
Visit A Dental Office Japan has some information of your finest dentist in Japan


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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in Visit A Dental Office Japan picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan, and we express Japanese in alphabetic letters for foreigners to pronounce the Japanese words easily. In this page, there are 50 words from KENSA to KINNIKU TSU. Do you know what  kenshi is called in English? You could find the meanings of kensho en, kesho shitsu, kesseki, ketsueki kensa, ketsumaku en, kikanshi en and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : kensa → kinniku tsu

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
kensa 検査 examination
kensa 検査 test
kensa 検査 checks
kensa 検査 checkup
kensa shitsu 検査室 laboratory
kensa suru 検査する examine
kenshi 犬歯 eyetooth
kenshi 犬歯 canine
kenshi 犬歯 canine tooth
kenshi 犬歯 cuspid
kensho en 腱鞘炎 tendovaginitis
kentai 検体 specimen
kenyo 検尿 urine test
kenzenna 健全な firm
kerachin ケラチン keratin
kesho shitsu 化粧室 bathroom
kesho shitsu 化粧室 lavatory
kesho shitsu 化粧室 restroom
kesho shitsu 化粧室 toilet
kessei 血清 serum
kesseki 結石 calculus
kesseki 結石 stone
kesshoban 血小板 platelete
ketsatsu 血圧 blood pressure
ketsatsu 血圧 BP
ketsubo sho 欠乏症 deficiency disease
ketsueki 血液 blood
ketsueki kensa 血液検査 blood test
ketsueki gata 血液型 blood group
ketsueki gata 血液型 blood type
ketsumaku en 結膜炎 conjunctivitis
ketsumaku en 結膜炎 pink eye
ketsuyu byo 血友病 haemophilia
kettan 血痰 bloody phlegm
kibun no warui 気分の悪い rough
kezuru 削る shave
kido 気道 airway
kikan 器官 organ
kikan 気管 trachea
kikanshi 気管支 bronchia
kikanshi 気管支 bronchus
kikanshi en 気管支炎 bronchitis
kikime no tsuyoi 効き目の強い extra-strength
kiku きく ask
kin fungus
kin kansen sho 菌感染症 bacterial infection
kincho 緊張 tension
kinen 禁煙 smoking cessation
kinen yohin 禁煙用品 smoking cessation
kinkan 金冠 gold crown
kin keiren 筋痙攣 muscle cramp
kinki 禁忌 taboo
kinkyuno 緊急の emergency
kinkyu chiryo shitsu 緊急治療室 emergency room
kinkyu geka 緊急外科 emergency surgery
kinkyu tsuho 緊急通報 emergency
kinniku 筋肉 muscle
kinniku ga tsuru 筋肉がつる muscle cramp
kinniku tsu 筋肉痛 muscle ache

Sample Sentences


  • nen no tame, rentogende kensa shite mimasho
  • 念のため、レントゲンで検査してみましょう。
  • Just to be sure, let me examine with X-ray.
  • teikikensa wo uketai nodesu ga?
  • 定期検査を受けたいのですが?      
  • I'd like to get a periodical checkup.
  • saigo ni itsu haisha san ni iki mashitaka? saikin, ha no kensa wo uketa koto ga arimasuka? okuchi ni mondai ga ari masuka?
  • 最後にいつ歯医者さんに行きましたか?最近、歯の検査を受けたことがありますか?お口に問題がありますか?      
  • When did you visit dentists last? And have your teeth examined lately? And do you have any oral problems?


  • watasi no hidari sita no kenshi (itokiriba) wa binkan sugite, watasi wa amakute tsumetai aisukurimu no yona tabemono ga taberare masen, tabun tikaku kabin sho no yo desu.
  • 私の左下の犬歯(糸切り歯)は敏感すぎて、甘くて冷たいアイスクリームのような食べ物が食べられません、たぶん知覚過敏症なのでしょう。
  • My left lower canine tooth is so sensitive that I cannot eat sweet and cold foods like ice cream, maybe I have hyperesthesia on the tooth.
  • senshu chiryo site itadaita hidari shita no kenshi ga totsuzen itami hajime mashita, itiban hayai yoyaku wa itsu nara tore masuka? ichiban hayai aiteiru jikan wo osiete kudasai.
  • 先週治療して頂いた左下の犬歯が突然痛み始めました。一番早い予約は、いつならとれますか? 一番早い空いている時間を教えて下さい。
  • The lower left canine tooth you had cured last week suddenly began to hurt. When can I take an appointment that you have the earliest one? Please tell me that the earliest opening you have.

ketsueki kensa

  • korekara ketsueki kensa no tameni saiketsu wo shi, shindenzu wo tori, atama no CT wo torimasu. Mazu hoshasen shitsu ni sutorecha no mama oture shimasu.
  • これから血液検査、心電図と頭のCTを撮ります。CTを撮るために、ストレッチャーのまま放射線室までお連れ致します。
  • We will take your blood to blood test, take your ECG to electrocardiography and take some CT of your head to diagnose with images by them. Now we will take you to the X-ray room on this strectcher.


  • kesa, kettan ga deta soudesuga, imamadeni kettan ga deta ri, chi wo haitari shita koto ga arimasu ka? sore wa yoku arimasu ka?
  • 今朝、血痰が出たそうですが、今までに血痰が出たり、血を吐いたりしたことがありますか?それはよくありますか?
  • You said, you coughed up blood phlegm this morning. Now have you ever coughed up it or vomited up blood before? Dose this happen occasionally?


  • ha wo kezuru oto no seide shika iin ni ikitaku nainda.
  • 歯を削る音のせいで、歯科医院に行きたくないんだ。      
  • I don't want to go to a dental clinic because of the sound of shaving down teeth.
  • soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara hidari te wo agete oshiete kudasai.
  • それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。
  • Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.


  • kinen wa anata no kenko no tame dake denaku anata to issho ni iruhitono kennko no tame demo arimasu.
  • 禁煙はあなたの健康のためだけでなく、あなたと一緒にいる人の健康のためでもあります。
  • Smoking cessation is not only for your health, but also the health of people with you.


  • kinba (kinkan) wo tozai ni kaetai desu.
  • 金歯(金冠)を陶材に変えたいです。
  • I would like to change my gold crowns on my teeth to porcelaine crowns.

kinkyu tsuho

  • kinkyu tsuho no denwa bango wo dareka oshiete kuremasenka? haha ga kyuni taore mashita.
  • 緊急通報の電話番号を誰か教えてくれませんか?母が急に倒れました。      
  • Does anyone tell me Emergency Call in Japan? My mother suddenly fainted.
  • ee, hai, watashi wakari masu. nihon no kinkyu tsuho wa 119 desu, ima 119 ni denwa shite imasu.
  • ええ、はい。私判ります。日本の緊急通報は119です。今119に電話しています。
  • Oh, yes, I know it, it is 119, the Emergency Call in Japan is 119. O.K., I am dialing 119 right now.


  • ippantekini, roka wa ashikara to iunode, watashi no chichi oya wa sore wo kiite supotsu jimu de undo wo hajime, shonichi no undo de fukurahagi wo tsutte kinniku tsu wo okoshi mashita.
  • 一般的kに老化は足からというので、私の父親はそれを聞いて、スポーツジムで運動をはじめ、初日の運動で脹脛を攣って、筋肉痛を起こしました。
  • General speaking, old people grow weak in the legs first, so my father heard that then he started exercising at gym, but he got a cramp in his calf and sore muscle from the first day of the exercise.