The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about
2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page,
there are 50 words from HYPOPLASIA to INNOCENT. Do you know what injection
is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of hypotension, ICU,
immune, incisor, indigestion, inflammation and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.
English | nihongo/ Japanese | 日本語 |
hypoplasia | hatsuiku fuzen | 発育不全 |
hypotension | tei ketsuatsu | 低血圧 |
hypotensor | koatsuzai | 降圧剤 |
hysteria | hisuteri | ヒステリー |
I.V. | tenteki | 点滴 |
ice burn | tosho | 凍傷 |
ictus | hossa | 発作 |
ICU | shuchu chiryo shitsu | 集中治療室 |
idiosyncrasy | tokuitaishitsu | 特異体質 |
illness | byoki | 病気 |
illness | yamai | 病 |
illness record | byoreki | 病歴 |
immune | meneki ga aru | 免疫がある |
immunity | meneki | 免疫 |
immunization | yobo sesshu | 予防接種 |
impacted tooth | maifukushi | 埋伏歯 |
implant | inpuranto | インプラント |
implant abutment | inpuranto shidai | インプラント支台 |
implant abutment | inpuranto abattoment | インプラントアバットメント |
impression | insho | 印象 |
inborn | sentenseino | 先天性の |
incision | sekkai | 切開 |
incisor | sesshi | 切歯 |
incisor | maeba | 前歯 |
incisor tooth | monshi | 門歯 |
incisor tooth | sesshi | 切歯 |
incisor tooth | maeba | 前歯 |
incisor tooth | monshi | 門歯 |
incontinence | shikkin yohin | 失禁用品 |
incubation period | senpuku kikan | 潜伏期間 |
incubator | hoikuki | 保育器 |
index finger | hitosashi yubi | 人差し指 |
indigestion | shoka furyo | 消化不良 |
infant | nyuji | 乳児 |
infant | yoji | 幼児 |
infection | kansen | 感染 |
infection | kano | 化膿 |
infectious | kansenseino | 感染性の |
infectious disease | kansensho | 感染症 |
infertility | funinsho | 不妊症 |
infirmity | byoki | 病気 |
infirmity | kyojaku | 虚弱 |
infirmity | byojaku | 病弱 |
infirmity | suijaku | 衰弱 |
inflammation | ensho | 炎症 |
inflammatory | enshoseino | 炎症性の |
influenza | ryukan | 流感 |
influenza | infuruenza | インフルエンザ |
information | joho | 情報 |
inhale | iki wo su | 息をすう |
injection | chusha | 注射 |
injure | kega suru | 怪我する |
injury | kega | 怪我 |
inlay | inrei | インレー |
innocent | ryoseino | 良性の |