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The Japanese English Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institutions in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from CHUSHA to GINBA, these words in the list below are often used at dental offices. Do you know what eikyushi is called in English? So you could find the meanings of daikyushi, dendo ha burashi, dontsu, enge, ensho, fukusayo, fusei kogo and so on in English.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : chusha → ginba

nihongo/ Japanese 日本語 English
chusha 注射 injection
chusha 注射 shot
chusha bari 注射針 needle
chushaki 注射器 gun
chushaki 注射器 syringe
chusha suru 注射する inject
daeki 唾液 ptysma
daeki 唾液 saliva
daeki fuzen 唾液不全 oligosialia
daeki kata 唾液過多 sialosis
daeki kata sho 唾液過多症 ptyalism
daeki ketsubo sho 唾液欠乏症 aptyalism
daikyushi 大臼歯 azzle tooth
daikyushi 大臼歯 molar
dappai 脱灰 decalcification
datsuraku shi 脱落歯 deciduous teeth
dendo ha burashi 電動歯ブラシ electric tooth brush
denki mesu 電気メス electrocautery
dentaru furosu デンタルフロス dental floss
dokidoki suru ドキドキする throb
doki ga suru 動悸がする palpitate
dontsu 鈍痛 dull pain
doriru ドリル drill
doriru de kezuru ドリルで削る drill
eikyushi 永久歯 adult tooth
eikyushi 永久歯 permanent tooth
ekkususen エックス線 X-ray
ekkususen shashin エックス線写真 skiagram
ekkususen zo エックス線像 radiograph
enameru shitsu エナメル質 enamel
enge 嚥下 deglutition
enge funo sho 嚥下不能症 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 aglutition
enge konnan 嚥下困難 dysphagia
enge tsu 嚥下痛 odynophagia
ensho 炎症 inflammation
eshi 壊死 necrosis
fuhai 腐敗 decay
fuhai 腐敗 putrefaction
fukka butsu フッ化物 fluoride
fukka butsu tenka フッ化物添加 fluoridation
fukka natoriumu フッ化ナトリウム sodium fluoride
fukubiku 副鼻腔 paranasal sinus
fukubiku en 副鼻腔炎 sinusitis
fukusayo 副作用 side effect
furosu suru フロスする floss
fusei kogo 不正咬合 anaraxia
fusei kogo 不正咬合 malocclusion
fushoku 腐食 erosion
fusso フッ素 fluorine
gekitsu 激痛 sever pain
gikoshi 技工士 technician
gin amarugamu 銀アマルガム silver amalgam
ginba 銀歯 silver crown

Sample Sentences


  • oyashirazu wo nuku(basshi suru) tameni, shikaishi wa masui wo chusha shitekuremashita.
  • 親知らずを抜く(抜歯する)ために、歯科医師は麻酔を注射してくれました。
  • To extract my wisdom tooth, the dentist gave me an injection of anesthesia.


  • musuko no kodomo no ha (nyushi) ga ni san nichi guragura shite imashita. kyo, nyushi ga nukete otona no ha (eikyushi) ga hae hajime mashita.
  • 息子の子供のは(乳歯)が2・3日グラグラしていました。今日、その乳歯(子供の歯)が抜けて大人の歯(永久歯)が生え始めました。
  • My son's baby tooth had been loose for a few days. Today, he is losing the milk tooth and is getting his adult tooth.
  • neru mae ni kanarazu ha wo migaki nasai, atarashi (hae hajime) no eikyushi wa totemo yowaku, soshite mushiba ni nari yasui.
  • 寝る前に必ず歯は磨きなさい。新しい(生え始め)の永久歯はとても弱く、そして虫歯になりやすい。
  • Make sure to brush your teeth before you go to bed, your newly permanent tooth is very weak, and it is easy to be decayed.