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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from FIRST to FUSED TEETH. Do you know what forehead is called in Japanese? You could find the meanings of first aid, fit, flu, fluorine, foretooth, full denture and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

General Words in madical institutions : first → fused teeth

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
first ichiban 一番
first ichibanme 一番目
first aid kyukyu iryo 救急医療
first aid okyu shochi 応急処置
first medical examination shoshin 初診
first visit shoshin 初診
fish sakana
fit hossa 発作
flabby ishi no yowai 意志の弱い
flabby kiryoku no nai 気力の無い
flabby shimari no nai 締まりのない
flabby tarunda たるんだ
flabby yurunda ゆるんだ
flat foot henpei soku 偏平足
flexor carpi radialis shukon kukkin 手根屈筋
floss furosu suru フロスする
floss itoyoji de migaku 糸ようじで磨く
flu infuruenza インフルエンザ
flu ryukan 流感
fluids suibun 水分
fluoridation fukkabutsu tenka フッ化物添加
fluoride fukkabutsu フッ化物
fluorine fusso フッ素
food eiyobutsu 栄養物
food shokumotsu 食物
food tabemono 食べ物
food allergy shokumotsu arerugi 食物アレルギー
food and drink inshoku 飲食
food poisoning shokuchudoku 食中毒
foot ashi
foot ringworm mizumushi 水虫
forceps delivery kanshi bunben かん子分娩
forearm zenwan 前腕
forefinger hitosashiyubi 人差し指
forehead hitai
forehead odeko おでこ
forelock maegami 前髪
foretooth maeba 前歯
forgetful wasureppoi 忘れっぽい
form yoshi 用紙
formula kona miruku 粉ミルク
formula jinko eiyo 人工栄養
fracture kossetsu 骨折
fracture kossetsu suru 骨折する
freckles sobakasu そばかす
frenectomy shotai setsujo jutsu 小帯切除術
frenum shotai 小帯
fretful muzukaru むずかる
fretful iraira suru イライラする
Friday kinyobi 金曜日
Friday kinyo 金曜
front tooth maeba 前歯
front tooth sesshi 切歯
front tooth monshi 門歯
frontal zentokini 前頭筋
frostbite tosho 凍傷
frostbite shimoyake しもやけ
full denture sogishi 総義歯
full denture soireba 総入れ歯
fungicide koshinkinzai 抗真菌剤
fungicide bokabizai 防カビ剤
fungus kin
fused teeth yugoshi 融合歯

Sample Sentences


first medical examination

  • The dentist takes some X-rays of patients' teeth at the first medical examination.
  • sono shika ishi wa shoshin no sai kanja san no ha no rentogen shashin wo torimasu.
  • その歯科医師は初診の際に患者さんの歯のレントゲン写真をとります。

first visit

  • Do you have an appointment? Or is this your first visit to this hospital? Do you have your Health Insurance Card. If you have, please show me it. And please fill in this form.
  • goyoyaku desuka? soretomo, shoshin desuka? kenkohokensho wa arimasuka? omochi deshitara misete kudasai. soshite kochira no yoshi ni gokinyu kudasai.      
  • ご予約ですか?それとも初診ですか?健康保険証はありますか?お持ちでしたら、見せて下さい。そして、こちらの用紙にご記入ください。
  • Is this your first visit here? Do you have your health insurance card? Please fill in this form and hand it in when you have completed.
  • shoshin desuka? kenko hoken sho wa omochi desuka? kochira ni kinyu shite kudasai, sosite owattara goteishutsu kudasai.
  • 初診ですか?健康保険証はお持ちですか?こちらにご記入して下さい。そして、終ったらご提出下さい。
  • If it is your first visit or your visit at night without any appointment, we recommend that you have your family doctor write a referral to us. If you do not have it, you have to pay 5400 yen as an extra charge of the selected medical care expense.
  • shoshin matawa yoyaku no nai yakan no jushin no baai, kakaritsuke no oisha sama kara sho kaijo wo kaite moratte u koto wo osusume shimasu. shokaijo ga nai baai, sentei ryoyohi toshite 5,400 yen wo betto chodai itashimasu.
  • 初診、又は予約の無い夜間の受信の場合、かかりつけのお医者様に紹介状を書いていただくことをお勧めします。紹介状がない場合、選定療養費として5,400円を別途頂戴致します。


  • You are look healthy after you lost your weight, a friend of mine who lost 30kg was not like you. Though she lost her flabby double chin, her skin sagged down.
  • genryo shita atonanoni kenko so desune. sanju kiro genryo shita tomodachi wa anata no yo de nakatta. shimarinonai nijuago wa nakunatta kedo, hifu wa hari ga nakunari mashita.
  • 減量した後なのに健康そうですね。30キロ減量した友達はあなたの様ではなかった。締まりのない二重顎はなくなったけれど、皮膚はハリがなりました。


  • I'm not good at brush my teeth, especially brushing upper right posterior teeth is very difficult. Do you recommend me any toothbrushes and toothpaste to use very effectively?
  • ha wo migaku nowa tokui dewa arimasen, tokuni migi ue no okuba wo migaku no wa muzukashii desu. nanika tsukai yasui osusume no koukatekina haburashi to hamigakiko wa arimasenka?
  • 歯を磨くのは得意ではありません。特に右上の奥歯を磨くのは難しいです。何かお勧めの効果的な歯ブラシと歯磨き粉はありませんか?
  • I don't know any good brushes and pastes. But I think that flossing your teeth and gargling with mouthwash helps keeping your mouth clean.
  • yoi haburashi ya hamigakiko wa shirimasen. demo itoyoji de migaite, ugaigusuri de ugai sureba kuchiwa seiketsu ni tamoteruto omoimasu.
  • 良い歯ブラシや歯磨き粉は知りません。でも糸ようじで磨いて、うがい薬でうがいをすれば口は清潔に保とると思います。


  • My friends had blisters on their feet after their long walk.
  • nagaku aruita ato tomodachi no ashi niwa mame ga dekite ita.
  • 長く歩いたあと、友達の足にはマメができていた。
  • What happened with your right leg? Why do you have a cast on your leg? Did you broke your leg?
  • migiashi doshitano? nande gibusu shiteruno? ashi ottano?
  • 右足どうしたの?なんでギブスしてるの?脚おったの?
  • I awfully twisted my foot. I have to immobilize my foot in plaster of paris.
  • hidoku ashi wo kujiitanode, nenzaashi wo koteisuru tameni gibusu wo shinakereba narimasen.
  • ひどく足をくじいたので、捻挫した足を固定するためにギブスをしなければなりません。
  • When I went to Ryoanji Temple in Kyoto to see its famous rock garden in Japanese style, I kneeled in the formal seiza position for half an hour, so my feet went numb. My feet tingled.
  • Kyoto no Ryoanji ni yumei na sekitei wo mini itta toki, sanju pun kan seiza shitara, ashiga shibireteshimai mashita. ashi ga piripiri shimashita.
  • 京都の竜安寺の有名な石庭を見に行った時、30分間正座したら、足がしびれてしまいました。足がピリピリしました。
  • I've got athlete's foot, the skin on it is cracking. Do you know any good medicines to recommend?
  • mizumushi ni yarareta, ashi no kawa ga hibiwarete kita. nanka osusume no kusuri shiranai?
  • 水虫にやられた、足の皮がひび割れてきた。なんかお勧めの薬知らない?


  • While sleeping last night, I hit my head on the pillar and I got a lump on my forehead.
  • yube neteiru aida ni hashira ni atama butsukete odeko ni kobu ga dekita.
  • 昨夜、寝ている間に柱に頭ぶつけておでこにコブができた。

front tooth

  • My front tooth was chipped when I fell down yesterday.
  • kino koronda tokini, maeba ga kakete shimaimashita.
  • 昨日転んだ時に、前歯が欠けてしまいました。