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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from HEPATITIS to INSECT BITES, these words are used to expressing your feelings and conditions to dentists and doctors. Could you explain hereditary in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of herniated disk, high blood pressure, hives, immunization, indigestion, inflammation and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese Expressing Feelings And Conditions: hepatitis → innocent

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
hepatitis kanen 肝炎
hereditary idenseino 遺伝性の
heredity iden 遺伝
herniated disk tsuikanban herunia 椎間板ヘルニア
herpes herupesu ヘルペス
herpes hoshin 疱疹
herpes labialis koshin herupesu 口唇ヘルペス
herpes zoster taijo herupesu 帯状ヘルペス
herpes zoster taijo hoshin 帯状疱疹
high blood pressure koketsuatu 高血圧
high fever konetsu 高熱
hives jinmashin じんましん
hoarse shagare goeno 嗄れ声の
hot atsui あつい
hot karai からい
hurt itamu 痛む
hyperesthesia chkaku kabin 知覚過敏
hyperhidrosis takansho 多汗症
hyperracidity isan kata 胃酸過多
hypertension ko ketsuatsu 高血圧
hyperventilation kakokyu shokogun 過呼吸症候群
hypofunction kino teika 機能低下
hypognathous kagaku tosshutsu no 下顎突出の
hypognathous ukekuchino 受け口の
hypoplasia hatsuiku fuzen 発育不全
hypotension tei ketsuatsu 低血圧
ice burn tosho 凍傷
idiosyncrasy tokuitaishitsu 特異体質
illness byoki 病気
illness yamai
illness record byoreki 病歴
immune meneki ga aru 免疫がある
immunity meneki 免疫
immunization yobo sesshu 予防接種
inborn sentenseino 先天性の
indigestion shoka furyo 消化不良
infection kansen 感染
infection kano 化膿
infectious kansenseino 感染性の
infectious disease kansensho 感染症
infertility funinsho 不妊症
infirmity byoki 病気
infirmity kyojaku 虚弱
infirmity byojaku 病弱
infirmity suijaku 衰弱
inflammation ensho 炎症
inflammatory enshoseino 炎症性の
influenza ryukan 流感
influenza infuruenza インフルエンザ
inhale iki wo su 息をすう
innocent ryoseino 良性の
insect bite mushi sasare 虫さされ

Sample Sentences


  • My hair is getting thin. I'm afraid of losing my hair because my father has been bald since he was young. Is baldness hereditary, isn't it?
  • Kami no ke ga usuku nattekita. chichioya ga wakai koro kara hagete itanode kami ga nuke naika sinpai desu. hage ha iden desuyone?
  • 髪の毛が薄くなってきた。父親が若いころからはげていたので、髪が薄くならないか心配です。はげって遺伝ですよね?


  • Be careful to eat hot meals, or you will scald your tongue.
  • atsui mono wo taberu toki wa kiwotukenasai, shita wo yakedo suru kara ne.
  • 熱い物を食べる時は気をつけなさい、舌を火傷するからね。


  • Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.      
  • それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。
  • The lower left canine tooth you had cured last week suddenly began to hurt. When can I take an appointment that you have the earliest one? Please tell me that the earliest opening you have.
  • senshu chiryo site itadaita hidari shita no kenshi ga totsuzen itami hajime mashita, itiban hayai yoyaku wa itsu nara tore masuka? ichiban hayai aiteiru jikan wo osiete kudasai.
  • 先週治療して頂いた左下の犬歯が突然痛み始めました。一番早い予約は、いつならとれますか? 一番早い空いている時間を教えて下さい。


  • My left lower canine tooth is so sensitive that I cannot eat sweet and cold foods like ice cream, maybe I have hyperesthesia on the tooth.
  • watasi no hidari sita no kenshi (itokiriba) wa binkan sugite, watasi wa amakute tsumetai aisukurimu no yona tabemono ga taberare masen, tabun tikaku kabin sho no yo desu.
  • 私の左下の犬歯(糸切り歯)は敏感すぎて、甘くて冷たいアイスクリームのような食べ物が食べられません、たぶん知覚過敏症なのでしょう。


  • Doctor told me that I seemed to have picked up a bacterial infection, then he stopped me to go to school until the fever would subside
  • isha ga watashi wa saikin kansensho ni kakatte iru yo nanode, netsu ga sagarumade gakko ni iku no wa yameru youni to iimashita.
  • 医者が、私は細菌性感染症にかかっているようなので、熱が下がるまで学校に行くのはやめるようにと言いました。


  • The smarting disappeared when the ophthalmologist washed my eyes out with water, and he said the inflammation would subside in a week.
  • gankai ni me wo aratte morattara hirihirishita itami ga tore, isshukan de ensho mo osamaru daro to iimashita.
  • 眼科医に目を洗ってもらったらヒリヒリした痛みがとれ、一週間で炎症も治まるだろうと言いました。

insect bite

  • I have an insect bite. Are there any ticks in the futon?
  • mushi ni sasareta. futon ni dani ga irunokana?
  • 虫に刺された。布団にダニがいるのかな?