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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from GRITTY to HEARTBURN. Do you know what hangover is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of gum disease, gynecology, habit, haemodia, halitosis, headache and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : gritty → heartburn

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
gritty gorogoro suru ゴロゴロする
groin sokeibu 脚の付け根
groin futoru 鼠径部
gum haguki 歯茎
gum haguki 歯ぐき
gum shiniku 歯肉
gum disease chushaki 歯周病
gun hifukukin 注射器
gurney sutorecha ストレッチャー
gurney idou bedo 移動ベッド
gustation mikaku 味覚
gynecologist fujinkai 婦人科医
gynecology fujinka 婦人科
habit kuse
habit shuheki 習癖
habit shukan 習慣
hacking cough karaseki 空咳(痰の出ない咳)
haematemesis toketsu 吐血
haemodia chikaku kabin sho 知覚過敏症
haemophilia ketsuyubyo 血友病
haemorrhoid ji
haemostasis shiketsu 止血
haemostat shiketsuzai 止血剤
hair kami no ke 髪の毛
hair brush burashi ブラシ
hair line haegiwa 生え際
hair loss datsumo 脱毛
hair margin haegiwa 生え際
halitosis koshu 口臭
hallucination genkaku 幻覚
hallux valgus gaihan boshi 外反母趾
hand te
hand-foot-mouth disease te ashi kuchi byo 手足口病
handpiece handopisu ハンドピース
hangover futsukayoi 二日酔い
have a look at shinsatsu suru 診察する
have even teeth hanarabi ga ii 歯並びがいい
hay fever kafunsho 花粉症
head atama
head cold hana kaze 鼻かぜ
headache zutsu 頭痛
head's in a spin me ga mawaru 目が回る
heal naoru 治る
heal naosu 治す
health kenko 健康
health checks kenko shindan 健康診断
health checkup kenko shindan 健康診断
health examination kenko shindan 健康診断
health checks kensa 検査
health checkup kensa 検査
health examination kensa 検査
health insurance kenko hoken 健康保険
health insurance card kenko hoken sho 健康保険証
healthy kenkona 健康な
hearing impaired chokaku shogai sha 聴覚障害者
heart shinzo 心臓
heart attack shinzo hossa 心臓発作
heart attack shinzo mahi 心臓マヒ
heart failure shinfuzen 心不全
heartburn mune yake 胸やけ

Sample Sentences


  • I've got something gritty in my eyes.
  • me ni jari no yona mono ga haitteimasu.(me ga gorogoro shimasu)
  • 目に砂利のようなものが入っています。(目がゴロゴロします)


  • Do you have bleeding gums? Or have you ever had bleeding gums?
  • haguki kara chi ga demasu ka? soretomo haguki kara chi ga deta koto ga arimasuka?
  • 歯ぐきから血がでますか?それとも、歯ぐきから血が出たことがありますか?
  • There is some bloody discharge from your gums, and you have much tartar on your teeth, too.
  • shiniku kara shukketsu shiteimasu, soreni shiseki mo tamatte imasu.
  • 歯肉から出血しています、それに歯石も溜まっています。
  • Oh, yes! I know my gums bleed when I brush my teeth. And also I worry about my bad breath. Is it periodontal disease, isn't it?
  • sonandesu! ha wo migaku tokini haguki kara chi gadeteiru no ha shitteimasu. soreni koshu ga kininari masu. shishu byo desukane?
  • そうなんです!歯を磨く時に歯ぐきから血が出ているのは知っています。それに口臭が気になります。歯周病ですか?
  • My gum is swollen. Is it pyorrhea?
  • haguki ga hareteru. shisonoro kana?
  • 歯茎が腫れてる。歯槽膿漏かな?


  • My hair is damaged.
  • kami no ke ga itande imasu.
  • 髪の毛が痛んでいます。
  • I have damaged hair.
  • kami no ke ga itande imasu.
  • 髪の毛が痛んでいます。
  • Boys wants to remove their unwanted hair while their fathers get transplants.
  • otokonoko wa mudage wo nukitagari, chichioya wa shokumo shiteiru.
  • 男の子は無駄毛を抜きたがり、父親は植毛する。
  • My husband's face turned pale when he lost a lot of hair.
  • otto wa kaminoke ga takusan nuketa tokini kao iro ga aoku narimashita.
  • 夫は、髪の毛がたくさん抜けた時、顔色が青くなりました。


  • He is worried about his terrible halitosis because he knows he has severe pyorrhea.
  • kare wa hidoi shisonoro dato shitteiru node jibun no koshu ga hidoi koto wo shinpai shiteimasu.
  • 彼はひどい歯槽膿漏だと知っているので、自分の口臭をきにしています。


  • What are differences between mishearing and auditory hallucination?
  • sora mimi to gencho no chigaitte nandesuka?
  • 空耳と幻聴の違いってなんですか?


  • Mother's hands are dry and rough from washing dishes everyday, especially in winter she got chapped in her hands .
  • haha no te mainichi no shokkiarai de kanso shiteite zarazara desu, tokuni fuyu wa te ga akagirete imasu.
  • 母の手は毎日の食器洗いで乾燥していてザラザラです。特に冬は手があかぎれています。
  • Please put your hands on when you yawn with your mouth wide open.
  • ookina kuchi wo akete akubi wo suru toki niwa kuchi wo tede kakushite kudasai.
  • 大きな口を開けてあくびをする時には、口を手で隠して下さい。
  • People working at medical institutions and restaurants always trim their nail to keep clean their hands.
  • iryokikan ya resutoran de hataraiteiru hito wa te wo seiketsuni tamotsu tameni itsumo tsume wo kirimasu.
  • 医療機関やレストランで働く人は、手を清潔に保つためにいつも爪をきります。
  • I got burnt on my hand while cooking tenpura.
  • tenpura tsukuttete te ni yakedo shita.
  • 天ぷらを作ってて、手に火傷をした。
  • I will start cleaning your mouth. Please open your mouth wider. Please raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • okuchi no souji wo hajime masu. okuchi wo ookiku akete kudasai. itakattara, hidarite wo agete shirasete kudasai.      
  • お口の掃除を始めます。お口を大きく開けて下さい。痛かったら、左手をあげてしらせて下さい。
  • Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.      
  • それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。


  • I have a heavy head. Maybe I'm getting sick.
  • atama ga omoi. byouki kasira?(byoki ni kakatta kamo sirenai.
  • 頭が重い。病気かしら?(病気にかかったかもしれない)
  • My head feels heavy.
  • atama ga omoi kanji ga shimasu.
  • 頭が重い感じがします。
  • My head always feels heavey after I've been drinking a lot.
  • osake wo takusan nomu to itsumo atama ga omoku kanji masu.
  • お酒をたくさん飲むと、いつも、頭が痛く感じます。
  • While sleeping last night, I hit my head on the pillar and I got a lump on my forehead.
  • yube neteiru aida ni hashira ni atama butsukete odeko ni kobu ga dekita.
  • 昨夜、寝ている間に柱に頭ぶつけておでこにコブができた。
  • I feel heavy in my head these days, it must be caused by the stiffness of neck and shoulders. And also things sometimes look blurred. My wife told me, it is because of growing old, but my co-workers advise me that I should avoid overworking myself?
  • konogoro atama ga omoku kanji masu, katokori ya kubi ga kotteru sei kan? soreni, mono ga boyakete mieru kotomo arimsu. kanai wa toshi no sei da te iimasu ga doryo wa hatarakisugiruno wo saketa ho ga ii to susumete kuremasu.      
  • この頃頭が重く感じます。肩や首のコリのせいかな?家内は「年のせい(老化)」だって言いますが、同僚は、「働き過ぎる」のを避けた方がいいといいます。


  • I have a terrible headache.
  • hidoi zutsu ga shimasu.
  • ひどい頭痛がします。
  • I have a killer headache.
  • monosugoi zutsu ga shimasu.(shinuhodo no zutsu ga shimasu)
  • ものすごい頭痛がします。(死ぬほどの頭痛がします)


  • I had a gash on my cheek, but the scar healed up perfectly and hardly show anymore, so it looks like as similar to razor nicks.
  • hoho ni hukai kizu ga attakedo imadewa kanpekini kiete hotondo medachimasen, so kamisori kizu teido ni miemasu.
  • 頬に深い傷があったけど、今では完璧に消えていて、ほとんど目立ちません。そう、剃刀傷程度に見えます。


  • Don't breathe through your mouth, breathe through your nose. My dentist always tells that mouth-breathing is not good for our health.
  • kuchi de kokyu shinaide, hana de iki wo shinasai. haisha san wa itsumo kuchi kokyu wa kenko ni yoku nai to iimasu.      
  • 口で呼吸しないで、鼻で息をしなさい。歯医者さんはいつも口呼吸は健康によくないといいます。
  • Smoking cessation is not only for your health, but also the health of people with you.
  • kinen wa anata no kenko no tame dake denaku anata to issho ni iruhitono kennko no tame demo arimasu.
  • 禁煙はあなたの健康のためだけでなく、あなたと一緒にいる人の健康のためでもあります。

Health Insurance Card

  • Do you have an appointment? Or is this your first visit to this hospital? Do you have your Health Insurance Card. If you have, please show me it. And please fill in this form.
  • goyoyaku desuka? soretomo, shoshin desuka? kenkohokensho wa arimasuka? omochi deshitara misete kudasai. soshite kochira no yoshi ni gokinyu kudasai.
  • ご予約ですか?それとも初診ですか?健康保険証はありますか?お持ちでしたら、見せて下さい。そして、こちらの用紙にご記入ください。
  • Is this your first visit here? Do you have your health insurance card? Please fill in this form and hand it in when you have completed.
  • shoshin desuka? kenko hoken sho wa omochi desuka? kochira ni kinyu shite kudasai, sosite owattara goteishutsu kudasai.
  • 初診ですか?健康保険証はお持ちですか?こちらにご記入して下さい。そして、終ったらご提出下さい。


  • You are look healthy after you lost your weight, a friend of mine who lost 30kg was not like you. Though she lost her flabby double chin, her skin sagged down.
  • genryo shita atonanoni kenko so desune. sanju kiro genryo shita tomodachi wa anata no yo de nakatta. shimarinonai nijuago wa nakunatta kedo, hifu wa hari ga nakunari mashita.
  • 減量した後なのに健康そうですね。30キロ減量した友達はあなたの様ではなかった。締まりのない二重顎はなくなったけれど、皮膚はハリがなりました。

heart attack

  • When I see her, my chest feels tight. I think I'm going to collapse from a heart attack.
  • kanojo ni au to, mune ga kurushiku naru. shinzo hossa de taore soda.
  • 彼女に会うと胸が苦しくなる。心臓発作で倒れそうだ。


  • I eat too much mochi in New Years Days every year. Mochi gives me heartburn and remains undigested in my stomach. It means overeating.
  • maitoshi shogatsu niwa mochi wo takusan tabemasu. mochi de muneyako gasite haraga motare masu. tabesugi to iu imi desu.
  • 毎年正月には餅をたくさん食べます。餅で胸焼けがして腹が持たれます。食べ過ぎという意味です。