lower jaw kagaku 下顎
lower lid shita mabuta 下瞼
lower lip shita kuchibiru 下唇
lumbar vertebra yotsui 腰椎
lung hai
lymph rinpa リンパ
macula lutea moten 盲点
lingul frenum zetsushotai 舌小帯
mandiible kagakukotsu 下顎骨
masseter kokin 咬筋
mastache kuchihige 口ひげ
maxilla jyogaku kotsu 上顎骨

Sample Sentences

index finger

  • While playing volley ball at beach, my index finger jammed.
  • hamabe de bare boru wo shiteitatokini, hitosashiyubi wo tukiyubi shimashita.
  • 海岸でバレーボールをしていた時に、人差し指を突き指しました。

internal organs

  • Drinking too much alcohol injures our internal organs, especially liver seriously gets damaged. Moreover, sometimes young people who suffer from acute alcoholism are carried to hospitals by ambulance, and thousands people would be an alcoholics from alcohol poisoning.
  • takusan no osake wo nomu koto wa naizo ni warui desu, tokuni kanzo ni judai na dameji wo atae masu. soshite, kyusei arukoru chudoku no wakamono ga kyukyusha de byoin ni hakobareru kotomo arimasu, sosite mata nanzen to iu hitoga arukoru chudoku sho ni natte imasu.
  • たくさんのお酒を飲むことは内臓に悪いです。特に肝臓に重大なダメージを与えます。そして、急性アルコール中毒で救急車で病院に運ばれる若者もいます。また、何千という人がアルコール中毒症になっています。


  • When I practiced riding a bicycle in my childhood, I scraped knees a lot.
  • kodomonokoro jitensha no renshu wo siteita tokini, hiza wo ippai surimuki mashita.
  • 子供の頃、自転車の練習をしていて、膝をたくさん擦りむきました。
  • I used to scratch my elbows and knees a lot in my childhood.
  • kodomonokoro wa hiji ya hizani yoku surikizu ga arimashita.(surikizu ga taenakatta)
  • 子供の頃は肘や膝によく擦り傷がありました。(擦り傷がたえなかった)


  • The young lady lost her footing on the stairs and sprained her leg when she ran down with her high heels. Then she is dragging her leg.
  • wakai josei wa kaidan wo haihiru de kakeorite ita tokini ashi wo fumihazushi kujiite (nenza) shimaimashita. sorede ahi wo hikizutte imasu.
  • 若い女性は階段をハイヒールで駆け下りていた時に、足を踏み外し、挫いて(捻挫して)しまいました。それで脚を引きずっています。
  • What happened with your right leg? Why do you have a cast on your leg? Did you broke your leg?
  • migiashi doshitano? nande gibusu shiteruno? ashi ottano?
  • 右足どうしたの?なんでギブスしてるの?脚おったの?
  • I awfully twisted my foot. I have to immobilize my foot in plaster of paris.
  • hidoku ashi wo kujiitanode, nenzaashi wo koteisuru tameni gibusu wo shinakereba narimasen.
  • ひどく足をくじいたので、捻挫した足を固定するためにギブスをしなければなりません。
  • The boy is dragging his leg because his ankle is sprained.
  • sono shonen wa ashikubi wo nenza shiteirutame ashi wo hikizutte imasu.
  • その少年は足首を捻挫しているので、脚を引きずっています。
  • When you got a cramp in your leg while swimming in the pool, you had better drink some water and warm your body in a hot spa.
  • suieityuni ashiga tutta tokiniwa, mizu wo nonde yubune de karada wo atatameta hoga iiyo.
  • 水泳中に脚が攣ったときには、水を飲んで身体を温めたほうがいいよ。
  • He walked a very long distance then his legs were stiff.
  • kare wa nagaikyori wo aruitanode, ashi ga kowabatteshimatta.(ashi ga kataku natta)
  • 彼は長い距離を歩いたので、脚が強張ってしまった。(脚がかたくなった)
  • General speaking, old people grow weak in the legs first, so my father heard that then he started exercising at gym, but he got a cramp in his calf and sore muscle from the first day of the exercise.
  • ippantekini, roka wa ashikara to iunode, watashi no chichi oya wa sore wo kiite supotsu jimu de undo wo hajime, shonichi no undo de hukurahagi wo tsutte kinniku tsu wo okoshi mashita.
  • 一般的kに老化は足からというので、私の父親はそれを聞いて、スポーツジムで運動をはじめ、初日の運動で脹脛を攣って、筋肉痛を起こしました。


  • Now my limbs are numb with cold as I have made snowman with my children in the yard.
  • kotomotachi to niwa de yukidaruma wo tsukutte ita node shishi ga kajikande shimatte imasu.      
  • 子供達と庭で雪だるまを作っていたら、四肢がカジカンデしまいました。


  • I sometimes bite my tongue and lip at meals, and the bite wounds on them become stomatitis and they hurt me. Do you know any effective medicine to cure my canker sores fast.
  • tokidoki shokuji chu ni shita ya kuchibiru wo kamimasu, sosite kanda kizu ga konaien ni nari watashi wo kurushime masu. konaien wo hayaku naosu tokko yaku wo shirimasenka?
  • 時々食事中に舌や唇を噛みます、そして噛んだ傷が口内炎になり、私を苦しめます。口内炎を早く治す特効薬を知りませんか?
  • Apply this ointment on your lips cracked.
  • kuchibiru no hibiwareta tokoro ni kono nanko wo nurinasai.
  • 唇のひび割れた部分にこの軟膏を塗りなさい。


  • Drinking too much alcohol injures our internal organs, especially liver seriously gets damaged. Moreover, sometimes young people who suffer from acute alcoholism are carried to hospitals by ambulance, and thousands people would be an alcoholics from alcohol poisoning.
  • takusan no osake wo nomu koto wa naizo ni warui desu, tokuni kanzo ni judai na dameji wo atae masu. soshite, kyusei arukoru chudoku no wakamono ga kyukyusha de byoin ni hakobareru kotomo arimasu, sosite mata nanzen to iu hitoga arukoru chudoku sho ni natte imasu.
  • たくさんのお酒を飲むことは内臓に悪いです。特に肝臓に重大なダメージを与えます。そして、急性アルコール中毒で救急車で病院に運ばれる若者もいます。また、何千という人がアルコール中毒症になっています。