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Edo Roku Jizo / The Six Stone Statues Of Jizo

Edo Roku Jizo (The Six Jizo In Edo)

The Six Seated Statues of Jizo were constructed at the six gateways of Edo (the old name of Tokyo) in 1706 by the order by Shogen Jizobo in Fukagawa Edo with much donations by thousands people in Edo. While Shogen had prayed for recovery his diseases, he became well, then he ordered to construct the Jizos like Kyoto Roku Jizos (the six Jizos in Kyoto).

The caster, Fujiwara Masayoshi of Ota Suruga-no-kami in Kandanabe-cho constructed them. Their heights are about 270cm. First , they were built with gold (The second Jizo in Tozen-ji Temple was coated by Bengal), there are few marks on them. And there were some small seated statues of jizo and lists of the contributors in each Jizo. And also there are carved names on them and on their lotus pedestal, so the total of them were over 72,000.

Edo Roku Jizos stands in the six temples; Shinagawa-ji in Sinagawa, Tozen-ji in Asakusa, Taiso-ji in Shinjyuku, Sinsho-ji in Sugamo, Reigan-ji in Sirakawa and Eitai-ji in Tomioka (The Jizo in Eitai-ji was stood near the second Torii in Tomioka-hachimangu, but Eitai-ji was ruined due to the anti-Buddhist movement in Meiji era 1868, so the Jizo was disappeared). Now the five Jizo of the six are designated by Tokyo Metropolitan Government as the tangible cultural properties.


The Adress Of Edo Roku Jizo

If you are interested in Jizos, please visit the six temples. You could find the real size of Edo as they were put on the gate of each highways
  • Shinagawaji Temple on Tokaido Highway・・・ 3-5-17 Minami-shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku 〒140‐0004
  • Tozenji Temple on Oshukaido Highway・・・・ 2-12-13 Asakusa, Taito-ku 〒111‐0025
  • Taisoji Temple on Koshukaido Highway ・・・・2-9-2 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku 〒160‐0022
  • Shinshoji Temple on Nakasendo Highway ・・・3-21-21 Sugamo, Toshima-ku 〒170‐0002
  • Reiganji Temple on Mitokaido Highway ・・・・1-3-32 Shirakawa, Koto-ku 〒135‐0021
  • Eitaiji Temple on Chibakaido Highway ・・・・・1-15-1Tomioka, Koto-ku 〒135‐0047

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