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The English Japanese Dictionary for foreigners in this site picks up about 2,200 words generally used in medical institution in Japan. In this page, there are 50 words from MUSCLE STIFFNESS to PARATHESIA, these words in the list below are used at dental offices. Do you know what onychophagia is called in Japanese? So you could find the meanings of occlusion, odontectomy, odontologist, onlay, open bite, orthodontics, ozostomia and so on in Japanese.
Please check them when you go to dental offices in Japan.
* They are samples, please study Japanese by yourself.

Japanese At Dental Offices : muscle stiffness → parathesia

English nihongo/ Japanese 日本語
muscle stiffness kinnikutsu 筋肉痛
nasal cavity biku 鼻腔
nasitis bien 鼻炎
nausea hakike 吐き気
nausea okan 悪寒
nauseate hakike wo moyosu 吐き気をもよおす
nauseous hakike ga suru 吐き気がする
needle chushabari 注射針
nerve shinkei 神経
nervous system shinkeikei 神経系
neuralgia shinkeitsu 神経痛
neurectomy shinkei setsujo 神経切除
nick kiru 切る
non-metal hikinzoku 非金属
normal seijo 正常
Novocain nobokein ノボケイン
nueron shikei saibo 神経細胞
numb shibireru しびれる
numbness mahi 麻痺
numbness shibire しびれ
occlusion kamiawase 噛み合わせ
odontectomy basshi 抜歯
odontectomy zankon setsujo 残根切除
odontologist shikai 歯科医
odontradiograph shika ekkususen shashin 歯科エックス線写真
odynophagia engetsu 嚥下痛
oligosialia daeki fuzen 唾液不全
onlay onrei オンレイ
onychophagia tsume kami guse 爪噛み癖
open bite kaiko 開咬
oppression appakukan 圧迫感
oral kuchino 口の
oral cavity koku 口腔
oral evacuator koku kyuinki 口腔吸引器
oral surgeon kokugekai 口腔外科医
oral surgery kokugeka 口腔外科
orthodontic appliance kyoseisochi 矯正装置
orthodontic therapy shiretsu kyosei chiryo 歯列矯正治療
orthodontic treatment shiretsu kyosei chiryo 歯列矯正治療
orthodontics shiretsu kyosei 歯列矯正
orthodontics kyosei shika 矯正歯科
ozostomia koshu 口臭
paediadontics shonishika 小児歯科
pain itami 痛み
pain killer itami dome 痛み止め
pain killer chintsuzai 鎮痛剤
palate kogai 口蓋
palatitis kogaien 口蓋炎
pale aojiroi 青白い
palsy mahi 麻痺
panoramic radiograph panorama ekkususen shashin パノラマエックス線写真
paralysis mahi 麻痺
paranasal sinus fukubiku 副鼻腔
parathesia chikaku ijo 知覚異常

Sample Sentences


  • Yesterday, my son watched some insects in nature on TV. When I watched it and saw millions of worms on it, I felt nauseated.
  • kinou, musuko ga konchu no terebi bangumi wo miteite, sono nakade ujimushi ippai terebi de mitara, hakiso ni natta.
  • 昨日、息子が昆虫のテレビ番組をみていて、その中で、蛆虫をイッパイ見たら、吐きそうになった。


  • My wife felt nauseous in the airplane soon after taking off, so she had travel sickness and she might get airsick at that time.
  • tsuma wa hikoki ga ririku shita ato suguni hakike wo kanji masita, konojo niha norimonoyoi ga ari, sonotoki ha hikoki yoi data no desho.
  • 妻は飛行機が離陸したあとすぐに吐き気を感じました、彼女には乗り物酔いがあり、その時は飛行機酔いだったのでしょう。
  • For a week or so, I have had no appetite for food. I get nauseous only having a bite of food. Do I have any problems with my digestion?
  • koko ichi ni shukan shoku yoku ga naidesu. hitokuchi tabeta dakede hakikega shimasu. shoka ni mondai ga aruno deshoka?
  • ここ1、2週間、食欲がないです。一口食べただけで吐き気がします?消化に問題があるのでしょうか?


  • That's too bad. The cavity has reached the nerve. You have an exposed nerve in the tooth. I may need to extract it.
  • korewa hidoi. mushiba ga shinkei ni tasshiteimasu. ha no shinkei ga roshutsu shite imasu. nuku hitsuyo ga aru kamo shiremasen.
  • これはひどい。むし歯が神経に達しています。歯の神経が露出していますよ。抜く必要があるかもしれません。


  • When did you visit dentists last? And have your teeth examined lately? And do you have any oral problems?
  • saigo ni itsu haisha san ni iki mashitaka? saikin, ha no kensa wo uketa koto ga arimasuka? okuchi ni mondai ga ari masuka?
  • 最後にいつ歯医者さんに行きましたか?最近、歯の検査を受けたことがありますか?お口に問題がありますか?

orthodontic treatment

  • My mother would like me to have my teeth straightened because I had crooked teeth in my childhood. Now my teeth are nice and even as I had the orthodontic treatment.
  • chisaikoro hanarabi ga warukatta node, haha wa watashi ni shika kyousei wo ukesasetakatta no desu. ima, watashi no ha ga kireide hanarabi ga ii nowa, kyousei shika chiryo wo uketa kara desu.
  • 小さい頃歯並びが悪かったので、母が私に歯科矯正を受けさせたがったのです。今、私の歯が綺麗で歯並びが好いのは、矯正歯科治療を受けたからです。


  • Could you alleviate the pain? I have stabbing pains from my upper abdomen to my back. It is persisting right now.
  • itami wo yawarageru koto ga dekimasuka?onaka no ue no hokara senaka ni kakete sasu yona itami ga ari masu. itami wa imamo tuzuite imasu.
  • 痛みを和らげることがてきませんか?お腹の上の方から背中にかけて、刺すような痛みがあります。痛みは今も続いています。
  • I will start cleaning your mouth. Please open your mouth wider. Please raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • okuchi no souji wo hajime masu. okuchi wo ookiku akete kudasai. itakattara, hidarite wo agete shirasete kudasai.      
  • お口の掃除を始めます。お口を大きく開けて下さい。痛かったら、左手をあげてしらせて下さい。
  • Now I'm going to start the treatment for your bad teeth, so I will drill the tooth cavities and it may hurt you a little. Pleasse raise your left hand to let me know if you feel any pains.
  • soredewa mushiba no chiryo wo hajimemasu, mushiba wo kezuri masu, sukoshi itai kamo shiremasen. itakattara te wo agete oshiete kudasai.      
  • それでは虫歯の治療を始めます。むし歯を削ります、少し痛いかもしれません。痛かったら、左手をあげて教えて下さい。