The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office
Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions
in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners
to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words
from INJECT to DANSO EKKUSUSEN SATSUEI. Do you know what chushoku is called
in English? You could find the meanings of chushi suru, chusuien, daboku,
daichoen, daino, dakkyu and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 | English |
chunyu suru | 注入する | inject |
chuseino | 中性の | neutral |
chusha | 注射 | injection |
chusha | 注射 | shot |
chusha bari | 注射針 | needle |
chushaki | 注射器 | gun |
chushaki | 注射器 | syringe |
chusha suru | 注射する | inject |
chushi suru | 中止する | cancel |
chushoku | 昼食 | lunch |
chushu kotsu | 中手骨 | metacarpals |
chusoku kotsu | 中足骨 | metatarsals |
chusui | 虫垂 | vermifarm appendix |
chusuien | 虫垂炎 | appendicitis |
chusu shinkei kei | 中枢神経系 | central nervous system |
chuwa suru | 中和する | neutralize |
chuzetsu | 中絶 | abortion |
daboku | 打撲 | bruise |
daeki | 唾液 | ptysma |
daeki | 唾液 | saliva |
daeki fuzen | 唾液不全 | oligosialia |
daeki kata | 唾液過多 | sialosis |
daeki kata sho | 唾液過多症 | ptyalism |
daeki ketsubo sho | 唾液欠乏症 | aptyalism |
daicho | 大腸 | large intestine |
daichoen | 大腸炎 | colitis |
daidenkin | 大殿筋 | gluteus maximus |
daidenkin | 大殿筋 | greatest gluteal |
daiden nitokin | 大殿二頭筋 | biceps femoris |
daienkin | 大円筋 | teres major |
daietto | ダイエット | diet |
daiinshin | 大陰唇 | labium major |
daikyokin | 大胸筋 | adductor longus |
daikyokin | 大胸筋 | greater pectoral |
daikyushi | 大臼歯 | azzle tooth |
daikyushi | 大臼歯 | molar |
dai naiten kin | 大内転筋 | adductor magnus |
daino | 大脳 | cerebrum |
daisan kyushi | 第三臼歯 | cranter |
daishukketsu | 大出血 | heavy bleeding |
daitai choku kin | 大腿直筋 | straight muscle of thigh |
daitai kotsu | 大腿骨 | fermur |
daitai nito kin | 大腿二頭筋 | biceps of thigh |
daitai shito kin | 大腿四頭筋 | quadriceps femoris |
dakkyu | 脱臼 | dislocation |
dakkyu | 脱臼 | luxation |
dakkyu suru | 脱臼する | dislocate |
danjiki | 断食 | fast |
danryoku | 弾力 | resilience |
danryoku no aru hada | 弾力のある肌 | resilent skin |
dansei | 男性 | male |
dansei | 弾性 | middle ear infection |
danso ekkususen satusei | 断層エックス線撮影 | body-section radiography |