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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from EIZU to FUKUYOHO. Do you know what ekubo is called in English? You could find the meanings of enbun, enge tsu, eriashi, fudobyo, fujibitai, fukusayo and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : eizu → fukuyoho

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
eizu エイズ AIDS
ekijo no 液状の liquid
ekitai no 液体の liquid
ekizai 液剤 liquid
ekkususen エックス線 X-ray
ekkususen shashin エックス線写真 skiagram
ekkususen zo エックス線像 radiograph
eko kensa エコー検査 sonogram
ekubo えくぼ dimple
ekusasaizu エクササイズ exercise
enameru shitsu エナメル質 enamel
enbun 塩分 salty
enge 嚥下 deglutition
enge funo sho 嚥下不能症 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 dysphagia
enge tsu 嚥下痛 odynophagia
enshi 遠視 farsighted
enshino 遠視の farsighted
ensho 炎症 inflammation
epipen エピペン Epi-Pen
eriashi 襟足 neckline
eshi 壊死 necrosis
etanoru エタノール ethanol
fuan 不安 anxiety
fuanna 不安な anxious
fudobyo 風土病 endemic disease
fudobyo 風土病 vernacular disease
fuhai 腐敗 decay
fuhai 腐敗 putrefaction
fujibitai 富士額 window's peak
fujinka 婦人科 gynecology
fujinkai 婦人科医 gynecologist
fukade 深手 gash
fukade 深手 slash
fuke フケ dandruff
fukka butsu フッ化物 fluoride
fukka butsu tenka フッ化物添加 fluoridation
fukka natoriumu フッ化ナトリウム sodium fluoride
fukkin 腹筋 sit-up
fukubiku 副鼻腔 paranasal sinus
fukubiku en 副鼻腔炎 sinusitis
fukubu 腹部 abdomen
fukubu 腹部 venter
fuku choku kin 腹直筋 abdominal rectus
fuku choku kin 腹直筋 rectus abdominis
fukujin hishitsu horumon 副腎皮質ホルモン adrenocortial hormone
fuku kokan shinkei 副交感神経 parasympathetic nerve
fukumakuen 腹膜炎 peritonitis
fukurahagi 脹脛 calf
fukusayo 副作用 side effect
fukutsu 腹痛 abdominal pain
fukutsu 腹痛 stomachache
fukuyoho 服用法 directions

Sample Sentences


  • gankai ni me wo aratte morattara hirihirishita itami ga tore, isshukan de ensho mo osamaru daro to iimashita.
  • 眼科医に目を洗ってもらったらヒリヒリした痛みがとれ、一週間で炎症も治まるだろうと言いました。      
  • The smarting disappeared when the ophthalmologist washed my eyes out with water, and he said the inflammation would subside in a week.


  • ippantekini, roka wa ashikara to iunode, watashi no chichi oya wa sore wo kiite supotsu jimu de undo wo hajime, shonichi no undo de fukurahagi wo tsutte kinniku tsu wo okoshi mashita.
  • 一般的kに老化は足からというので、私の父親はそれを聞いて、スポーツジムで運動をはじめ、初日の運動で脹脛を攣って、筋肉痛を起こしました。
  • General speaking, old people grow weak in the legs first, so my father heard that then he started exercising at gym, but he got a cramp in his calf and sore muscle from the first day of the exercise.